It is very difficult to read. Before entering the kitchen, she did not enter the kitchen, she saw the activities of cooking her mother or home, usually cooking. So, in the kitchen of her new home, it was quite difficult to read Labani Meanwhile, Labanese husband and beach grew up eating delicious food from mother's hands, he was quite frustrated with Lavanya's bad cooking in mind. Although she does not express it, lest Lavani may feel sad, but Labani understands that her husband is not satisfied with her cooking. As a result, his mind gets worse. She spoke with the neighbor's neighbors, and she said that she laughed and laughed. Said, "Listen, at first I got a problem with cooking like this, then did I cook? Learned! You'll also learn, slowly, I'll help you! "
Lavani is like the moon in the sky. He decides in mind that he will take cooking tips from the neighbor's neighbor, cook him the favorite food of the beach, and he will be shocked! Think of that work. Labani knows that one of the favorites of the pudding beach is the meal. Next day, she got tips from the neighbors, she made a pudding! He is taking a pudding on the beach with the eyes! His wife made such a fun pudding?
But how could this pudding be possible in this short time? Laboni pudding recipe near the Khas Food team! The pudding recipes are released for wise readers
Pudding recipe
Whatever it takes to make instant pudding without oven sitting at home:
1 liter of milk in full solid
Sugar is your own taste
4 eggs
Heat half tablespoons of ghee or butter, which they like
Method of making pudding:
Take half the amount of water in the pane with the full milk milk and let it cool down
Mix well with eggs in a bowl and keep repeating again. When it is shaken very well, add ghee or butter to it, half table spoons. Take a few more minutes to mix everything
Spread a bowl of some pudding bowl or some sugar with the bowl that you want to make pudding in the pot. Spread about 1 teaspoon of sugar in a bowl and put it on the stove with a few spoons of water
Sugar mixed with sugar mills will be made of red as caramel. When the caramel sits in the bowl, cool down the bowl from the oven
Now mix the eggs and sugar, pour the milk that is cooled, mix well with that mixture. Keep in mind that if the milk is slightly hot then it will make the egg tight. So milk should be mixed with very cold. Then pour the whole mixture into the cooled pudding bowl
Put a stainless steel stand on the stove of a big saucepan. Take 1/4 parts of water.
Put the pudding bowl on the stand. The saucepan is well covered with a heavy cover over the cover. Now keep burning the fire burning the fire
Pudding will be done within 20-25 minutes, so be careful. Check if pudding is done properly with a stick before turning off the oven
Then, if the bowl of pudding is a little cold then turn it into a spreading plate. The caramel part of the pudding will come up.
Now, enjoy the delicious pudding. There is no problem to prepare the pudding but there is no oven!
Where to find all the ingredients to make pudding?
Puding recipes know this. But where do you find all these materials? Go out to find out? Then there was the fun of making bunges and sitting in the house? Pudding can be bought from outside! And the biggest thing is that all the food items available in the market, whether it is adulterated or not, so how will it be? Just do not have to eat healthy food, it will be healthy. So, the online food shop for you - khasfood can be a great solution. Order from All the ingredients for making pudding: Ghee, milk, sugar and eggs
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