Using the Power of Words to Shape Destiny...or Escape Felony Probation

in psychology •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Some say the pen is mightier than the sword; I say its mightier than a nuclear warhead. I have wielded the pen to shape my destiny. The power of words has the ability to effect positive change; and in my own life, I have leveraged its magic to aid me in desperate times. I even used it to escape probation...but first I have to share a little backstory.

From Drug Dealer to Paper Prisoner

In 2009, I was arrested and charged with possession, intent to deliver, and manufacture of a controlled substance. The chemical in question was MDMA (On the streets they called it ecstasy): I possessed about 500 of the little disco biscuit bastards---not an insignificant amount.

For anyone unfamiliar with the story, I also had a smorgasbord of other rainbow-colored pills and powders. It was a veritable feast for the drug fiend. Men eventually came into my abode with a warrant, machine guns, and a nasty demeanor. Turns out some folks dislike drug dealers. It goes without saying I easily surrendered. That was the smart move. Who wouldn't? After all, I was unarmed because I was a hippie with big dreams and a limited amount muscle mass.

I was transported to the local jail, locked in a cage, and issued a freakishly insane bond. I think it was $7,000 for me to make bail. My family saved me. They did not have the money, but they found it. I believe they did it out of love. That is what I really believe, even though some of them gave me shit and castigated me for my transgressions. Ah well. It is ancient history now.

In the end, after hiring a smarmy and greasy and effective attorney, I was able to dodge a 40 year prison sentence. Since it was a first offense, the attorney sweet talked the judge into handing me 10 years deferred adjudication probation. I am sure it took a few cocktail parties and behind-the-scenes cajoling to get everything worked out. I am happy for the turnout, even if everyone screams not to take plea agreements. I am not saying that wisdom is wrong; but in my case, it was an unfortunate necessity.


Probationary Experience

The dopest thing about the whole story (no pun intended), was I ended up only spending 5 years on probation. Do not get me wrong, though...probation was hell. I know prison would have been worse, but paper prison was no joke.

I had to complete some several hundred hours of community service. In other words, I mowed lawns, moved furniture, painted buildings, waxed floors, and swabbed the decks all for zero compensation for several years. I was chattel. Agents of the State also routinely visited my house and made me piss in a cup. They observed every intimate moment of that act.

Sometimes they did this at awkward hours, like at midnight. I would be in my pajamas, readying myself for bed, and probation officers would burst into my apartment with bullet proof vests and a derogatory attitude. I managed this for years, while living in utter terror I would slip up and be placed into a concrete box.

arrival meme

My Letter to the Judge; Escaping Probation

After five years of dealing with the trauma of probation, I realized I could get off of probation early. I was told I would need to hire an attorney again to expedite the process.

However, I learned through word of mouth I could write a personalized letter to the judge. It did not happen often; but if the judge liked a letter, he could choose to release probationers from their compulsory duty. I did not want to pay for an attorney again. I knew I had some talent with a pen. I tried my luck. Below is the copy of the letter I wrote:

Dear Honorable Judge,

My name is Sterlin Luxan. On June 29th 2010, in your courtroom, I was sentenced to ten years of deferred adjudication for possession of cocaine with intent to deliver (the MDMA charge was dropped and the little cocaine I had stuck. Don't ask me why). I have accomplished a lot since then, and I want to continue improving my situation. But I also want to better myself for the sake of my wife and family. I started the process of self-improvement by entering graduate school for counseling psychology, and working as a freelance writer for the local newspaper. But now that I am trying to obtain a professional license, I have come to an impasse. I must show a licensing committee that I am rehabilitated and that I have the skill and ethical maturity to deserve a license. However, that’s going to prove difficult while I am still on probation. I have spoken with my professor about this situation, and she recommends I get off of supervision as soon as possible. Therefore, your Honor, I write this letter in the interest of my career and livelihood, and I request early termination of deferred adjudication. I have completed all the requirements of my probation, including payment of fees, and I have faithfully abided by all the rules and regulations given to me. Thank you for taking the time to consider this request. My future means everything to me and my family.


Sterlin Luxan

After a few weeks of tense and anxious waiting, I was informed via a letter that I had earned my freedom. The letter worked. My words loosened me from the clutches of State servitude.

Power and Magic of the Written Word

It is true I had to obey the State and be a good paper prisoner before I was set free. Still, some probationers do not have the ability to compose a proper sentence or letter. They were either underprivileged or felt no need to learn the art of writing. This is unfortunate. It is tragic for anyone who has not honed the skill, especially if they are experiencing dire straits.

I believe it is possible to manifest a destiny by writing with conviction and beauty. Words have the power to augment people's minds. They have the power to embed into the conscious mind and irrevocably alter it.

Terrence McKenna once said that the universe is made of language. It is not made of atoms and energy. It is a mode of communication writ large across reality, and if we can harness its power we can actively create change.

This is why I was able to do by mustering the courage to write the judge, and I just want to remind everyone that they harbor this ability. When all else fails, and things look not forget about the pen. Do not forget about the power to effect change by manifesting it through the creation of words. Language is a kind of God. It is our birthright.

“The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”

-Terrence McKenna

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Words are energy put to motion.. They have the power to align us towards specific goals and things we want to reach.. The problem kis that people use a lot of negativity nowadays that only ends up making them feel even worse.
Great post and much support and love from me.

very personal - i haven't revealed any of my drug dealing past on Steemit yet or any other social network -i am 4 years 8 months sober and straight - i followed you and liked the stuff you shared - i hope you maybe will like my paintings and music -David

Sometimes I hesitate to share such intimate details on social media but then I yearn for a transparent future where it doesn't matter. I guess in @sterlinluxan's case, the law's already dealt with him so he doesn't have anything to lose (and apparently about $300 SBD to gain) from sharing his story.

happy to follow you -amazing $300 for opening up

I followed you sir. Thanks so much for visiting my feed here. I will try to check out your content shortly. :)

many thanks - i hope i have the courage to share some of my story on here one day soon

If you tell people exactly what they want to hear , you can absolutely get out of anything ! I have been arrested a few times as well with the intent to sell, mushrooms , and lot of other things and you know we should just say what needs to be said

i really love it

I have not yet gone to any Jail. I always afraid of it. Yes, the word what we write is very powerful if they get what they want from us.

Very true..
History is the evidence of power of words.
We dont grow with any swords or atom energy but with words

Truly, I don't know if it was my words or white privilege but I too avoided a prison sentence when I very well could have been dealt one! It's hard to say. Sterlin, I was hesitant to click on this article but something drew me to it. I'm glad I did! A powerful story and beautiful message. I'm following you for more wonderful writing!

Hi - It's interesting to me that you are aware of white privilege as something that possibly helped you to avoid an experience that you knew you would not have wanted to have if given a choice. So many people have no clue about the benefits they have for being of a certain race. So, how did you become so self-aware? Maybe share at what age you discovered this in an article?

Well, I have many friends who are not so fortunate who have shared with me their experiences and I have witnessed myself the same. I discussed at length with a friend of mine who believed a great deal of his misfortune was self-fulfilling. When he changed his mindset he was able to have some more positive interactions as he took control of the only thing he could, his mindset and approach. Systemically this is a massive issue. But, individually there are some things we can do to help!

I am happy your word did the magic. Your story is inspiring, it is good that you have left the old ways and picked up what is better for you and your family.

Most people would end up getting wasted into the cycle of self-abuse. I read each and every word that you wrote, and the letter was the best thing you shared today.

The way you wrote the letter is fascinating, you were precise, to the point and blunt. You didn’t cry in the letter, you did feel the need to be emotional or try to gain empathy. What I love the most about the letter is that you showed what the judge would want to see in an enlightened person.

You gave him proof that you no longer are the same person and that is a great thing. You have worked hard and proved that the pen is much mightier than the sword.

Very beautiful article! Followed.

"the universe is made of language" is so true, that is the reason of our failures and success, we become what we speak, our words shape our surrounding and who we are.

Words are the creative power that not only affect others but they also shape and create our reality. Great post!

Yep, definitely agree.

Relatable content! I've had many friends popped for MDMA and LSD and it proves that the sooner you stat a war on something the sooner large industrial complexes profit off of disenfranchised citizens. Followed!

Beautifully written. I've become more of a materialistic determinist over time, so I don't believe in "magic" in the beyond reality sense... and yet I believe in words. If there is magic, it's the closest thing we data algorithms have yet seen. :)

Fantastic post, I came from a similar background and believe we all have the potential to create a future of greatness if we first change our mindset then act upon our positive thoughts. I wish you the best moving forward from strength to strength and continue being a positive influence through inspiration.

Awesome story, I don't envy you for those five years of probation. It's amazing what a well-thought out, well-written piece of writing can do. People don't really understand this - but writing IS power. And if you have the ability to write, and write well, you'll stand out, people will be more willing to listen to you, and you can achieve greater things. (Like getting money on steemit perhaps?)

First of all, your name is really cool.

Second of all, this reminds me very much of a video I made. Maybe I'll post it here.

Words are powerful, they are, in every sense of the words, magic spells.

Words have the ability to manipulate and control, hurt and heal, create and destroy.

All great things that have been done only resulted through the medium of words. If it wasn't for a message, something spoken or written that something could believe in, nothing would ever manifest.

Words are essential to making things real.

Are you on steemit or discord? Would love to converse with you man.

@sterlinluxan ...You have escaped from "Ecstasy" to freedom using power of words. Can't beleive it to be true..the talent in you is revealed...

whew wow I love this thank you. I have a long time best friend who is locked up for life and I've helped him for over 13+ years with law paper work and how to reshape his mind so he can jump into a new timeline. This was very raw and authentic loved it! @sterlinluxan


Yesssss! I appreciate the revealing nature of your personal story - Thanks for that, Sterlin. I absolutely believe we need to share below the surface content more than we do in general. Interestingly, not many people are willing to be vulnerable. I guess sharing on social media is more of a risk than in person, but there have been lots of equivalents before the Internet. The lives of famous people has always seemed to be available to us via magazines, autobiographies, interviews on TV, so to me this is very similar. I look forward to reading more of your story.

It's life u know ? all ppl fight 4 money

Its a shallow life where money is the end objective. :c)

People want money for a reason and its rarely just money.


I read a book by Lynda Barry in which she recommended that every writer practice writing the alphabet regularly—that we get used to forming the shape of each letter, by hand, with intention—because they are each a magical symbol of expression imbued with a unique power.


I love her work and this particular theory always stuck with me. It's easy to get so used to writing (and speaking) that we take it for granted, but taking a step back, language is an invaluable tool. Thinking of great works of literature, and by extension films and plays, it becomes even more clear that entire worlds may adjust their values, perspectives, and actions because of expressions of language expertly crafted.

illustrations from Lynda Barry's 'What It Is'

Sure! That's because people are social personalities! Without communication we would die feom loneliness!

But you know, anomals doesn't use words, they use sounds and gestures and communicate in this way)

By the words backed by actions the world lives in harmony, by sword the world is at war with each other. The First World War ended as a result of words spoken in form of an agreement signed.

5 years of paper prison or real prison are enough to keep me out of the transaction game. I'm happy to give some buds away, but I'll never sell them. My state isn't likely to legalize anytime soon.

I give you this honor of saying.... I will remember your words. Up voted and resteemed...

I love all of your posts , I'm your Fan!

One revolutionary poet in Russia wrote for a long time: "I want a quill equated with a bayonet!". In a word, you can not only mow the prison term - they can kill or revive the sentenced person. The power of the word is great!

Very great work! communication is at best one of our best ways of understanding the world. We are our words that we speak.

Awesome post and compelling story. Self-writing truly is the key to an exceptional life.

What an amazing story!

Words have power. Not to change reality but to change the way you perceive reality and change how others perceive reality. That's as powerful as one can get. Good for you.

I really appreciate all the positive commentary here. I love Steemit. This place is amazing. I am so sad I left for such a long time. I plan on writing a lot more. Maybe not as much as I once did, but at least several times a month. Thank you all for your ongoing support. Much love.

Few things can be as moving as listening to the real stories of those who have manage to defeat the darkness. Kudos !!! sir for the courage you have shown in doing the near impossible. Inspiration it turns out can be more contagious than previously thought ..