RE: #Punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

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#Punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in punchanazi •  7 years ago 

Try to keep up. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
We have a group of people here that America has fought a war with. They murdered millions. They continue to advocate genocide. Once you declare yourself a member of such an organization, you should expect to be met with violence. I honestly have no idea what motivation one would have for creating and spreading propaganda that demonizes those willing to confront Nazis in the streets. Why would a person make such an effort to side with Nazis?

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I think we can both agree that the "nazis" when they were in power were bad. Now what we seem to disagree on is their impact and influence in modern day America. The picture you appear to want to paint is this non existent threat from a political party that was defeated years ago. You say they continue to advocate genocide while earlier you were advocating violence. That's not very tolerant of you. You don't have the right to assault people just because you disagree with their political opinions. The answer to speech you dislike is more speech with better ideas. Your promoting an us vs. them mentality which plays right into the hands of a global elite.

Perhaps reading the rules might help you understand what we're up against.

Rules for Radicals does not apply to me, or anyone else opposed to Nazis. There is nothing radical about being anti-Nazi. That also includes standing against Neo-Nazis and their Neo-Confederate allies. I can find you dozens of interview from guys like Richard Spencer and David Duke where they can be clearly heard advocating genocide.
When the POTUS describes them as "some very fine people" it is pretty obvious that they have far more impact and influence in modern day America than any reasonable person should be comfortable with.

all good arguments to wipe the left with its history of dishonesty, treason, violence, and economic failure from the face of our nation

troll much?

We're the majority. Hillary won the popular vote by 2 million.

If you don't know how and why the legal system works, then don't participate. your opinion is worthless.

the beautiful thing about a free system of liberty is that idiots and leeches who cant succeed from their own effort can GTFO and go to a socialist paradise like Venezuela ;>

I'm well aware of how gerrymandering and the outdated electoral college tilt the table against the majority, yes.
I'm not moving anywhere. I have already succeeded on my own. Idiots and leeches that want to turn our country into a libertarian paradise can move to Mexico. Were it not for Democrats, Republicans would turn this country into a third-world hellhole.


if you think that rigging the system so welfare parasites, burrocrats/guvmint check dones, and illegal aliens can milk productive citizens by outvoting them, is a good thing, you prove indeed why your opinion is worthless

The biggest welfare parasites are corporate welfare parasites. Rich people have convinced you that our economy is somehow being manipulated by people that don't even have any money.

