Our Blockchain Network - Steem - Has A Vulnerability

in pubann •  8 years ago  (edited)

What we need is a public announcement system

I've personally been affected by the issues of @poloniex not processing transfers (Steem/SBD). I probably would never have known about it. I still have not been credited. Either return my steem to my account or transfer to my poloniex exchange account.

In fact right now people are still transferring funds from their steemit account to @poloniex. Until they can communcate clearly this should stop. But, how can we stop this?

The normal way this would happen is like this - @thekyle. We hammer reputation!

What can we do about an account - system, that is not part of the reputation system

The only way I can see to do this, is if we have a dedicated feed. Today, on mSteem, I will be developing and deploying such a system. Just use #pubann #steemalert in your tag to place an announcment in the feed. Hopefully the network using upvoting and flagging will curate this feed.


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A dedicated feed sounds great. You could call it the blockchain alert. lol

I like it! The tag we will use in the feed will be #steemalert. Edited the post to reflect this.

Cool!! Glad to be able to make a contribution.

Thanks for the update and the idea is pretty great 👍

I still have not been credited. Either return my steem to my account or transfer to my poloniex exchange account.

And no answer from the support? 😣😢 this is really horrible and should be spread to the world.

You are right. The standard feed that everybody has is too simplistic. With mSteem I'm going to experiment with the feed. Hopefully, by making this app opensource other people can jump on it and help me further refine the code or even take for their own applications. The untapped value in this blockchain is going to explode. I liken it to gold in the ground. We just need to be able to extract it, such that all benefit.

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You are such a wonderful person with unique thoughts

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