Tiger Worm Farming

in purmacoultur •  8 years ago 

Hello everyone, 

I have found a worm farm is fantastic and works so well in the garden system. Great for getting rid of the kitchen scraps. I lay cardboard boxes on the top of the scraps this will help to keep it dark for the worms and they will also eat there way through the cardboard as well. So all Veges, fruit, horse manure, Cow manure, Tea bags, coffee grounds, paper, cardboard are ok for the worms. (I have stated below what is no good for the worms to eat.)

The main food scraps to keep out of the worm farm is citrus, onions, oils,bread or milk. I have never feed my worms meat either and i do not have a problem with mice or rats. 

 Keeping the ph in balance once a month, add a sprinkle of lime. Little white worms everywhere can mean it’s a little too acidic, so add some lime.

"What the worm farm will produce"

Watering the garden twice a week with the worm juice diluted 10 to 1 . you will see great results. 

The vermicast is great for making seed raising mix.

Vermicast is also good to put a layer over the top of the garden in spring before planting. 

How to get the vermicast out without the worms in it, take the vermicast out with a spade and place in a wheelbarrow the worms will all borrow down to the bottom of the wheelbarrow as they do not like light, and you can scoop off the top this will not have any worms in it. 

 In regards as to where to place the worm farm, I have found keeping it on the shaded side of the house is best for the worms, they do not like getting to hot especially in summer. 

In winter I lay some carpet over the worm farm just to keep frost off.

We have built both worm farms, the first one was great to get started but i  needed a bigger one for all the food scraps from produce out of the garden especially in summer and autumn. 

I will put some photos of the worm farms and worms that produce whats called liquid gold for the garden. 

This is the small worm farm. 

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