This is the article you have been looking for, it goes into how to get started with python.
First, let's get into operators:
the = and == operators are a bit confusing, but they are curtail. The = operator is used to assign a value to a variable. Like x = 2. While == compares two items, like 1 + 1 == 2. The others are pretty simple, + is addition, - is subtraction, * is multiplication, / is division, ** is exponents. I think we are ready to move onto types!
When covering types, I will skip dictionaries, because they are a bit more complex, going into this, I will need to define immutable, it means unchangeable. First, let's cover the list. A list, indicated by [ "stuff", "more stuff" ] (you can replace the word stuff though) is a, well, list. It contains items, numbers or words, which I will get to later. A tuple is a list, but immutable, and faster. You can turn a list into a tuple using tuple( "name of the list, remove quotation mark" ). Next is an int, it is a round number, a float is a number with a decimal point. A string is anything in " ", and a bool is either True or False. Let's move onto using functions.
A basic function use is function(parameters), or item.funcion(parameters), like:
x = [ ]
x.append("hello world")
Now let's get onto if. If executes the code within it, but only if the parameters are true. like this:
if x == y:
print("hello world")
Now let's get onto the for and while loops. While builds on if, so it will repeat as long as the parameters are true. A for loop runs for a specific amount of runs.
While loop(do not run):
While True:
For loop:
for i in range(0, 100)
Now you are ready to start reading the python documentation at hope you found this useful. consider following, Thanks