Ultimate Psy-Op Contest "The Response"steemCreated with Sketch.

in psyop-contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Response

Long after I sent my song to space https://dsound.audio/#/@steveconnor/a-tsu-original, I received a response https://dsound.audio/#/@steveconnor/the-response-by-vices-r-us. It turns out, they were trying to contact me for some time. It’s just that the return address was no longer in existence.

It’s a long story as to how I was able to retrieve the Response and an even longer story as to how I figured out how to translate it. But through trial and error I figured out how to decipher the encrypted message and I now have my updated mission instructions.

I wasted no time and deployed as soon as I have the necessary credentials to get through customs. It’s strange that the assignment would be another Water like World. Some strange similarities almost as if this were another parallel Universe.

The differences in worlds would soon become very apparent. But my training had prepared me for this and I was determined to find some common ground. There are after all, some Universal truths that translated well into all Intelligent Societies.

I was lucky to make it out alive. The world I came from was destroyed literally with a keystroke. Not unlike in Stars Wars when Alderaan was destroyed.

It was in fact heavily documented that on that day that those unfortunate inhabitants could feel the “disturbance” even prior to learning of its demise. It is also ironic that we were the ones who were trying to "destroy" all other worlds or at least change the way they operated only to have it all come crashing down on Us. Imagine this really happening with no answers or explanations and having nobody that understands or can relate to this disaster. It's truly a cold world.

Some did not make it out, so here is where I plant a flag for one of our Fallen. She would have been in Heaven here, but she is is another Heaven now.


Some are still in hibernation, others are on their way and we even had those who were strong enough among us to start rebuilding and began recolonizing immediately. They made preparations for Agents like me to arrive.

My handlers made it clear to me that this would not be like last time. I could retire anytime I wanted and would be entitled to my full benefits. And of course I could keep anything I earned. I was not to self promote my own contributions and I was strictly forbidden to interact with any Robotic Life. I was to be a test case. Man vs. Wild in real time and no lifelines. At any time I must also be ready to evacuate and be ready to deploy somewhere else unknown. I must always help my colleagues when their request for assistance is requested. My gut does tell me that this will most definitely be different, just not sure if that’s for the better or worse just yet. But that’s the last thing I could think of since I just woke up from hibernation like a Sea Monkey.

However when I awoke all I could hear were the strangest of whispers https://dsound.audio/#/@steveconnor/the-response-by-vices-r-us, almost coming from underground and eerie whale and dolphin sonar noises . Another strange thing was the inability to speak or communicate where I was. Many times I needed to connect with others elsewhere even when I was right in front of them. There was also lots of chatter on the screen with many terms unknown to me. So, I had to just patiently listen and observe for patterns. Over time I began to acclimate to the culture and even began to forget I was in a new world for a few minutes here and there. I was of course most times, painfully aware of being a Stranger in an even Stranger World. Stumbling around using my trial and error training (ending mostly in error).

I did mention this is also a water world but there are many solid land masses to rest on as well. I found my favorite place to rest. It’s on a cliff next to a shore break wave that crashes violently almost like an exploding world. In between sets the water is calm and beautiful until the next crash! From this cliff was a wonderful panoramic view from which I could observe all of the comings and goings of this major hub of activity.


I hit the ground running and wasted no time. The locals really enjoyed to challenge each other so that’s where I decided I’d start to see how I measured up. The contests were fun. The live games were where I found real value. I could hone my skills and at the same time enjoy some chatter from the participants. From these controlled skirmishes I was able to earn and learn. Multi tasking is a must for this job !

There’s also many moons that rotate around this Port-like community. The others meet here and conduct their transactions then off to sing their whale songs in the deep oceans or off to their own private Planets and Moons which all have their gravitational influence on this world and vice versa.

These worlds have many sights, sounds, humor, games of luck and skill, and quick quips. There’s also a place where you can truly exercise your mind and is rumored to be the place where new worlds are created.


Everything can be put on automation or you can choose to actually live and experience your existence. Many choose to upload their minds to the Processors and let the Computers live for them. Welcome to the future.


I’ll end this transmission with one of my favorite sayings :

“My name is Rus Vices
And Vices R Us
What happens to you affects me
And what happens to me affects you
Either Directly or Indirectly
We’re in this together
So lets grow together”

For those here on Steemit and the other Orbiting Platforms

Watch me.
I am a test case.
I will be unconventional.
I will try many new things.
I will conduct my field experiments.
I will continue my mission no matter what.
I will report back.

I will March to my own Bloodflow Beat


My 60 day review is coming up very soon. I have great news to share with my handlers. Just like I was asked in my previous world ("This is a tsu Original") , I have been asked to say some specific words here. These 3 words are the next step in my assignment. They also grant me Citizenship into a Universe within a Universe.

“I am Utopian”

But of course first and Foremost

“I am Rus Vices” And “Vices R Us”

If you’d like to be in the next chapter/chapters/screenplay/movie or whatever will be in the future, then work your way into the script. Just like I did. Get at me. Watch me. The casting call starts now. But who’s show are we really in? Who is behind all of this? How does all of this Really work ? Are we in the Multiverse or are we a Computer Program ?

What if we really are a simulation within a simulation and so on and so on...


Rising Again ~ Rus Vices calls Phoenix Home





Coming in 2020

“Watch Me”

Vices R Us



Much Thanks & Respect to my Old Friends and to the many new Friends I have recently made !

Everything original by me except the Alderaan Photo and Bella Black photo edit R.I.P.

Link for contest

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