Python Installation

in python •  7 years ago 

You don't need to configure/install anything before installing Python. The installation steps are as follows for various operating system.

1. Linux Debian based system such as Ubuntu.

There is no need to install, as Python come as pre packaged in the all latest Ubuntu version. However, if you are still using old debian based system you can run the below command in the command terminal.(Use Ctrl+Alt+t to open command terminal)

sudo apt-get install python

To check if the python is installed sucessfully, type 'python' in the command terminal it will give the python interactive shell to use python language.Also it will give the information about which python version is installed.

2. Windows

Download the python installer from below location.

Once it is downloaded , just run the installer by double clicking on it. After installation procedure you can open the windows cmd terminal to check if Python is installed successfully. Just type the 'python' in the terminal ,if installed properly it will give you the python interactive shell.

See you in the next tutorial till then "Happy Coding".

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Additionally, for those using mac, it already has a Python version, but for installing the latest security fixed version they may use "Homebrew".

# for python 2.7
brew install python
# for python 3.x
