Yesterday, I wrote about sheep and today I'll write about a web application I have been working on in the background. These technical posts are notorious for getting ignored, so I've decided to include a little reward for those that play along. A week ago, I announced an experimental filter called qFilter. You can read more about it here. I'm not going to talk about implementation details because those are boring. Read the post if you are curious.
To give a quick non-technical overview, qFilter is an experimental filter that reads the Steem blockchain and sorts the posts using a magical algorithm. For those curious about how the filter currently displays stuff, you can view the website here. The site pulls posts from the blockchain by looking for the 'q-filter' tag. I made the site extra ugly because I'm a back-end guy who could care less about how something looks.
But now onto the part where you can get some free SBD so you can offer it to some booster later. I will be offering three different prizes, all of which are very small. But it's free "money" and people seemed really eager the last time I offered them free money a couple of months ago. To participate use the 'q-filter' tag.
The first prize will be a first to post prize. The first post that shows up on the filter that is not written by me will win 1 SBD. If multiple posts show up, then you'll have to share. The site updates every 10 minutes so you'll probably have to share. (Note: the post doesn't necessary have to be new)
For those that don't like sharing, the second and third prizes are more competitive. If you go the website, you'll notice there are three filters on the menu. The filter labeled "contribution-based" doesn't work. The other two do. Thus, the top filtered post determined by each of the other two algorithms not authored by me will be awarded 2 SBD. Look at the table if confused.
Contest | Winners | Prize | When Determined |
First To Use Q-Filter | 1+ | 1 SBD | After First Poster |
Top Stake-Based Algorithm Post | 1 | 2 SBD | 24 Hours After This Post |
Top Reputation-Based Algorithm Post | 1 | 2 SBD | 24 Hours After This Post |
Also, free feel to game the algorithms by whatever means necessary. Reread the previous post in order to find any weaknesses. It's probably not worth your time, but then again I'm offering free money for a very simple task of borrowing one of your tags.
Second note, I am free to manipulate the results as much as you and your posse are able to manipulate results. Flagging is not considered out of bound behavior, but please refrain from flagging "quality" content (whatever that means). Also, remember that I'm not competing so free feel to ignore my posts (unless you really feel like reading them).
If you have any questions, please write them down below and I'll try to respond eventually. I hope all of you have a wonderful day. I'm declining payouts on this post because I don't really like contests or advertising that much. One could consider this post both. Also feel free to use the 'q-filter' tag after the 24 hour period as I will use it as my first source of curating stuff. And I have been known to dish out some pretty thick 3 cent 100% upvotes.
Congrats to @personz, as the first user of the filter. Free monies have been distributed. The other two prizes are up for grabs and being the only poster, @personz is currently in the lead for both. Contest ends around Midnight EST / 5AM UTC.
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Awesome 😎 very interesting experiment! I did it for science, not the prize, I swear 😅 thanks
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@personz wins the Triple Crown! Thanks to everyone (emphasis on one) who participated. Feel free to play and or destroy the filter in your free time. Who knows, it might actually be worth it.
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Much obliged! I'm sorry more people didn't see this. Keep working on it and I'll share again the next time. It's an interesting project and well worth attention.
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