The 17 Federal Investigative Agencies of the United States and a Key Executive Order from September 12, 2018

in purim •  4 years ago  (edited)

September 12, 2018 President Trump issued an Executive Order

  • An order for the Director of National Intelligence to use all available investigative assets and tools of all the U.S. Federal Investigative Agencies.
  • In order to Identify any foreign involvement and interference in the U.S. Election
  • In all future elections from that point on n 2018. . .the Director of National Intelligence (the DNI) has to take the information gathered through the investigative process from all the other 16 intelligence agencies. The DNI is the 17th agency who gives the report 45 days after the election. This date fell on the 21st of December in 2018 (the Winter Solstice or darkest day of the year) Dark to Light.
  • The president allows that info to go out to the federal judicial districts (96 of them including Guam and Puerto Rico). It isn't a judge that gets to decide from the info in that report. Every crime identified from each year 2018 and going forward. . . including domestic crimes is provided to the appropriate prosecutors in each federal judicial district.
  • Next it goes to a grand jury.
  • A federal grand jury has 16-23 members on each.
  • These grand juries meet in secret, their proceedings are secret, there's no defense council for the crimes both foreign and domestic that are found. Inevitably all crimes must be reported and dealt with. Once you come across a crime in an investigation it must be divulged.
  • The prosecutor presents information in what appears to be a crime and the grand jury votes on that.
  • At least 12 of the jury members must vote to say the found crime warrants (so not claiming guilty) enough information presented warrants a criminal trial to have those involved arrested, charged and to go to trial.
  • Average around the country in the federal courts at any given time for the last 50 years is around 1500 sealed indictments. It has been higher at times.
  • in these 96 judicial districts of the federal courts there's over 160,000 sealed indictments. Sealed because they haven't been served so the people they are coming for are not tipped off.
  • Jurors are sworn to secrecy, the files are sealed in secret and can't be discovered, reporters are not allowed to view them. The contents of charges and people to be charged are secret until the person is in custody and has been sealed.
  • A single indictment can have multiple people on it.
  • Multiple indictments can have a single person on it. How many possibilities can exist simultaneously?
  • These indictments haven't been served, they are sitting waiting to be served.

Friday the 13th of March President Trump announced he was declaring a National Emergency

No More Pillaging for gain. . .think IRS that needs to fall!

Isaiah 3:5
“And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.”

What does the IRS do? Does it really help people or does it cause conflict and oppression?

President Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus

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Do you remember what my other favorite president did? John Magufuli?

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So back to President Trump's National Day of Prayer. . .
Hedge of protection over God's people from the Coronavirus which shows up in Gematria as a 33.

Do those who subscribe to occult practices use their set of numbers against God's people?

They did in Esther's time as there was a Death Angel, a principality over Persia at that time.

As happened in Esther's day and according to what God stated in his series of 6 that Trump their's here,
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

There is a literal battle that has been ensuing in the heavenly realm and here on earth.

We have evidence this will take place,

Revelation 12:7-9
King James Version
7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

What Can be seen are those who are working with the Globalists, who in turn work in conjunction to the powers of darkness.

The side between Good and evil can be clearly seen as the other side despises the person We the People chose to stand up for us.

Think of the globalists as Hamans those who commit treason against us.
They all are hidden enemies of darkness among us.
What have they attempted to do? Have they tried to undermine the vote by using foreign infiltration?

What is another sign these Haman's or hidden forces of darkness like to use?
Think Skull and Bones. . .many are elitists proven to be part of secret societies in High Places like Yale or even part of covens so they may continue to cast their spells and use the power of their numbers they have tried to co-opt from God.

322 what happened on March 20, '20? so 322? In Gematria the zeros are insignificant.
on 3/19/2020 at 11:49 p.m. over the top of the Washington Monument. . .remember Washington D.C. became a captured city and was let out for occult symbolism. Look up Andrew Pike if not familiar and the fact that Washington D.C. operates as a corporation as does the City of London (not London, but City OF) and the Vatican.

Go here for further details, evidence and study. . .

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The Owl
A sign of Freemasons and the Illuminati symbolism used throughout history.

How did the medieval men understand the owl? For them, the owl symbolized mourning and desolation because it is a bird that lives for the darkness. Thus it represents sinners who have given up living in the light and have chosen the darkness of sin.

Since it hides in darkness and avoids the light, the owl also came to symbolize Satan, the Prince of Darkness.

The Bestiaries tell us that the owl is a filthy bird, because it pollutes its own nest with its dung. It loves to live around tombs and decaying structures. When the owl ventures out into the daylight, the other birds attack it. The scene of the owl mobbed by other birds is common in manuscripts and is often carved on misericords. This was generally understood as the just hostility of the righteous toward the wicked.

Some feel the owl has another connotation. It is important to note, the nefarious worship it and use it to symbolize their choice to choose darkness over light.

For those who say "Big Deal" it's just a religion, they should look over the history of Anton LaVey, Crowley, Aquino and see how these people are put into positions of influence and power for a reason.

See this link with verified sources for further study,

See a very short video here,
Occult symbols in Washington

Now consider,

According to USA Today,

The winter solstice – marking the longest night and fewest hours of daylight of the year
The solstice occurs at the same instant everywhere on Earth: Here in the United States, it happens at 5:02 a.m. ET on Dec. 21.

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According to Vox,

The vernal equinox is upon us: On Thursday, March 19, both the Northern and Southern hemispheres will experience roughly an equal amount of daylight. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of spring, with daylight hours continuing to lengthen until the summer solstice in June.

So when at 11:49p.m. on March 19, 2020 over top of the Washington Monument the Spring Equinox occurred
Therefore the Light became Greater for the remainder all the way up to the Summer Solstice.
Light to Dark for 2020 started 3/19

Why is 11:49 Key?
What keeps showing up?

3894 drop on around 2/25

3 and 8 encodes 11
9 and4 is 13
God Wins for 1113

So the equinox for Spring at 11:49 Eleven minutes before Midnight.

Notice in regards to drop 3894 the 4 and 9 are simply reversed.

Psalm 113
King James Version
113 Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord.

2 Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.

3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.

4 The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.

5 Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high,

6 Who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!

7 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill;

8 That he may set him with princes, even with the princes of his people.

9 He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.

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Check out Psalm 11
11 In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.

3 If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

4 The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.

5 The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

7 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.

Now Psalm 13 does it resonate? Do you have Eyes to SEE?

Psalm 13
King James Version
13 How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

3 Consider and hear me, O Lord my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death;

4 Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.

5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

6 I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.

So what operation was started on 3/19/2020?

Drop on March 28/2018
Sleep well, sleep tight. ..Good guys in control.

Starting at midnight the 29th.

Common code of 29 is 11 because 29 is a backwards 9/11

March 29 is a 33, the following day 3/30 was another 33
The Intel team was letting everyone know that though it felt like the Darkest of days. . .Good was taking over even though many could not see it play out behind the scenes.

What All has transpired Since those days in March back in 2018?

We have the Grace of God. ..they may use their power numbers, but we already Know. . .
We fight not against flesh and blood. . .it IS a Spiritual War and just Who is Mightier than they are?

Psalms 147:5
“Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.”

So there's God's kind of 11!

Our God - Chris Tomlin (with lyrics)

WHY are we Fighting this? Who has stood up and said NO, we will NOT stand by and have this kind of a World for our children and possible grandchildren.

It IS the hidden Rockefeller's behind the scenes that have profited while others have been preyed upon. For instance, who is ARAMCO? Standard oil is the American side and who controls that?

Saudi Aramco operates the world's largest single hydrocarbon network, the Master Gas System. Its 2013 crude oil production total was 3.4 billion barrels (540,000,000 m3), and it manages over one hundred oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia.

  • Saudi Aramco operates the Ghawar Field, the world's largest onshore oil field, and the Safaniya Field, the world's largest offshore oil field.

Saudi Aramco's origins trace to the oil shortages of World War I and the exclusion of American companies from Mesopotamia by the United Kingdom and France under the San Remo Petroleum Agreement of 1920.

The US administration at the time had popular support for an "Open Door policy", which Herbert Hoover, secretary of commerce, initiated in 1921. Standard Oil of California (SoCal) was among those US companies seeking new sources of oil from abroad.

A very cursory rundown on Rockefeller

  • In 1862, John D. Rockefeller, a resident of Cleveland Ohio, joined with two partners to establish an oil-refining company.

  • While Rockefeller reaped extensive wealth in 1865, the oil industry was just beginning to grow.

To try and stabilize oil prices Rockefeller and Samuel Andrews, his partner, approached O.H. Payne, owner of the largest oil refinery in Cleveland. They proposed that the three men unite their companies together. By having a single oil company operating in northeastern Ohio, this company could hopefully fix prices and avoid the tremendous swings as production sometimes increased or dwindled. The company organizers convinced numerous other Cleveland firms to join with them. In other cases, they bought out the companies or drove them out of business by selling their oil for a much cheaper price than their competitors could. In 1870, Rockefeller united these companies together as the Standard Oil Company.

During the 1870s and 1880s, Rockefeller sought to expand Standard Oil's influence. The company began to purchase or drive out of business oil refiners across the United States. By 1878, Standard Oil purportedly controlled ninety percent of the oil refineries in the United States. In 1881, the Standard Oil Company became known as the Standard Oil Trust. In essence, the Standard Oil Company created various companies across the United States that were purportedly their own entities. In reality, Rockefeller directed all of these businesses.

In 1911, the United States Supreme Court eventually ruled in this case that Standard Oil was a trust and had to cease to exist. The company then splintered into numerous subsidiaries. In theory, these companies were no longer owned by a single person or operated by a single board of directors, but it appears that they still operated in conjunction with each other. Among these various companies were Standard Oil of Ohio, Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of New York, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of California, Standard Oil of Kentucky, Standard Oil of Iowa, Standard Oil of Minnesota, Standard Oil of Illinois, Standard Oil of Kansas, Standard Oil of Missouri, Standard Oil of Nebraska, and Standard Oil of Louisiana.

Now who are the hidden Rockefeller's still mixing and mingling among us?

How does someone get power? Elite family connections.

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So dates and numbers being used against us. For example,

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Also this happened

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So know their code. . .understand their plan.

For instance, when is Silent Running used?

When you are on the attack.
Closing in on the enemy.
Sneaking up on them.

SILENCE is Golden!

19 in Physics is code for 19.47

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A three dimentional sphere with a 3D pyramid inside it with it's tip aligned to North or South (both ways would create The Star of David) where the base of the pyramid touches the sphere this is latitude 19.47.

Interesting code here,

Cydonia and the pyramids, rests at 19.47' from the equator. On Earth, pyramids are exact at 19.47' north of the equator on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. Hawaian pyramids are at 19.47' north of the equator as well.

The earth is 21,600 nautical miles around. This measurement is based on the ratio of 360 x 60 first used by the Phoenicians and still in use by modern ocean and flight navigators.

The number 6,480 is exactly 1/4th of the total 25,920 years it takes earth to complete one circuit through the signs of the zodiac. 6,480 years is unique because it marks the duration between a series of global cataclysms left in earth's historic and geologic record.

When the earth's circumference, 21,600 is divided by 33.33 the number 6,480 appears in a variation:

21,600 / 33.33 = 648.06480648064...

648.06480648064..divided by 19.47, the number suggested by the year of the Roswell crash itself (1947)...produces a modification of 33.33:

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Key number for them is 1947

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These numbers and signs are important for them to carry out agendas and start ups of entities on dates involving their key numbers.

For example. . . how often do these plagues come around?

Coincidence of planned? You decide. You be the judge!

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How do you Control a population?

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Progressives/Leftists agree with this concerning personal relationships. Why do they struggle to see it concerning Big Governments and Elitist controllers like Gates, his friend Fauci and others who attempt to control by fear and force?

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So they strike fear in people's hearts, then tell people They the ones controlling the assets like Gates and his Event 201 are the sole saviors by saying there will be a vaccine, then trying to force people to take it. Is this logical to you?

Note the Institute on this patent
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Under major stakeholders on the Pirbright Institute notice his name?

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Here is the URL so you can see it yourself

So why do the progressives buy the lie of "Socialism just wants to help you?" When history has Proven the Opposite is true? Who is Really being helped? The people or the Establishment rulers?

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Who worked in conjunction for at least a decade with Dr. Fauci to create Vaccines and push them? Were some of the countries and people they experimented on taken advantage of? Go look! The truth is out there if you are willing to look at it and take away the haze or filters of deception keeping you from seeing the reality.

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Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?

Taken from the above deep dive. Go to the link to see more.

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They make money hand over fist by telling the progressives their just "helping them." Who are they Really helping and who has been proven to be Harmed?

Do they continue to try to gain More power? Is it Never enough for them? Did they have a plan to take us out?

Why did Bill Gates, a touted "Computer Genius," who is Supposed to have a handle on Viruses that keep cropping up with his software is Now being touted as a Medical Authority?

On what basis? Because he has money and success by the world's standards, even though it was Proven mama Gates got his foot in the door and they all come from a generation of very wealthy Eugenicists and Bankers!

Let's go back to the National Emergency President Trump declared on 3/13/2020
He declared it for Exactly 30 Days!

Not open ended.

Why so Precise?

Would end on 4/12/2020

What was celebrated on that day?
Passover and Easter.

James Bond latest installment was released on 4/10/20 is. . .DJT and

Now think. ..the coordination of the Dossier that came out came right out of the UK with the help of the compromised in their intelligence. Think FIVEYES.

How many intel agencies was Epstein on the payroll of? CIA and Mossad? Any others?

Foreign attack on Americans?

Are we coming Full Circle?

Back to that key number that involves a tetrahedron in the middle of a sphere.

The 19.47 obtained can be rounded up to 19.5 which they signify all over with deals and such. They may use it as 195,000 or 195 billion.

They use it in secret handshakes to signal each other. . .Power, Power number.

What is 19.5 x 2? It is 39 This is why that number is significant for them.

If you will remember from previous articles. . .there are 13 controlling families and this all goes back to who med to offer a deal to control the United States through their entity called the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor a true reserve to help us, but rather is privately controlled by the ruling families to Control We the People and keep the government players under subjection to them!

Now in the occult they observe 3 as an increase in power. What is 13x3? Also 39

What were the launch pads at NASA?

Apollo 11 because the antichrist comes to power in the 11th sign of the Zodiac which is the age of Aquarius. ..thus the song

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

Is it a False Peace? Is the antichrist everything False to the Genuine Christ?

Anti, facsimile so not the genuine, but the Fake.

God calls his kind out as the Fakers with False hope and False peace.

Isaiah 8:19
King James Version
19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

And 1 Thessalonians 5:3
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

The 5th Dimension - Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In (with lyrics)

Interesting numbers here,

The song listed at number 66 on Billboard's "Greatest Songs of All Time"

As Howe tells it, the recording can be traced to an incident in which 5th Dimension lead singer Billy Davis Jr. left his wallet in a New York City cab; the man who found the wallet was involved in the production of Hair and invited the group to see the show: "After they'd seen it I received a phone call in which they were all talking over one another, saying 'We've got to cut this song "Aquarius". It's the best thing ever.'"

And of Course they did. ..

The American Film Institute's 100 Years...100 Songs list, published in 2004, ranked "Medley: Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures)" as number 33.

Notice the key numbers

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Deep Dive with some interesting Tells and Connectors here,
Facebook Frames Is there a Lie afoot? What did JFK come across, try to expose, then get taken out by the very people who attempted to retain Full control? Were the "Powers that be" Against Full Disclosure? WHY? And how many times will I cover New Aspects of It's the End of the World. Likely until more Awaken to PERCEPTION As they KNOW IT!

Speaking of NASA. ..just something to Consider. I'm not saying for a fact it's flat, but hey. ..many even in their own "Programming arena" of Hwood have signaled Fake occurred! Why did they need to Fake it? Who was the Biggest Faker Ever? Is he Still?
Think of what Stanley Kubrick revealed on More than one occasion? How about that room in the Shining? What happened to Kubrick?

One of the Most Glaring examples of what intelligence agencies are capable of if allowed to flourish and run unchecked is the 1976 Church Committee.

Thank you Great Guardian/Warrior Marie Walters for this Key Link

Other info here


Occult symbols in Washington

Evidence of how they use the occult with verification, source links and actual audio/footage coming straight from leaders' mouths!

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