We recently got a new puppy, What did I get myself into.

in puppy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Before I tell you about our new puppy let me tell you about our other dogs and how they came to live with us.

This guy right here is my big old lap dog so he thinks. He is the first dog we rescued as a family He is a Great Dane/ German Shepard mix. He is the one of the best dogs I have ever had in my life. We adopted him when he was about 6 months old he was saved from a kill shelter and was due to be put down because he had been there for 4 months. We have had him for 8 years now. Currently he is laying against me sleeping. I was gone this morning with my oldest daughter and my grandbabies so he missed me.


Then a few months after we adopt Jake, a woman abandoned her Beagle puppy with my kids at the park. At the time our local animal shelter was closing and any animal not adopted was going to be put down. So we decided to go ahead and bring the puppy home and foster him till we could find him a home. Jake was a lot of work by himself and he loved Buddy and as we were trying to find Buddy a home, we discovered two was easier than just Jake alone and I really feel blessed to have both Jake and Buddy in my life. This is Buddy, he recently in the last year got neutered and gained like 20 lbs from it, doctors said that is normal when you fix Beagles later in life. He is my fat sausage roll.


Recently my friends Malamute/wolf dog had puppies. The dad of the puppies are a Doberman/husky mix. (dad is actually really cool looking) But out of all the pups one of them looked just like her mother down to a light blonde strip down her back. I always have loved my friends dog and have wanted to take her home with me since he got her, so when the runt of the litter looked like her mom. I couldn't help but add her to the mix. She was born this February and is terrorizing the other animals. She has destroyed 2 full pairs of shoes (thankfully they were old and we were actually meaning to throw them out anyways because they we not in condition to donated before she got a hold of them) I had to replace socks and underwear because some how even when you think you have everything out of her reach, she finds it and destroys it. Last night she nearly killed a baby possum with Jake's help but Jake listens when you tell him to stop. Thankfully my husband helped me and the baby possum was able to get away after we got the dogs back inside. This is Emse

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She is adorable and so cute and I am already in love with her, but I think I forgot I don't like potty training puppies. She is getting there having less accidents as each day passes by, but I am so sick and tired of cleaning up pee. I have gone through 3 bottles of Clorox for Urine we are on the 4th bottle now. I am glad this product came out, last time it was harder to neutralize the smell.

I also forgot how puppies can act a lot like babies in their sleeping habits, last night she decided it was time to play at 12:30 am and didn't stop till after 3 am. My poor husband didn't get any sleep last night and ended up having to take a sick day because a 13 hour shift on 40 minutes of sleep isn't safe in his industry. Sometimes I ask myself what was I thinking?

Then I think back to when Jake was a puppy this was the first picture I ever took of him.
puppy jake.jpg
and all the sleepless nights and destruction he caused and how that really didn't last long. And how Buddy really did help complete our family this is one of the photos I took of him when we brought him home and tried using social media to find him a home before we decided he had his forever home with us. Jake would have been heart broken if we would have gotten rid of him.
puppy buddy.jpg

I think about all the hours of cuddles and loves and licks and even though we only have had Esme a short time I know we will have lots of cuddles and loves and licks with her. I love watching them play and the companionship I get from them and they are the best door bell, no one gets to the door without us knowing. Plus I get to take cute picture like this why she is small and I have a good professional camera now and not stuck with sub-par cell phone photos.

And though I think what did I get myself into? The answer comes out I got into unconditional love, and that is worth all the hassle of the sleepless nights, the clean up of accidents in the house and the destruction that gets causes for a short period of time.

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wow awesomepost. I really love pets and i will as well blog about it someday. Looking forward for more from you, thanks for sharing. Check on me @myhealth

thanks I love my fur babies. Tomorrow I might do one about my cats one is a little weirdo

Your dogs are so cute! I know the feeling of puppy training hell though!

She is a terrorist I swear I should have named her Jane as in Jihadist Jane LOL All kidding aside I am so over the potty training hell phase and hope it is completely over with in the next week or two or even today....

I'm sure she'll be over it before too long, we found puppy pads a blessing lol

I hope that the day comes when kill "shelters" will be history. Don't even get me started on that one. I really enjoyed reading this, and the photos of your furbabies are priceless!

thanks AJ

the second pic that dog is fat, what did u feed it?

He got neutered and and with in weeks gained 20 lbs. He eats what he did before he got fat a year ago. Vet says that sometimes when older dogs get neutered it could happen. He doesn't over eat.