the problems, christianity, contempt for the peasants, wanting to create orbits...

in putin •  6 years ago 

I think those are the 3 problems.

  1. christianity. it only generate weakness that the enemies will exploit. I know it's hard to accept, but that's the crude reality.

  2. contempt for peasants, believing in the so called urban elite is a big mistake, it's the peasant values... a food grown sold and eaten by the same. it's the name, dignity and legacy of this field, and future. it's so violent and honest... you have no idea. how many horses do you have? depends if you count the unborn...

  3. this drive to want to be... it's impossible in this context. It is structural, time is too limited and action is too fast to transpose thousands of years in few a days. there is no shame, there is no honor, there is nothing of all those concept, it is : what ever is necessary to achieve full and total liberation.

it leads to the problems of for example believing china is an authoritarian system. it's wrong, it's the wrong perception, china is in a defensive/offensive position, aka it's war. if you are too weak to accept the cost of war, fold now.

this is china... again you laugh?

you don't understand isn't it? the japanese do... ohhh they do very well...

I think you suffer from the same problem as him :

I know...

it's hard to hear... it's not about capability, it's not about strength, it's not about courage...

you see majin? you get angry, you get sneaky, you start to plan, you start... etc...

and there is only one path, the path of love, of care, of respect, of accepting to learn... it's hard when you see the one above...

maijin, will do even what bruce lee can't... it's die, but in the process learn everything there is from them, and then they have nothing left to teach... and as they can't learn, and he can, they die.

this an hard path... it's the path of the cultural revolution, the march forward.

you know it ended? a few minute after it began, already food was served and saved, how not, and it was just the beginning, and all that was useless and had to perish was, and if you look everything was saved but what hadn't to be.

but I think you are too european to live this last phrase. I am sorry.

Now I would like to remember zarakenchko, specially his tomato farm... it was beautiful and I think it was the real reason, because it works... sadly, you see it was too kind... or imprudent.

to defeat those wanting to enslave china, is a nice road into the darkness.... and being afraid is natural, renouncing is understandable... but there is no other choice, because when their ways are overcome in all ways without falling like them, they become rats in a snake pit...

but again I guess your carthesian minds don't get it, first snake, then scorpion and back and forth to the mangoost... what? you can't? hehe you see? it's just flavors... turtle is fun... a many get fooled :).

for example, I bet stalin to avenge this (and it wouldn't have happened) would take nuland children out... for fun, who ever it was who cares... it's about rats in a snake pits... and do you know what rats plant to do the snake eggs? this line was necessary for you, but it was added and later and useless for the acquainted.

in judo you use the energy of the other... it's long and inefficient. it's way simpler in his move to deflect and kill. it's less energy and more awareness. fast kill. there is no tatami, no kimono, no nothing, just a circle of dead bodies and the least calories used to achieve it while maintaining the highest awareness who knows if it was the last wave.

no you can't do it as a sport, or as an exhibition. it's only show... fun, marketing. the real one is rarely shown, because it's deployed or more accurately done.

ask the kendoka of japan they understand... it's just slower to draw a sword... but easier, but asymmetry :).

again not here to judge, kendo is really great... no problem, it suits very well peaceful, harmonious and eternal japan. but it' isn't china... never was never will... I guess if china was an island with peaceful, protective, sharing and teaching china on the other side and the big water it may have evolved the same way... but it's only fiction... I hope that japan will regain one day it's place of retreat from the tumult of the galactic concert :).

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famers are solution oriented, not theories... who cares what the theory is... there is a fucking urgency, and fucking solution need to be NOOOWWW!!!! what is going on out of this cow!!!!! another cow :) !!! <3 !!