Letter to Patriots, Qarmy, Qresearchers, Qfighters, those on a quest for truth. . .We the People

in qanon •  7 years ago  (edited)

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To all Patriots, God fearing people, Qarmy, Qfollowers, Qfighters, Qresearchers, those on the quest for truth and all that is good;

I know Easter is over, but I have not lived a year yet where I fully comprehend what this means. Clarity has come sometimes in a rush and other times a revelation after spending over a year studying our hidden history along with the last 5 months researching Q drops. . .We have Nothing without this. Thank you to all who responded on my Testing The Narrative Page on Facebook and right here concerning this beautiful picture and the words which have come to be the central focus of our purpose as we fight to take this nation back from the grip of the enemy!

On Facebook 814 interactions and 91 shares. I will write out the text below the following paragraphs. Photo isn't mine, I found it on an image sharing site. It is so beautiful and went with the words I felt compelled to write. I would not understand all of this. . . just words and phrases if I didn't have God directing me to the truth. When He says Seek and ye shall find., seems ridiculously simple, almost too simple. I know now He means it. I asked, He has shown! I wasn't always ready and didn't think I could take it at times. The enemy wants us to crumble, but God equips like no one else can! Not all easy to see what really surrounds us, but He gives us the strength to fight this battle not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of the air. A great suggestion from webster_warrior to include the full verse as it is far more powerful, it is Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Do you ever think about what that truly means? The actual depth of it? The unseen it involves. yet it is there in frequencies, vibrations, the wavelengths that show up in sound and color. Are you tuned in constantly to those air waves pumping out what groups want you to hear, or to His truth and who He is? What He offers is far more powerful than the grip the evil side has, but you have to be tuned in and willing to hear it. His ways are supernatural and superior to anything I can ever solve or imagine. It will seem like the side of evil is winning and gaining ground because this is satan's domain. God is the one who can save anyone who chooses to believe in Him.

So many false teachings out there, many under the guise of good, sadly just a ploy to trip us up. Make no mistake, satan plans on winning the End Game. Look how long he has had to strategize! Do you ever wonder why there are so many movies that focus on science fiction? The enemy knows his end and will stop at nothing to win, including making you believe you can be your own god through the help of AI.

What is required is supernatural power for us to fight against it . We can't do it it on our own. God's word says, For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 You can choose a different outcome, He did because. . .

The enemy tried to stop Him
The evil one tried to bribe Him
The Pharisees mocked Him
Death couldn’t keep Him
His power is supernatural
Yet many still deny Who He Is

He is the Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end
He is the ultimate Superhero
He could have left humanity to live with their choice of rebellion
Yet, He offered an escape from this broken place
Are you one of them who knows?
Do you see where we really live?
Are you aware of the facade?

Only one has been able to rise from the dead
Only some understand the freedom that He gives
Others are still enslaved

Do you know the way out?
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me!
This is true because. . .He LIVES!

God is using you Patriots and those part of the Qarmy to help everyone long ensnared in a vast web of deceit to see the true state of our reality. The enemy's timetable has been denied, and he knows it! We are now in God's timetable where . light will shine on the darkness. Corruption is being brought to the forefront at a rapid pace. They will fight against their evil being revealed. Keep spreading the Good News right alongside it. Keep our brave POTUS in prayer! Pray for God's continued protection for he and his courageous family! We are free, because God made us Free! Don't get discouraged! Never give up! Fight, Fight, Fight! Remember Who you are! Who is on your side! We the People. . .

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