Firstly, before I start off this new blog, I actually cover this particular topic in detail in my new E-Book called “Why You Should Quit Your Job and Find Your Purpose” and the link to this can be found here:
Why am I showing you how to find your life purpose you wonder? Because educating people is a large part of MY own personal life purpose and this is why I am starting my new business dedicated to educating the masses with certain things we should have learnt in school but didn’t. I have created a new PowerPoint presentation dedicated to this particular topic as well and just have to make the time to record this as a webinar for everyone.
Let’s get into it.
Firstly, I’m going to set the scene and ask you…do you like your current job? Yes? That’s fantastic, good for you. No? I don’t blame you because 80% of people out there don’t either. I have learnt recently in a training video from a brilliant mentor that when we do something we don’t like or that we are forced to do, it works on certain areas of our brain. I won’t get into the specifics right now as it is fairly complex but I will break it down into the most simplest terms I can and that is this; doing what we don’t want to or don’t like releases our stress chemicals in our brains, which then causes havoc within our physical bodies such as illness, dis-ease, depression and anxiety etc. You get the picture.
Have I found my own life purpose you ask? Yes, I have and I am here to help you to find yours. How did I find my life purpose? Really simple way you could easily use as an idea and example to find your one as well.
Make time for this in your busy day. Roughly between 10-30 minutes or longer if you need. Draw two columns on a A4 sheet of paper. One column will be called ‘what I love to do’ and the other column will be called ‘what I am good at doing’. Think of as many possible points as you can, to put down into both of these columns. Be honest with yourself. Think of what your natural talents are as well and include them into this list. Once this has been done, try to pin point and see how many, (if any), points have come up in both of the columns as that is way to tell what the answers may be and then work from there.
Once this is done, it is simply a matter of using your analytical left brain, and creative right brain together to come up with ideas of what your purpose may be. Take all the time you need. You may not get it on the first try but that is perfectly ok, at least, you have a fantastic starting point. Meditate, daydream, think of what your ‘dream job’ may be for example.
Now, in saying this, yes, use both sides of your amazing brain but also FEEL your way around this at the same time. Use your heart. Your intuition. This is the highest form of intelligence we all possess. What feels like it would be right for you? How would your dream job make you feel? What do you feel may be the right path for you? Use your feelings. They are connected directly to your soul/higher self. So are your emotions so use them as well. Ask the questions: what would make me happy? What path can I take that would make me feel satisfied and content?
Now, a bit about my personal backstory. I knew what my life purpose was, I knew I wanted to start a business in serving the masses but didn’t know how and my fears & limiting beliefs kept me from doing this sooner. I still had my scarcity mentality and lack mindset. I knew that I had to keep working my 9-5 job to be able to pay my rent and bills and I had a really negative view about money in general which is why none of it was coming to me. Long story short, and I cover this in more detail in my new E-Book “Why You Should Quit Your Job and Find Your Purpose”, I quit my job after my boss mistreated me, removed my fears and started to turn around my limiting beliefs. My ego would come up with thoughts like these ones to try to keep me in my safe comfort zone; ‘I am not worthy of starting a business’ ‘what if no one becomes my client’ ‘what if I can’t set up everything correctly’, ‘I don’t deserve to be prosperous and abundant’.
Now, If I can do this, you can bet you can do it too. You just have to break through the fears and limiting beliefs yourself and just make a start. Firstly though, work out what you want. If you are happy to keep working in your job, then do it, if you want a change, this will act as a guide to help you.
It all comes down to you.
Enjoy the journey.