How to Turn a Child into a Monster: The Cycle of Social Damnation

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

child gone

How to turn a child into a monster:

  • Step 1, child-rearing: destroy the child's emotional circuitry through culturally accepted abuses, including spanking and coercing, which occurs throughout childhood, so the child only knows fear and resentment.
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  • Step 2, education: funnel children through educational systems that elevate obedience and authority above learning, creativity, and individuality. Also, instill sense of tribal loyalty and altruistic nationalism. Mold the person into a good, upright citizen drone.
  • Step 3, workforce: now the children are ready to join the workforce where their money can be stolen via predatory tax regiments without a thought of its legitimacy, because they are totally subservient to the system.
  • Step 4, war: now that they are fully indoctrinated and emotionally detached, they can sign up to murder other human beings without a moral consideration or emotional impact. All of their subsequent education and upbringing prepared them for this duty. Their lives now belongs wholly to the State and its machinery. Their soul is obliterated under the delusional pretense of fighting for freedom. Every country or tribe goes through similar motions, some with less freedom, but every murderous action is shrouded by cries of freedom, religion, a common enemy or other obsession. It is consensus psychopathy.
  • Step 5, mental anguish: if these tragic people return from war, their violent deeds and experiences may return in the form of "PTSD," which is simply how murderous people deal with emotional and moral injuries. Metaphorically, it can be a form of punishment for aiding and abetting evil, and for committing violence. It is the price these poor souls have to suffer for relying on their toxic culture to teach them "decent values."
  • Step 6, vicious cycle: if the individuals survive and havechildren, the acculturation and indoctrination should continue, perpetuating the cycle of social hell and damnation.

But we do not want to repeat this cycle. We see that it is vile and disgusting. The instruction manual must be burned.

We must work to change this culture and mentality, and I believe it starts with parenting. People must be gentler with their children. They should practice peaceful parenting. We should not have to see so much evil and destruction. We should not be training people for violence and hatred at a young age. Turning children into monsters makes no sense.

Time to break the cycle.


My name is Sterlin. Follow me @ Psychologic-Anarchist. I also run the Psychologic-Anarchist Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos. My interests lie in the intersection of counseling psychology and anarchism. I write about the depredations of psychiatry, and also the new philosophy of compassionate anarchism. We have a large community devoted to discussing psychology and relational voluntaryism.

sterlin good

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Sadly that's how it goes with kids nowadays with the current education system. They're educated to be work force of the rich people. Great article @sterlinluxan!
Check out my post where I talk about BELIEFS, how they often limit us and how to change them to make them work for us!

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PS: I just started a new category/tag called #selfSTEEM, you're welcome to use it to post this kinds of things like self-development/self-help posts.

Absolutely. I will take a lot at that. And thanks for the up vote and comment.

Wow, I think I see that going on a whole lot in real world. The longer this is carried out the more damaged ALL OF society becomes.

I agree with this philosophy. Children are being socially conditioned for destruction within themselves and society. Spread the word, break the cycle.

Absolutely! Break the cycle.

Nice story Time to break The cycle, Wish you the best in Steemit family.

Thank you so much. So far everything is going fairly well. I think my content has a place here. I have noticed that there is not much decent material on anti-child abuse and cultural conventions regarding children in the psychology section. I am trying to fill that void.

I always value your work Sterlin and I'm willing to break the cycle with kids. I've always considered spanking a barbarian act but necessary to help keep your kids in line and maintain order because they sure do test your limits and patience I promise; and when you're a parent extreme situations will happen with your kids that warrant extreme responses to show them and protect them from the world. It's not an excuse to justify it just maybe an explanation of why some parent believe in physical discipline. I see it as an ancient method of punishment from the baby boomers, traditionalist, and even further back generations used that is now obsolete. I'm trying to get away from that method now that research is showing the actual psychological damage done to kids that stays with them as adults. Most parent won’t move away from this method of discipline because it’s all they know and as you said they don’t possess the critical thinking skills to question it unfortunately. I continue to search for other discipline methods and that’s because you opened my eyes to the repercussions to it thank you for that!

You are a great man my friend. Thank you for your content creation, it is so valuable...

No problem. Thank you for supporting my work here. I enjoy the Steemit platform enough to support other, similar content as well.