Exploring Monarch-Type Mind Control Programming (Warning: Dark Post)

in psychology •  8 years ago  (edited)

I thought I would veer off my normal course and dig into a topic that is probably of interest to a lot of people in the community. It is a dark subject, so if you don't want to be distributed - you should skip reading this post.

To start with, I don't know if any of this is true - so take it with a grain of salt. I read this book many years ago, and it is one of those things that has been ingrained in my psyche ever since. I was deeply disturbed when I read it, and I have never been able to 'unread' it / forget what I read. Maybe that's a good thing.

The book I read was "The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave", by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier. There is a publicly available link to the entire book at the bottom of this post, for those that are interested in reading the book. Everything in this post is according to what I read in that book.

There is a warning in the book that says if the reader believes they have have had mind-control done to them, that they should not read the content from the book, and seek professional help. I will issue the same warning for those reading this post.

The Monarch mind control method was founded by the Illuminati and Nazis as part of their initiative to create a 'master race'. It continues to be carried out today, all across the world. It relies heavily upon genetics and blood-lines, and most Monarch mind control programming is conducted on entire families - building up over a period of several generations.

The primary way this type of programming is done involves having the victim disassociate, which is often accomplished through various forms of abuse. The dissociation allows for the foundation of the mind-control to be created, which is the forming of multiple personalities in the victim (called "alters"). Most often, this process is started at a very young age.

The victims are often referred to as Monarchs. They can also be referred to as 'slaves'. The people who are conducting the mind-control are called 'programmers'. They can also be referred to as 'masters'. The people at the top of the programming chain are considered the 'grand masters'. There are also 'handlers', who watch over, influence, and oversee the life of the victim after they have been programmed.

Everything within the victim's mind is fair game, and there is no technique that is off limits. Sleep deprivation, isolation, fear/guilt, and pain are just a few methods that are used.

Monarch mind control methods are also deeply entrenched in the "Occult". Demonic entities are heavily involved, and are intertwined into the victim's psyche. For those of you who believe in it, the Monarch is literally living day in and day out with demons inside of them. To the victim, this is very real; although they might not be aware of what is going on inside of themselves.

Drugs are also heavily used in mind control. Under heavily controlled situations, the programmer can induce altered states and implant personalities, scripts, or other types of programming into the victim. The skill and precision of drug use goes way beyond what a typical recreational drug user would use the substances for. They know what they are doing, and are exploiting vulnerabilities of the mind that are opened up when the person is in an altered state.

The most extensively used tool however, is torture. By using the body's natural fight or flight responses, the programmer can literally write "programs" inside of the Monarch using methods similar to how one would write a computer program. Binary 'yes/no' type responses can be conditioned, and scripted responses to stimuli can be interrelated to form more complex programs or personalities.

The complexity of the mind control techniques is mind-boggling. They involve sophisticated networks of scripts and alters, which mirror the complexity of many modern-day computer programs. The entire mind of the victim is fragmented, and re-assembled into a network of interrelated parts. An average Monarch will have over 1,000 individual alters, although many of them are not meant to actually engage with the body. Most will operate in the internal world of the victim, and carry out the tasks that they were designed to do by the programmer.

There are countless purposes for mind control slaves. Many normal people exist as 'sleeper' agents, with various forms of programming underneath. Monarch slaves are carrying out their masters' wishes across all areas of society. Some slaves can even be setup to act as spies or assassins. A lot of Monarch slaves actually exist to program and oversee other slaves. Many are used for sexual purposes, or just to promote the interests of their masters through the various institutions where they work. Sadly - most people that are under the influence of mind control, are not even aware that they are programmed slaves.

The entire book containing this information is available at the link below. Warning - the book does get quite a big darker and more graphic than what I wrote about here. It contains a lot of the details regarding how the programming is actually carried out, and the goes into the extensive logic of how the programs are organized. It is interesting, but very disturbing at the same time.


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There are some very simple hooks we as mammals have that can be used to control us. I have outlined a 3-step blueprint for mind control. It is everywhere and it's important we understand how to spot it: https://steemit.com/mindcontrol/@jamestrue/a-simple-blueprint-for-mind-control

I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for posting it! I believe that, while MK Ultra supposedly ended in 1974, mind control programs have quietly continued in schools, in the form of gifted and talented programs:


anyone who doubts , i would recommend read the book and then do some serious research outside of the book. i am confident that anyone not in an advanced state of denial can find more than enough to disturb their calm for quite a while. there is a difference between healthy skepticism and denial or willful ignorance. people denying this crap is how it continues. thanks for the post. it is disturbing, but people need to know.

It's amazing how complex the brain can be, and yet so easily manipulated. Even without mind control we often program ourselves to assimilate because the majority of the population just wants to make it through the day, whereas only a few tend to be the center of attention, good or bad.
I definitely would not doubt the reality of this type of programming and how abhorrent it is. Maybe the joke is on us because we sincerely believe we have free will. Maybe we're all just experiments in the universal petri dish.

Unfortunately this post didn't get much acknowledgment as other posts of less importance.
It is dark indeed and thus why many avert their attention.
Its like with 911. People don't want to believe that it was the people pretending to protect them that planned and executed the event. So they don't. Just easier.
Though that is why the world is the way it is and will continue to be so, until people face and interface with such truths.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hehe, you win some and loose some. I think part of the problem is that I normally don't write about this type of stuff, so most of my followers are not really the type that will upvote and share it (unless it happens to be another interest of theirs). A decent amount of people still saw it though and engaged, so no complaints :)

Yes indeed!

So if you are unable to unread this work, it may suggest that it was correct and possible.

The CIA and other government orgs have run some disturbingly sophisticated mind control programs in the recent past. Religious cults and other private orgs have also been known to do this sort of thing. But it is difficult to find reliable information about such unsavory technologies - they distort worldviews as a matter of course - so I always question the veracity of claims made about them by anonymous and uncorroborated sources.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The book does talk about the use of mind control by all three (CIA, religious cults, and many other types of private organizations). It goes into quite a bit of detail too - to the point it is difficult to believe someone could make that type of stuff up.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I didn't mean to suggest the material in this book might be made up - quite the opposite. But I do question how this material has been put together into a big, singular story. IMHO, broad narratives about global mind control conspiracies are best read as mythologized depictions of the otherwise banal horrors people visit upon each other in organized fashion while pursuing money and power.

Fritz is the man. I watch the following video about once a year just so I don't forget all the critical information he gives:

Thanks for sharing the video :)