Qanon- Deep State War Rages On 5/8/18

in qanon •  6 years ago 

The Deep State

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations." JFK April 27, 1961

30k sealed indictments


Q cheat sheet

Who/what is Q

Q is an alleged team of military insiders that are here to provide bread crumbs to the public to help awaken the American people. @titusfrost has recently put out that it's likely that Qanon is the former head of the CIA Bruce C. Clarke Jr. I can't confirm or deny this, so I'm just holding this in a space to see how it fits as time rolls in.

@defango chimes in on Cicada3301 and Q

If it is him I'm not sure that adds or removes strength to Q. It would seem more likely there is real intelligence heading into this thing, but the CIA is a such a clusterfuck that it's impossible to determine if coming from the CIA means it's real disclosure on behalf of American Patriots and world peace or a massive psyop playing out on the American people.

So, is Q a LARP? idk. Are there a few thousand Q researchers? Yes! Are there a few million Q followers? YES! So, I'm still on the Q bus for now. LARP or not they are exposing deep state pedophilia. Just waiting to see what comes of this. My fear is that they are removing the Deep State Cabal to replace with another one. We'll see.

Relevant News


This theory ties all the worst actors together- JC, RR, RM, LL



Pedogate victim Fiona Barnett tells her story

This one is extra ironic because by calling it a sex cult they are covering the fact that they engaged in child trafficking


alibaba connection to pedogate

Something to look into

Kerry and Mueller and Iran


Aborted Cells

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Qanon is the man!!!

Hillary is in a body cast. She can't hold herself up.

Rally Wonderfully post...

@RealDonaldTrump's brave scuttling of Obama's corrupt Iran deal is a historic blow to the Deep State and Swamp. And make no mistake, the Deep State Swamp is international in nature.

There is more beneath the eye than just politics. Deep State shit, the A.G has got himself an official red card.
I think Obama searched for a close ally who will do his bidding in such a way no one will suspect a thing, someone with close relationship with the Iranian government and John Kerry was the perfect pick. Obama with double Nationality was indirectly aiding and shading his brothers from the other side, reason he refused to see the Israel PM when he last visited Washington which led to the Obama administration not supporting Israel bid to stop Iran nuclear programme.
Iran have Uranium as natural resource and this is just business as usual for Kerry. After all what is important is enriching their pocket not for the interest of the America people.

News had it that Israel has a secret nuclear site and all nukes are pointed towards Iran. Does that mean anything to you?
Could this be a planned attempt to remove Israel from the map.

Trump is more like Minister of Information, he needs no one to report on matters. He simply just tweet about it.

Couldn't make out some of them due to the size. Lots of interesting things being mentioned. I have never felt the Q thing was on the up and up myself. The few things I have seen quoted were a few words that people then say means all kinds of things. Loved the meme on the boss from that movie saying it would be great to see some arrests now.

Nice job and will be watching for your next installment.

Really amazing post..


Hillary Clinton has just visited New Zealand, she is concerned about China and China's influence in New Zealand. Jenny Shipley who M.C ed Hillary's event, actually works for Chinese bank in New Zealand. Jacinda Adern N.Z's Prime Minister has publicity expressed her concern that China has a military base near Vanuatu. The Chinese base near Vanuatu is a defensive measure by China because what our Prime Minister does not mention is the the U.S military has over 400 military bases in the South Sea of China pointed strategically at China. Not a word about the U.S bases, a blanket of silence in New Zealand about this fact.

nice post, friend :)


How old is "Pizzagate"?

Between :25 and :30

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

What's that? Sorry, I couldn't see your comment, it was hidden.

P.S. - Keep wasting those $5 flags, bitch!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

It's "forever", fucking moron.

Glad to see you wasting voting power on me rather than voting on the trash you normally would. Dumb fuck.

You have been silenced like the bitch your mom is.

You sound like an angry person!

why down vote sir.It's bad news.