Q talks of booms, as future events that will happen vs the deep state baddies in upcoming weeks and to enjoy the show. [posts 954 and 955] Shortly after the latest of these statements there are explosions in Austin TX. As it turns out there are six. Matching the number of booms mentioned in the posting by Q. Amazingly, deep state controlled FBI starts an investigation of Q because of the TX bombings. Q always asks, "Do you believe in coincidences?" How would this work, if it was not a coincidence? Watch your step as we travel down into the rabbit hole.
1st, conveniently, the bomber died in explosion number six. Matching the number that Q posted. He also was shot, after the fact. Or was he? If he blew himself up, did he pull the cord on that or did some one else remotely do it? If that last is true, did this person or persons build the bombs? 2nd, why did the shooter live in a hotel when he had an address and room-mates?
How hard would it be for some out of work 24 year old, behind on his rent, be convinced to help some cause. The preconfession on the bomber's phone could be explained as a way to stay out of long term prison if he got caught. "But do not worry my little bomber friend we will make sure that you don't get caught because after all, you are my CI, or confidential informer, for me and my bosses over at Police, or FBI JTTF HQ...." [possibly, just like Paddock from Las Vegas] And remember, the bomber will be taken care of by bomb number six since the "good guy" made it for him "Special." Recent reports have this guy as some sort of psycho. Where are family or friends interviewed? Former teachers? If he was deranged, it could just be another MK-Ultra attacker.
After these unfortunate events, all of a sudden there is an FBI investigation started? Who signed off on that? Who is the investigating agent or agents? Who are their immediate superiors? Investigate that folks! How bad are the deep state when they kill innocents? Remember, they are supposedly so evil that we are all considered just useless breathers. If this is all true then roll it all back to 9-11 and then back to JFK and see who is connected to all of those dots. Maybe we could ask George Sr about that? The hole goes far. It looks like an "Enemy of the State" sequel. I think I'll put that movie into the DVD player and catch up to speed. Since it looks like 20-30 million folks are watching Q now. None of this is a laughing matter, especially if true, but the facts will be used to paint us all as tin-foil hat wearing racist bigots. The deep state's inability to try something new will be their downfall. These people are stupid. BTW, How do I look in my foil?