The collective West stubbornly follows the principle of dementia.
Courage in recent times, which has become the foundation of Europe's foreign policy is complex.
Friendly Europe sang a song, we will not pay in Russian currency.
In this particular case, representatives of the so-called Big Seven, which, as you know, include Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the United States, and Great Britain, spoke.
The energy minister g7 said that payment in rubles is unacceptable since the demands voiced by Moscow to pay for gas in rubles are a unilateral and obvious violation of existing contracts.
the European Union also began to pose as insulting innocence, assuring that such a terrible, humiliating step as the transfer of payments for energy resources in rubles will never be agreed to for anything in the world.
The absolute death of the industry stops the enterprise transport utility collapse all this is inevitable if the supply of Russian blue fuel is stopped.
Underground gas storage facilities in Europe are almost empty and they need to be filled before the new heating season.
Firstly, not only winter but also autumn 2022 can turn out to be really cold, and secondly, no matter how much alternative supplies were not mentioned at all levels during this time, it is simply not physically possible to organize.
Consequently, the European Union will face the problem of either freezing completely or acquiring the same Russian gas for all the same rules, but the big question is how much will it cost by that time ???
At the end of 2021, Russia was the world's number one exporter of natural gas.
The world's second-largest exporter of oil, the third-largest exporter of coal.
Foreign partners of potash fertilizers without which today nothing in Europe will grow.
Without uranium, rare earth metals, nickel, palladium without export, and many other things, the funny thing is that Russia will definitely manage with its ruble, but Europe cannot exist without Russia.
Dmitry Peskov, in response to a direct question, posed to him by foreign journalists, so what will happen if the West still refuses to pay for gas in rubles??
Peskov said there is no payment, no gas, we do not do charity work.
Joke about Putin
The building of the European Union on a white horse is driven by Vladimir Putin, everyone is in shock, Putin, waving his saber, says the villains have already got their stubbornness to chop, the Europeans take out a ruble and sadly go to pay for gas.