Bad news.

in puppy •  7 years ago 

Life is a cruel mistress.

Butters passed away. I got the news from my dad last night and I bawled my eyes out on the kitchen floor. It's so devastating to have bad news after bad news. I didn't even get to hold him.

He's somewhere over the rainbow now with Jem. I can't believe my year started off so shittily. I'm beyond devastated. I'm so mad.

Life is a funny joke sometimes.


I hope you had a good week with mum and dad, boy. I understand now why people spend so much on burial plots and beautifully carved gravestones on tiny little babies.

The tinier the baby, the bigger the heartbreak. I just hope this misery stops.

Hope you guys had a good start to your new year.

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Losing a dog is always difficult. You could be the baddest of the bad asses, but when you lose your dog, it hits you like a stack of bricks. I'm sorry for your loss. If I could hug you, I totally would. You sound like you need it right about now.

It is :( I lost my Jem of more than 10 years in November just a month back. This little guy wandered in but he passed away too although mum and dad brought him to the vet for jabs and medicine. Thank you so much. It really really hurts.

I would so love that hug. Xx.

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That is mighty kind of you 😊😊