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The three kings of Orions belt?

We three kings. Aha.

Indeed the brightest 3 stars in Orions belt are still called today what they were in ancient times also they follow the brightest star in the night sky Sirius which is in the East & all line up & point to where the Sun rises on December 25th.So it is true that the 3 kings follow the star in the East to the birth of the Sun. The Sun after getting lower in the sky stops moving South for 3 days before shifting North by 1 degree so is literally reborn foretelling longer days to help the crops grow so salvation. When the Sun stops moving for 3 days it settles near the constellation called the southern crux, So The Sun dies on a cross is dead for 3 days before moving North again. Then you can see it coming through the clouds from the heavens wearing its crown of thorns (sunrays) You can watch this story play out every year just by looking up at the heavens (sky) on any clear night from the Northern hemisphere which is of course where the ancient stories were written. Some coincidence huh. Gods Sun the light of the world.

Monolithic connectivity verges paranoiac visions. Am sure we can mature to handle the upcoming psyionic telepathic upgrade that i predict will occur. As thomas pynchons ‘crying of lot 49’ suggests: its far better to be paranoid and observing the interconnectivity of it all than to experience the opposite detachment and isolation from it....

Do you think Pynchon should win the Nobel prize?

In my mind he already has. The dangerous work of revealing the industrial war complex after being a rocket scientist probably forced him into being a targeted individual. The levels of paranoia i am sure led him to self medication to tolerate the neccesary hightened awareness to stay alive. The burden of cross dressing just to get groceries knowing that THEY viewed him as enemy no.1 a high priest of the revolution, more dangerous than timothy leary, Can the anarchist band, and all the beat poets combined. The prophetic nature of his metafiction was causing enlightenment to suburban teenage girls causing a domino effect of vice amongst the upper ranking college bound boys. Edward Snowdens effort was a walk in the park compared to the risk Thomas pynchon has survived. Encoded into Art was the only way to get away with it. Gravitys Rainbow is the definitive 20th century text. Apologies to Joyce as his brilliance belongs to the end of the 19th alongside the automobile. Yes pynchon was the one,one of the few to paint the picture of the severity of the situation, the deep paradigm shift of conciousness, the digital supergod computer churning into wakefulness, the cosmic bomb conjuring the tarot cards of fate,the movie that is us melting before our very eyes. Masons in midmouth missouri,they surround me here monsanto and satanic right so called christians pray for jesus to rise out of hell and reign down apocolypse for all. Pynchon saved us. Burroughs helped it was so much stranger than we want to admit no one wants to recognize the sins of the bush regime skull and bones ge farbin bayern rothchild bilderberg zion gangster frankenstien secret police of radio brainwave control ....pynchon revealed them the light and their darkness could not stay and recoiled into the shadows