Fragile by design, Strong by design

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

When nature builds, it builds with absolute practicality in mind.

At this time of year, the sides of the roads are lined with dandelions, and as each car passes, the tiny seeds get blown high into the air, carried by the currents to land and start a fresh life. The fragile nature of its construction is critical for its own survival. Such a simple solution to a complex problem.

When it comes to many human problems, of the mind, fragility is the enemy but simplicity is still the key. Many look for complex solutions to problems rather than get back to the basics. Practical solutions are often the ones that offer the most valuable.

The other day, I got a comment saying that they would like to write more but they are depressed and it makes them lethargic and procrastination takes hold. I understand this very well from my own past. My advice to them is to get started, just a few words at a time.

Writing is an exploration of thoughts, a dive into the abyss of the mind. Discovering the complexities of the past that lay there creating a fragility does not take long when one starts. It is not always an easy process, but no process may be more valuable to an individual.

Finding the seeds of doubt and fear that have taken root and uprooting them, investigating them and tossing them to the side will clear the mind and allow simplicity to have a clear path. Clean action born from clear thought and a calm mind is the best action one can make.

From the start, I think that was nature's plan for us. A strong, clear mind that is sensitive to the environment and always ready to act purely. As we grow and experience, we attach to some thoughts negatively and others positively with many conflicts in between. And as we continue on our path, these conflicts between and our expectations of how things should be mean that we are constantly pulled back and forth with little agency to do different.

Discover this inside and take some control back. The first steps are not easy, but in time perhaps running free again is possible. Just get started on the journey, just a few words, and here at Steemit you will have support. At least from me.

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Thanks for this, I enjoyed the dandelion metaphor. Following you to see more of your thoughts

You are most welcome and thank you also

Great advice, thanks for sharing 😊