Killer's Psychology.

in psychology •  7 years ago 

Have you ever wondered what a killer feels when he kills for the first time? The moment he pulls the trigger or the moment he runs his knife on someone's throat?

"I don't feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt."
“I'm as cold a motherfucker as you've ever put your fucking eyes on. I don't give a shit about those people.”

These are the words of the notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. Who confessed to 30 homicides that he have committed just when he was about to be electrocuted. The number of people that he killed is still unknown to this day.

How are serial killers/ psychopaths made?

The causes of psychopathy remain a mystery. We don’t even have a satisfactory answer to the question of whether psychopathy is a product of Mother Nature or a feature of upbringing. The best source is the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart . The study originally led by Professor of Psychology Thomas Joseph Bouchard, Jr. The study shows that psychopath is 60 percent heritable, meaning that if you're a psychopath then you might have a predecessor as your psychopath. This also means that psychopathy is more of DNA thing than the upbringing of someone.

Are all psychopath's serial killers?

Well the answer is NO, they're not. They may be manipulative, aggressive and impulsive but that is still way to far from being a serial killer. The brain plays a huge role in all this. Brain scans revealed that psychopathy in criminals was associated with low connection between the amygdala, a subcortical structure of the brain that processes negative stimuli, and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), a cortical region in the front of the brain that interprets the response from the amygdala. When the connectivity between these two regions is low, processing of negative stimuli in the amygdala does not translate into any strongly felt negative emotions. This explains the basic picture we have of psychopaths in our minds.

Difference between a killer and non-killer psychopath

There are psychopaths who kill and those who don't. Well there is not that much of a difference, both parties show low connectivity between the amygdala and vmPFC. Body scans can't tell the difference. Psychopathy is still a mystery as how it occurs.

Psychopath's describing how would they feel after killing someone

1.David Berkowitz

He described that he would sing his way back to home. When he pulled the trigger all the tension and pressure would vanish but only for a short time.
2. Henry lee lucas

He describes that killing became the same thing as having sex. It became boring to him.
3. Ted Bundy

Murder is not about lust and it’s not about violence. It’s about possession. When you feel the last breath of life coming out of the woman, you look into her eyes. At the point, it’s being God.

These are exactly his words speaking about what it feels to kill someone.

Is there a cure for this?

No there is not. No pill or treatment can cure you from being a psychopath or stop you from killing people. The best thing you can do is not to listen to your thoughts because that is were the things go down hill.

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Serial killer psychology has always fascinated me. You could have also touched upon the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths. That would have completed this article. Great read either way!