This will cover more in depth information on Proofs and evidence of Qanon being authentic.
- What is it with Q and what is significant about the way he drops and what he drops (I'll only be touching on a few
of the vast amount of drops) many with proofs to Back them Up! - More on Why Adam Schiff was zeroed in on and the role he has played in the vast corruption.
- Who Does Schiff really answer to and who funds him?
- How does all of this connect to the big picture and how are some of these corrupt players so connected and
virtually part of every industry including our News Networks? - Some very interesting information regarding that near the Rothschild estate and was that a mission?
- Who we're actually dealing with here and what we are up against.
I would challenge MSM to take a closer look at this, but they don't have time for such a working body of Glaring Evidence as Q drops are filled with vast and unquestionable truths!
You don't suppose their masters and superiors are already aware of this do you? Hmmm.
The owned journalists and their superiors get a paycheck from their corporate cabal owned Overseers. They wouldn't want to veer out of the graces and question even the Obvious ambiguous agenda they are forced day in and day out to carry out in the form of carefully spun propaganda stories that pull you in with the words the masses want to hear and have been conditioned to hear.
It is what they are used to, it Is Their Way of Life. They would not know How to live outside of their Fake reality their superiors and their cohorts have set up for them including their idolizing of Hollywood and Entertainers.
All one has to do is look at what they say about people the awake Know to be Child Predators. ..yet those who fancy themselves, the Gatekeepers of the "news" or at least what they so graciously allow to trickle down to us cloaked in what they deem as ingestible by us. . .because oh, how they want to "protect" us.
They're protecting something and someone all right. ..their evil overlords!
If you have not read the first two articles I have done covering the Evidence of Qanon's Authenticity you can go here,
First, let's look at some clear evidence, then I will pick right back up where I left off concerning Adam Schiff, Q calling him out and Exactly why. I will also give you evidence of these Proofs.
All sources at end of article.
Original photos have been dropped taken from Air Force One.
Drops are made in the form of a list of questions and some answer themselves.
The rest can be researched and verified.
It is likely that the format this info is dropped is very hard to detect by semantic analysis so this may have provided him time to get ahead of detection by the cabal.
He also posts instructions to teams who are watching some of the cabal controllers.
They could be copies sent over other secure channels or they may be the initial instructions.
Before the arrests in Saudi Arabia there was a global what's app outage and a tweet from president Trump asking RAMCO to invest on the NY Stock Exchange.
Perhaps a signal to start the arrests of the corrupt.
Bin Talal Alwaleed has very large holdings in Twitter in Citigroup.
Soros also has holdings in many groups including those backing liberal journalists, papers and radio.
Go check out the sources if you aren't already aware, and if you are on your journey of waking up. . .you will see just how much of the web of influence these people wield over We the People. They have their finger in just about Every piece of the Pie!
I'm going to pick right back up on what I discussed in the last article concerning Adam Schiff and how Qanon pointed to him for all his roles he has played in the rubble of destruction and the contributions he has made to the weakening of our Nation.
Here is just one of the drops.
Screen Shot 2018-08-24 at 3.00.13 PM.png
James Freeman of the Wall Street Journal asked Monday, “Is CNN protecting Adam Schiff?”
That’s the hope anyway. In practice Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) rarely misses an opportunity to publicly characterize the non-public information that he claims to have seen. This raises the question of whether he’s violating the rules of the committee by discussing classified intelligence, or perhaps misleading the public about what he’s seen. Before giving him yet another platform to hurl allegations of treasonous behavior, journalists should first demand that he show up with some facts.
As previously reported, Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint against Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier for violating House ethics rules in April for disclosing “classified information to the public in violation of House ethics rules.”
As Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller pointed out, CNN has yet to provide a full explanation as to why they published the story, opting instead to protect its sources. Reporters, some more direct than others, pointed to Rep. Schiff as being the source for the false story.
Former NYPD officer said this,
Nick Short of Michelle Malkin Investigates tweeted Fox News correspondent Ed Henry’s report this,
Adam Schiff outspoken proponent of the False Russian Narrative who when asked what evidence he has according to Ray McGovern,
Schiff’s explanation is a common subterfuge – “I can’t share the evidence with you; it’s classified.” This is why VIPS addressed the issue head on in the following excerpt:
Adam Schiff decided to create his own narrative and substitute it for reality according to the California Political Review.
Also a supporter of the Iran deal!
Schiff saw how Obama and Kerry capitulated at almost every step in the Iran negotiations, leaving Iran with an easy path to nukes, no worry about snap backs, $150 billion dollars to fund terrorism, relief from its non-nuclear sanctions, and so much more. Hasn’t he seen how Russia’s Putin casts Obama as the fool as he out-manipulates the American President every step of the way? Doesn’t he realize that Iran coming to the talks is just one more example of Putin manipulating a feckless Obama?
But don’t blame Obama. After all why should he push back against Putin after Adam Schiff gave him permission to partner with Iran even if, as Schiff said himself, “They’re definitely part of the problem.”
Jihad Watch reported in May of 2018 possible exposure of people like Schiff,
Shortly after President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal last Tuesday, an adviser to a top Iranian official retaliated by dropping a bombshell threat.
The threat concerned the president’s plan to reimpose sanctions on Iran:
An adviser to H.J. Ansari Zarif, the deputy for parliamentary and Iranian affairs within Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specifically threatened to expose every corrupt official who accepted bribes to make the Iran deal happen three years ago.
“If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen,” he either said or wrote, according to Hassan Ghashghavi.
And here we find out just Who Schiff has been ultimately working for,
Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, was previously financially aided by the George Soros-financed to win his Congressional seat.
Schiff was also awarded the Toll Fellowship, which is sponsored by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit that monitors federal government activities and is heavily financed by Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
The Open Society and Soros-funded groups have additionally supported a number of Schiff’s legislative efforts.
I for one find this Very interesting as Soros funded trollers and staff got my video exposing a Certain organization removed and a strike against me on DupeTube. One of two strikes, as the other was for exposing Netflix Pedophile Agenda, Roblox gang rape scenes marketed to children and played on youtube and a bill to teach young children inappropriate topics by Planned Parenthood.
You know how it goes, just as on Twitter and even Facebook has been known to allow pedophile accounts to flourish and prey upon children, but a parent informing and warning other parents is Silenced!
Here is a video that covers some of Adam Schiff's "territory."
This is what is covered in the video report,
Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo This is part 2 of the earlier report from the Jan 30-31 drops. You don't want to miss the mural or information regarding the Standard Hotel.
Also concerning Qanon drops and Schiff an anon asked a question concerning Schiff and Q responded. Here is that drop.
Q Posted this on November 6th just 8 min. prior to a Trump tweet.
Trump tweeted this out after the Q drop,
Now this ties into what was occurring over in Saudi Arabia.
About 200 people in total were arrested.
Then he drops this on November 11
Along with this showing how much control and pull these rulers have had,
Then he literally Dropped all these banks. ..several drops just look at how many! Can You Fathom it?
Don't forget +++ and ++
Talk about showing So many Connections All in One Place and the funneling through the networking of many in All these Central Banks.
Then Q reminds us how generational this is and how they have been able to control virtually every industry and so many governments.
Before the arrests in Saudi Arabia there was a global what's app outage and a tweet from president Trump asking RAMCO to invest on the NY Stock Exchange.
Perhaps a signal to start the arrests of the corrupt.
Bin Talal Alwaleed has very large holdings in Twitter in Citigroup.
Rothschilds own most Central Banks as was pointed out by Q.
Here is an example of a crash that occurred connected to the Rothschild family.
This is part of what was stated in a Daily Mail article,
Vietnamese pilot, 32, who was killed in mid-air collision while flying a helicopter near Rothschild's Buckinghamshire estate
Nguyen Thanh Trung, 32, in helicopter with veteran pilot Captain Mike Green
Their helicopter collided with Cessna 152 at 1,000ft over Waddesdon Manor
Saavan Mundae, 18, died alongside flight instructor Jaspal Barha, 45, in Cessna
According to The Sun,
Helicopter pilot, 32, died in mid-air collision alongside three others after a plane ‘suddenly dropped in height’ over Rothschild’s estate
Nguyen Thanh Trung, 32, was one of four who died when a Cessna 152 light aircraft and Guimbal Cabri chopper collided.
Crash occurred November 17, 2017
Q dropped this military intelligence code on November 15, 2017 so two days prior to that crash!
This was a mission by Thanh Trung and the Captain was Mike Green
Q lets us know in a later drop on the 21st that the mission was intercepted.
It is important to note, as can be seen by the sources at the end of this article, that this was in a wooded area near
According to WUC News,
Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, is a member of the powerful elite Rothschild banking family.
Lord Rothschild also boasted that the New World Order, which is family heads, would be in place by 2018.
Here is where Qanon let us know the mission had been intercepted.
Q points to the fact the Rothschilds have been heavily involved in ceremonial rituals and symbolism.
He reminded us of this picture that can be found when researching the Rothschilds and what has been said by Hollywood elites concerning the parties and by Hunter Thompson who spoke openly even on the David Letterman show about hunting and referenced over the years many times parties conducted at the Rothschild mansion.
Then he drops this
Draws attention to this,
Then drops pic of Rothschilds again in costume and drops this after pointing towards the gold.
Q has warned this satan worshipping family that the White Hats know where they are at all times and can hear them breathing and let them know a distress call to others could Not save them!
This is the graphic demonstrating the shape
Soros recently dumped much of his money into his Open Society Foundation which shelters many other progressive organizations under various names to pay of antifa and other groups paid to wreak havoc.
What does he use that money for?
These three ruling factions have been attempting since the mid part of WW1 was to weaken the West by the use of cultural subversion. This allowed them to draw others in and use their rituals to blackmail and entice.
In other words, to get to the next level of success, you have to be willing to submit yourself to more and more subversion. They also use these subversive acts as a way to blackmail these people who join the Cabal, illuminati or secret societies.
As you have seen, many climb the ladder to become as elite as former CIA intern and son of Gloria Vanderbilt (also proven to be seeped in ritualistic art collection and activities) Anderson Cooper.
Think of Mika Brzezinski. Thank God she made it back to CBS just in time to be a reporter for Ground Zero and just Look at how quickly they pushed her through the ranks!
It was a good thing too because her father, Zbigniew Brzezinski, surely had quite a few tales to tell!
Counselor to Lyndon B. Johnson. . .took the presidency Right after the Cabal took out JFKjr, then Brzezinski was a National Security Advisor to Carter.
This was during a time when he helped arm the mujahideen when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the signing of a Treaty in which we, the U.S. gave up control of the Panama Canal by 1999.
Isn't so cozy and nice how his agenda was catapulted further as he was able to appear while he was alive numerous times on his daughter's show. Awe, keeping it in the family! You know what else they keep in the family?
Guess what Council he was on and What elitist group he belongs to? I'm sure you've guess the Council of Foreign Relations. . .arm of the UN or better known as the overseer organization for furthering a Globalist Agenda or what they like to call a NWO! .
He was also a member of the known controlling Bilderberg Group, who they pretended didn't meet in secret, but now they seem to like to make it Known that they are indeed part of the "Overlord" group, who deem themselves far superior to us lowly general masses and they know far better than us, what is good for us! .
Q arrived on the scene to help point We the People in the right direction. There are obvious tells that he or this group of White Hats have military background and access to intel. They have clearly seen much of this history play out.
Evidence of this nature cannot be overlooked,
Phrases and terminology confirmed as belonging to military intelligence.
Qanon predicted President Trump's twitter account being shut down.
So are you someone who feels,
There's something wrong with the world. . .you know it, but until you start researching, you don't quite realize exactly what it is.
7 trillion dollars in wealth for the triangle.
Saudi Arabia, Rothschild and Soros run the world by financing Wars, creating terror and implementing the systems like
GMO's, Opiods as a bandage while making us pay for pharmaceuticals that only cover up rather than heal, damage at least long term, rather than aide.
You have seen evidence of vast human trafficking and if you've done your research. . .you know it goes into the utter depths in which children are not just sex slaves, but are preyed upon through means of their blood, bone marrow, organs being sold and profited upon as they do with adrenochrome.
My next article will be focused on this and some research I will be sharing with you.
Whether you believe Qanon is legit or not, do you see the pull for these corruptors and controllers?
What is the sum of all fears?
Don't regular people have many of the same hopes, dreams and fears?
Don't we wish to have our families protected and to live with our God given freedom some keep trying to take away from us?
What about you? Do you see the evidence of these controllers. . .the cabal and secret societies preying upon us and attempting to pit us against each other? Please let me know your thoughts, feelings and experiences below. Godspeed Fellow Patriots!
See this article titled, Adam Schiff is a Traitor to Humanity
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