Q-Anon - Helper or Hoaxer?steemCreated with Sketch.

in q-anon •  7 years ago 

I must admit I've been skeptical to jump on the Q-Anon bandwagon. This is either the best psyop to go down in all of history or this is a person/group of patriots that are truly trying to keep us in the loop so we can watch the sickos go down. Personally I'd rather see the latter happen but I remain skeptical. There are things that have happened that do make me think this entire operation is legit. I remain skeptical because it seems too good to be true! Don't get me wrong I want it to be, but am I the only one that feels like this is a bunny trail leading to another bunny trail to Alice in Wonderland with Peter Pan? I don't want to seem like Debbie Downer but this entire thing has brought about more fighting on social media platforms then I think I've ever seen.

I don't want to be mislead and neither do any of you I'm sure. I'm merely suggesting not to get your hopes way up there. When we do that someone will always let us down. I must admit I like the thrill of the chase, I like the puzzle pieces, love the clues/signs/signals, but for some I've noticed this is taking over their lives. They eat, sleep, and breathe Q-Anon. This phenomenon is a game changer, a one up or a power play so to speak. What an ingenious way for those "in the know" to not only drop clues to the public, but to also send a coded message to the ones "they" are referring to. Passive aggressive much? In all seriousness I do love my country, and I am very thankful for what we ALL have here. I want to see those rotten people caught and exposed and jailed as bad as the next person. In my opinion, and let me restate that this is only my opinion here, the United Stated coined "In God We Trust" for a reason. If America put their trust back in God instead of anonymous informative whistleblowers sending the public into fits we might get our country back. After all the Lord says in the Bible "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay" says the Lord" (Romans 12:19).

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