Oh, why, hello! I have not seen you in forever! Where have you been these last few weeks. Weeks! Has it really been that long? Didn’t we last see each other at Bill’s 80th birthday? Oh, that was so much fun. It’s crazy to think of how old Bill is now! Do you remember Bill? My, aren’t I getting old? I’m not that old, I hope. Please tell me I’m not that old.
Anyways, there was something I found out just a day or so ago and I think you’d be very interested in knowing. Recently, the Sculptor, you know the one, run by Mr. and Mrs. Clay? Well, their most recent paper was all about the aliens that are coming. Dear me, I am quite frightened of what they might bring. You might not see much of me soon, I’ll be making myself scarce and just relaxing in my nice, cozy house. Did you hear what happened on Twining street? It’s just a block down from my house and my, the story really frightened me! I just had to come out and see if anyone was up and about. It is such a tragedy, what will happen to an old lady such as myself?
But, gosh, there is so much news to discuss? Did you see the boat that Julia Spencer’s kids made? She’s the Sculptor’s editor, she’s very creative. No wonder her kids made that boat. It looked pretty good, and they were having fun with it. Maybe one day they’ll get a scholarship to college with their ideas. They are such nice, polite kids - they even offered to let the newspaper’s office display it! Do you think we could go out and see it, maybe? If I’m feeling up to it, my old bones have been cracking and popping a lot lately. I guess it comes with being an old lady. My time is not long in this world, so why not enjoy it?
That brings me to my next bit, what did you think of Jim’s sudden closing of his bakery? I know his wife disappeared, but it doesn't mean he should close the whole bakery for an “undetermined length of time”. What will he do with that spare time? Cry over her? Why not suck it up and keep on working? If I were him, I would work twice as hard - working is the best way to distract the grieving mind. Back in my day, if something bad happened to someone, they bounced right back. Its the way these kids are raised, will all those electronics and media saying what they should and shouldn't do. Why do young people these days always have to take off so much time to grieve? I remember when my grandpa died - I took a day off school for his funeral but went right back after the funeral. I only missed half a day! Oh wait, silly me. Did I say I took a day off school? I meant I took the afternoon off - the funeral was at 2 pm and school didn’t let out till 3. My teachers still gave me homework though - ah, makes me miss those days. We worked hard but we played hard too - not like kids these days. All they do is look up stuff on their phones and browse facebook or twitter or myspace or whateve these people do now.
Oh, I remember the old days. I was born 1954, one of the best years for kids. We were raised to handle things and get over them, move on. Now people just have to sit and cry over everything. “Oh look everyone, I lost my phone, I’m so bored right now, I have no imagination!” Kids these days - they should have been born in the 50s, the golden age for kids.
I remember the 60s disappearances. We didn’t have phones or computers back in those days, we just had pure, hard work and our imagination. A lot of people went missing,yes, and it was a tragedy, yes, but we spent one day on them and moved on. If we didn’t, who would sell the bread? Who would sell the groceries? Who would do all of that? That's right - no one, if we hadn’t moved on.
Back then, we didn’t know what had happened. But now the city says that it was probably the landslides. Well, I thought so too, but I recently picked up the newest edition of the Sculptor - something I never do - and it was all about aliens! I’m thinking it could have been aliens, while their futuristic technology and such. I do hope that, if they come, they have old croons like me to talk to, what kind of stories do they have of their grandkids?
Oh, speaking of grandkids, my grandbaby just turned 9! Oh, she is such a dear, just so polite! But the kids at her school pick on her so badly - I do which her mother had stayed here with me. I could have taught those kids a lesson or two. But no - she was scared for her kids safety after the 2010 kidnappings. It was just two kids, and they were sisters! They could have been running around uncharted areas and could have fallen off a river or something! It wasn’t Josh’s fault, Josh would never do that! But no, she was scared of him. I told her, Now, see, Mary, I didn’t raise you to be scared of your own father! Josh was my husband, you know. I told her that if she moved, I would never talk to her again, and I would never visit her daughter! I didn’t mean it, you know, but I had to do something! She had me cornered, I didn’t know where to go! I wanted her to stay with me and have her kid in the same hospital I had her in, but of course she just had to leave. 6 months pregnant and she just up and moved with her husband, Lance or Lawrence or whatever his name is. We didn’t get along, you see. He lost his mom when he was young and just didn’t know how to talk to a lady, I guess. Though I kept my promise, I never went to see any of them ever again, I just have to know how my granddaughter is doing. I watch them through facebook. They blocked me on one of my accounts, but I had my other son help me get a new account.
I guess I better go, I do have to babysit my other grandson, Lewie. He’s just a babe, only 3 years old! I remember when my kids were that young - oh it was awful! Awful I tell you! So much screaming and yelling and not “No I don’t want to go to school” or “I don’t want to get dressed!”. I hope little May survives this whole thing! May is my son’s husband, so you know. She’s pregnant with twins right now - I don’t know how she’ll survive! Twins! Could you imagine that? She hasn’t really told me yet, but her friend Kimber told me what their names are going to be - Emelia and Georgia if they’re girls, and Alex and Max if they’re boys. What darling little things - I can't wait to see them! But now I really have to go, I’m an hour late already! I was just moseying around in the shops when you came up and I guess I lost track of time. Anyways, I will see you later, maybe in your house next time? I haven’t cleaned my house in a week and I’d be mortified if someone saw it! I don't like that all the time, I swear! I’ve just been busy lately, my Etsy shop is doing great by the way, Richard, my son, helped me with it, and it’s better than ever before. Well, I’ll catch up later!