The Eye is Really You and I: An Illuminating Look At The All-Seeing Eye

in pyramid •  7 years ago  (edited)

Look into this mirror:

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That eye up there is YOU!

Seen as a mirror of ourselves, the eye above the pyramid takes on it's true identity, as it is us, observing our creation as we dance in this celestial whirlpool of existence, surveying what we have done with the place in the wake of the moment.

There is a reason that this eye is so occulted, hidden in front of us with such authority and unknowable mystery.

There’s a reason that this symbol is made to appear so frightful, so omnipotent.

The Eye is Us!

It is we humans who are frightful with such power-- if we only knew our own omnipotence. We are the creative force of the universe in human form, and we are the authority here.

Now, if we would only put that legendary power to our own use...

If we only knew.

Like a mirror, the reflected image shows a part of us that we can’t normally see. Looking again at that ‘I’ above the pyramid, and now knowing that it is actually you, look what it is that you are really up to, up there.


Do you remember now that you are actually flying?

And look at the light that you beam upon the world! How very dark that scene would be without you.

There, below stands that pyramid that we hear so much about-- it’s hard for us to see it from our angle, while we enjoy our lofty position above it.

The pyramid is unfinished. There in the mirror, it’s clear that the pyramid is incomplete without us-- it’s pointed appearance depends on us to give it the illusion of completion and wholeness.

The pyramid’s shape insists on masculinity, yet is impotent without us.

A ‘Fire Within’

Why is a pyramid so named, pyre-amid as if it holds a fire within itself?

By nature, the pyramid’s shape perhaps allows it to behave like a crystal, entraining the etheric flow of consciousness into geometric order, simulating the wake of consciousness in it’s form.

Consciousness is what we are, and it absolutely takes our very existence for a pyramid to have a fire within; we are what’s real, and we are that order, that precise collection of awareness that can generate such a fire.


We Animate the Pyramid Below

The structure below us is inanimate, incomplete, impotent and incapable of creation, while we are all of consciousness, omnipotent and creative.

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Pouring through the world as consciousness, the dance is for our eye's amusement, the song for our ear's delight, but it is we who bring the life force into this co-creation, and that is quite the big deal.

We are the light of the world-- as can plainly be seen-- we are how consciousness gets into the world, carving the stones of the world into the structures and the shapes that reflect our incessant creativity like a mirror.

That ‘I’ up there in the reflection, that is you, and it is I, and not only do we beam our light into the world, we can also fly!

for more about this pyramid symbol and it’s potential effects on our perceptions, see ‘Training the Modern Slave: Part 1.- Money’ or just look at the back of a US one dollar bill, knowing who we are and what we are up to, and begin breaking the spells.

Part 2. of 'Training the Modern Slave' is coming up next, Imagining a Government will be the topic. It will likely be disturbing and sad, but it's time for us to talk.


click @therealpaul for more

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Wonderful and interesting topic for blogging by @therealpaul sir....
The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (or divine providence).[1][2][3] In the modern era, a notable depiction of the eye is the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which appears on the United States one-dollar bill...
Thank you sir...

Yes, we seem to be the eyes of god, making the Eye of Providence a reflection of ourselves.

There is only One; Eye. 🙏
Solipsism along with Thelema and the Golden Rule... no? ;-)

A few years ago I drove around listening to ALL of Mark Passio's podcasts, and I remember him using those terms. It has been a few years, I had to look up solipsism and Thelema to see what you meant!

I've had quite a few arguments with Passio-fanbois regarding just solipsism, hehe. :-)
I can't say what he's working for... unification or controlled opposition for "divide et impera", what I do know is that I've never bothered myself with his supposed "deoccultism", for esoterism is verily the sole path to self-mastery.
Until, of course, that which is whispered in the shadows become public knowhow.
"100th monkey effect" etc, just gotta keep swimming... sigh

I had to look the words up, and now I can't remember if Passio was a fan of solipsism, or if he denied that philosophy. I'm not a good fanboi! I do understand his notion of 'deoccultism', in that he takes the 'occult' out of this knowledge, making it more visible to 99 more 'monkeys' ;)
I'm still not sure that I totally understand solipsism, I tend to see us all as consciousness sharing the same mind, but that may be messed up. I'm still working on it!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He most assuredly opposed the concept, but as such is expected, for he must derive great strength, or perhaps rather potency, from operating so within the herd dynamics.
You simply cannot make the esoteric within any plane of existence exoteric. You can teach the arts, define them as you wish occult/alchemical/metaphysical/spiritual/psychonautical/magickal/introspective etc et al, that, at best, make you into a bodhisattva in denial, at worst, controlled opposition.
As soon as the supposed esoteric has been made exoteric, the existence plane change, and there's just a new level of esoteric knowhow, ad infinitum.
"Sharing of one consciousness" or to only ever have access to but one mind. They're not mutually exclusive, but there is verily only one, with infinite potentialities to perceive through. 🙏

That is interesting, that he would oppose such a philosophy, and may explain why I didn't understand solipsism as Passio described it. It was one of the things that he talked about that always eluded me. I'm glad to talk with someone who is familiar with his work, you've given me new things to ponder now.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I didn't listen to his stuff myself, but I was rather affected by the waves of his followers, and thus did I find out his stance on the subject in question.
Eye am glad I could oblige, may you find pleasure in your contemplations. 🙏

That's such an awesome sentiment! I'm not sure if I heard of something similar before, but now I'm firmly entrenched in this school of thought. Awesome stuff, brother!

Things are not so dark with us in the world, I like to think!

My third eye, the subconscious crosses with the conscious
third eye.jpg

I am such a narcissistic individual.

Sorry, this is unrelated to your post and to these comments but I just launched a miserable contest. I know that you usually don't participate to contests, but this might just take you 5 minutes of drawing a little body part in a trash piece of toilet paper and make your art refined and sophisticated :D

That is such an interesting and alluring photo...

This is refreshing, thanks for the perspective. Money can be so distracting and worrisome. I prefer flying and being shiny. :)

I was thinking it would be less frightful if we knew the eye was I, flying around and shining all day.

We just have that crazy Monopoly money up here in Canada. The pictures change so fast we can't get a grip on all the hidden meanings behind it all - except for what we're told.

Can't wait for part 2. Sometimes disturbing is necessary.

I see a crown; at least Canada admits that they never really left that monarchy behind. Down here, everyone actually believes that they valiantly broke free from that kingdom a long time ago.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for knowing what I meant by that sentence, it would be rather hard to explain from start to finish! That's one of the beauties of Steemit with it's international connections, these things are more accepted-- if I had said that on Facebook I'd be getting creamed right now for daring to say it, being in the heart of the USA here.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Canada (if countries are even real) has no idea what is going on. Apparently, it is its own monarchy which is separate from the UK monarchy - it just uses the same queen like 16 other independent monarchy's. And the monarchy doesn't have any say in anything that goes on in Canada - it's just a symbolic monarchy. Riiiiight, that makes complete sense lol.

"Run along now little children, nothing to see here."

It's like having the City Of London inside the city of London. Nothing strange about that. These people could travel the world conquering new lands but they just couldn't get that 1 square mile under control. Here's some genius propaganda to explain it, while shaming you for thinking The City Of London might control the entire financial world.

That is funny how nobody seems to care what it's called in the end. 'Monarchy' meaning one ruler, but never mind that, let's have dozens of them!

I haven't seen the video yet, but the City of London is a great example of this illusion of national sovereignty that is so thickly laid over this society, where most here will insist that Wall St. is where the money's at.

Highly rEsteemed!
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Thank you, kind Sir!

Good stuff! I've heard that theory before in regards to the eye being a sort of reflection, a reminder to "look at yourself".. And I think that makes a lot of sense, as it is also the "eye of providence" as well, when you get to that level of understanding anyways.

I did learn one thing new! This part "pyre-amid".. That's interesting! I'm going to have to look into the etymology more and see if I can find a connection, but.. It makes a good amount of sense that it may have to do with flame or fire of some sort! Thanks for helping me learn something new today! :D Awesome article, I hope it helps others as well.

Yeah the pyramid's 'fire within' made me wonder how such a simple shape could have earned such a name, and then I recalled some research that was done decades ago by Russian scientists who found some strange effects on plants and things inside of pyramidal shapes of various dimensions. There was even a pyramidal device on the market at one time that would keep razors sharp, somehow, but the disposable razor won out in the end I suppose. I keep trying to figure out what's going on inside there, it seems like it is important!

Hmmm.. Very interesting. I've heard some stuff about like a vortex in pyramids and ideas that the ancient ones in Egypt may have even been power plants, which I'm sure you've probably heard of as well.. Maybe there is some kind of principle or energy or something contained within those geometrics. I think I need to dig a bit deeper! :D Cheers.

Broad base, thin top, telluric current pressuring from below. The following amplification should be self evident. :-)

every time i see that image my hearts stops for a while..i get a very strange weird feelings which i dont know how to arouses the curiosity as well as the fear in me.. :)

I intended to portray the image as a reflection in a mirror, but that reflection can be startling sometimes for me as well. To see ourselves with such might means great responsibility, and it's attractive and fearful at the same time.

Really the eye is us and the Consciousness is what takes our existence to fire this pyramid up, wating for training of modern slaves

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Posts that attract friends because the eyes are a blend of soul ...