What May Transpire as We the People Save our Republic from Traitors of the Deep State and How You can Help! Let's Do This Patriots!

in qanon •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Launched by a Plan, a Movement made up of We the People

Inspired, encouraged by White Hats and Qanon

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What is likely to transpire. Trust the Plan!

  • Military Tribunals and arrests of deep staters.

  • The potential lockdown of the United States under a declared State of National Emergency.

  • Why these are all steps that must happen in order for us to save the Republic.

Who are we attempting to save the Republic from?

Deep State traitors, who are attempting a coup to overthrow this country and nullify the outcome of our Democratic election.

Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner signed a letter admitting that they're traitors to the U.S. and they are requesting the help of the FBI and DOJ to go directly against and defy our elected president. .


They are desperate to cover the Deep State's activities and keep them hidden from the mass public.

The arrest of these corrupt leaders, former leaders and other traitors is being called for.

In martial law the military replaces the standing government, in which the highest ranking military official becomes the Head of State.

The constitution along with rights are suspended in order to stabilize insurrections or perceived insurrections.

Martial Law can be used in major natural disasters and in a state of emergency.

Martial law has also been imposed during conflicts, and in cases of occupations, where the absence of any other civil government provides for an unstable population.

Used as a response to a corrupt, malicious government.

It is also employed in a coup d'etat or political uprising.

President Trump's Executive order laid the ground work for the arrest of many Deep State traitors.

He declared a National Emergency which has been in place since December 22, 2017


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Targets serious human rights abuses and corruption around the world.

Speaks of government corruption and the use of resources in order to assist enemies of the United States.

Who has done this?

Think of all who were involved in Uranium One.

Uranium one Deal The Real Russian Collusion and Interference

Special Investigation Uranium One Breadcrumbs why Mueller, Rosenstein Not Fired

Qanon latest drops the Uranium One indictment, connections to Clintons activity, what is coming up

As you will recall, Hillary arranged to sell Russians our Uranium.

Russia would have then shipped it to Iran.

Many were involved in selling this resource which can be used for nuclear weapons to a foreign country.

This involved several people including James Comey and Barrack Obama.

Iran was then shipped Billions by Obama of illegal, laundered money he had flown in and loaded onto military cargo planes.


Obama skirted all international banking regulations, he not only committed crimes by America's law, but international crimes.


He did so while aiding and abetting foreign enemies of America.


He gave Iran technical assistance and fuel so Iran could build nuclear weapons ballistic delivery systems.

Their goal was to threaten Israel, an ally of the United States.

Obama also arranged for Iran to capture a U.S. drone

MSM's cover story was Iran was able to conduct GPS spoofing in order to hack the drone and make it land on a runway in Iran.

Does this sound logical to you when GPS are encrypted?

So in order to spoof the signal something would have to between the satellite signal and the drone.

Iran would need access to a very high altitude aircraft, which the do not possess.

They would need the ability break 512 bit military encryption bit, likely closer to 1024 bit.

Obama arranged for the drone to be flown into Iran and land there, in order to give a known enemy our technology.

He also allowed the capture of a U.S. Navy vessel that went into Iranian waters, as John Kerry gave in to our enemies.

Hillary excepted millions in international bribes and funneled through her Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.

Now you have likely heard of both of these as the Clinton Foundation has been discussed among many other abuses, the Predatory practices on the people of Haiti.

The Clinton Global Initiative was connected to Nexivm.


The cover used for some of this money laundering was generally she or Bill being given massive sums for a speech.

Instead it was Really a bribe, for the future influence of whom they were assured would win the presidency.

She assured these foreign enemies to the United States, she would be willing to continue selling them whatever they needed.

Now remember, They Never thought She would Lose!

They all believed she would get in there as Obama had done and Continue to sell the United States away piece by piece to foreign interests and known enemies.

Her goal was to continue

  • Selling Uranium One

  • Selling our military secrets

  • Continue weakening the U.S. as Obama had already made great strides in doing by weakening our economy and military

  • Continued destruction of our economy

  • Continued race division and support of domestic terrorist groups like Antifa

  • Perpetuating racial tensions as Obama had done, rather than attempting to bring the people of our country together

  • Opening the borders to a floodgate of illegals and using loopholes for them to escape accountability and our laws required in seeking legal citizenship. All for the sake of votes and weakening our system through lack of resources

Trump's Executive Order signed towards the end of last year includes all of these actions of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama.

Includes those who aided and abetted them like Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and so many others involved in the DOJ and FBI leadership as part of the Deep State seeking to unseat a dully elected president of the United States chosen though the voice of We the People.

As you can see we are operating under a national Emergency system. As you will recall, President Trump sent test texts out to citizens recently to ensure he was able to communicate with us as the atmosphere and fighting back of the Deep State has increased. These are their attempts to evade justice by distracting the citizenry through the orchestration of chaos and possible false flag events for a gun grab and hopes of increasing votes to keep them in power.

They do so through false narratives and propaganda on all means of communications.

For example, most news media on tv is owned and operated by just 6 corporations. This makes it very convenient for them to spread Only the message they want portrayed while skipping numerous aspects of the Truth concerning President Trump and what is happening across the world.

They choose to make people believe he is hated because he, with the backing of We the People are tired of their corruption and attempts to control through a false narrative and orchestrated chaos.

In addition to being in a national State of Emergency, former President Bush had instated a national State of War back in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks.

This state of war proclamation was never resolved.

The 9/11 attacks ushered in the Patriot Act, which was actually already written; therefore begs the question once again, who exactly had foreknowledge about these intended attacks? Who gained or benefited from the destruction, rebuilding and regulations?

Was it We the People or globalists who were able to benefit by once again justifying to the general public yet More controlling measures put in place?

What did the Patriot Act allow?

Did this give the government a way to spy on it's citizens legally?

Were we duped/forced into giving up more freedom and privacy?

How did the FISA court benefit?

This court has existed since 1978,

to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Such requests are made most often by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Congress created FISA and its court as a result of the recommendations by the U.S. Senate's Church Committee.

A statement in 2013 by the New York Times admitted,

"it has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court."

Does this seem like a great deal of power to you?

Appears like a bit of a twist, or perhaps just an opportunity to be abused by those with a predatory mindset.

As it was instated due to a Committee called the Church Committee investigating abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The committee was part of a series of investigations into intelligence abuses in 1975, dubbed the "Year of Intelligence", including its House counterpart, the Pike Committee, and the presidential Rockefeller Commission. The committee's efforts led to the establishment of the permanent U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Now that's interesting isn't it?

So in their Interests of checking the over abuse of power by Other government agencies, They ended up becoming Yet One More agency or committee claiming to Protect the public, while forging yet Another permanent agency.

Many do believe in having checks and balances, yet one has to ask, why Were there so many intelligence agencies paid by We the People to govern us while having their own internal competitions and wars? Many prior even before becoming the CIA.

This one justified itself coming into existence, because there Were many questionable incidences.

For example,

By the early years of the 1970s, a series of troubling revelations had appeared in the press concerning intelligence activities. First came the revelations by Army intelligence officer Christopher Pyle in January 1970 of the U.S. Army's spying on the civilian population while Senator Sam Ervin's Senate investigations produced even more concerns.

Then on December 22, 1974, The New York Times published a lengthy article by Seymour Hersh detailing operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the "family jewels". Covert action programs involving assassination attempts on foreign leaders and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments were reported for the first time. In addition, the article discussed efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens.

I covered some of the background of this in a previous article titled,

Operation Mockingbird verified Covert Operations, Connections of the media today to the media of the past!


In light of all of this, the Church Committee was approved on January 27, 1975, by a vote of 82 to 4 in the Senate.

By the time this committee was done, they had published 6 books in 1976.

They also published "Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders", which investigated alleged attempts to assassinate foreign leaders, including

  • Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic

  • Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam

  • Gen. René Schneider of Chile

  • Fidel Castro of Cuba.

President Gerald Ford urged the Senate to withhold the report from the public, but failed, and under recommendations and pressure by the committee, Ford issued Executive Order 11905 (ultimately replaced in 1981 by President Reagan's Executive Order 12333) to ban U.S. sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders.

Also discovered by this committee was Operation Shamrock in which the major telecommunications companies shared their traffic with the NSA from 1945 to the early 1970s. The information gathered in this operation fed directly into the Watch List.

In 1975, the committee decided to unilaterally declassify the particulars of this operation, against the objections of President Ford's administration.

These reports from the Church Committee were said to have been the most extensive review of intelligence activities Ever made Available to the public. .

Were they?

The testimony of both the representatives from the cable companies and of director Allen at the hearings prompted Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Sen. Frank Church to conclude that Project SHAMROCK was "probably the largest government interception program affecting Americans ever undertaken."

One result of these investigations was the 1978 creation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which limited the powers of the NSA and put in place a process of warrants and judicial review. Another internal safeguard, was United States Signals Intelligence Directive 18 (USSID 18), an internal NSA and intelligence community set of procedures, originally issued in 1980.

So what was Intended as a safeguard, USSID. . .

was the general guideline for handling signal intelligence SIGINT inadvertently collected on US citizens, without a warrant, prior to the George W. Bush Administration. The post-Clinton era interpretations of FISA and USSID 18's principles assume that the executive branch has unitary authority for warrantless surveillance. This assertion came under congressional investigation as an apparent violation of FISA's intent.

Take away,

FISA courts were given more power to spy on citizens under the guise of only spying on Foreign Intelligence.

Did we get caught in the cross wires of their internal intelligence wars?

Was this a way for them to use One Another and say "we're not spying on our Own citizens, a foreign intelligence agency is doing that?" All while collecting the information in yet another loophole to justify their illegal actions Against Us, we the people!

Who abused these powers granted under the Patriot Act?

  • Obama

  • Loretta Lynch

  • James Comey

  • Peter Strzok

Just to name a few.

They Used their abuse of power to spy on President Trump in an effort to defeat him.

As a citizen, are you okay with those in power abusing it in this manner for their own Personal Gain?

They were attempting to employ a Deep State Coup to defeat him, and when that didn't work, they attempted to overthrow him!

It relied heavily on All that was ushered in, to allow spying, under former President Bush and the actions of certain alleged co-conspirators like Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld.

None of these people are for America. They are Against our elected President dedicated to ending these government abuses of power.

Right now it is the DNC along with corrupt leadership that have sworn to Impeach President Trump if they get the majority.

This is why it is Imperative to vote Republican (as we still have to function within this two party system we are hoping to eventually abolish) until more can be done. Right now, there is more Deep State corruption within the DNC, than the Republican party. More Republicans in leadership are dedicated to keeping Trump in power so he may continue to end this corruptions. Vote Red to Save America is crucial. You can spread the word!

They too, want a better country, a better world for Their children and grandchildren as do all Freedom loving Americans!

President Trump is aware of what occurred during 9/11 as he lived right there in New York. He knew many firemen, construction workers, architects, rescue workers, people on the police force. Remember, he has been involved in Real Estate and Construction for years. Worked among construction crews and knows the in's and outs of foundations, constructions.


Due to us being under a National State of War and National State of Emergency, the President has sole power to give the order for All branches of government to carry out his commands.

It is likely the Pentagon that will be called upon to deploy the military to make mass arrests of these traitors to the United States and the American People. .

Military Tribunals will be the key.

We have been given information to this during the Kavanaugh hearings when Lyndsey Graham led Kavanaugh through a very important series of questions.

This can be read and watched here,

Criminal Law vs. Military Law, why did Graham zero in on This Line of Questioning with Kavanaugh? Why should you understand Military Law?


This ultimately allows for the arrest and trials of Deep State traitors used to escaping accountability for their crimes through their "buddy system" and network of infiltrators and co-conspirators that work together. Forced to do so through both blackmail, bribery and being a team committed to the same crimes.

During a state of war, under a national emergency, they will not be tried in the same corrupt courts that have been given power by these Very Same corruptors to assist in carrying out a Globalist agenda in direct violation of the laws of the United States.

Rather, they will be tried through military tribunals.

Obama actually laid the foundation for this National State of Emergency.

Back in 2012 he issued an Executive Order in which it would give the President they Thought would be elected (remember, they Never thought She would Lose), more reach and power.

Obama's order granted the President All power to control All Communications Assets in the Country.

So the President, whom they Fully expected to be another elected Democrat, would have the capacity to take over and

  • Control the internet

  • All media outlets including all social media websites

  • All tv stations

So what can come to pass?

Think classified documents being Declassified.

Sealed indictments


Vast corruption and criminals in the highest levels of leadership within our government being Exposed with Evidence that cannot be denied to those who were not already aware, or did Not want to research and look at what has been behind All that has transpired not just in the last two years, but in the history many have attempted to hide from us.

Obviously, this is due to them not wanting the general public to see how they are attempting more controls while trying to usher in a NWO, a one world government which you can see evidence of, if you go back and watch some of the prior presidents, whom we have had in office.

Watch closely the One who attempted to reveal Their diabolical plot.


Just two years prior to his death, JFK stated,

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

JFK not only called out the corruptors, the self serving globalists. . .Those who are part of what William Domhoff called The Class-Domination Theory of Power. These ideas are relayed in a book titled Who Rules America?

"The rich" coalesce into a social upper class that has developed institutions by which the children of its members are socialized into an upper-class worldview, and newly wealthy people are assimilated.

Members of this upper class control corporations, which have been the primary mechanisms for generating and holding wealth in the United States for upwards of 150 years now.

There exists a network of nonprofit organizations through which members of the upper class and hired corporate leaders not yet in the upper class shape policy debates in the United States.

Members of the upper class, with the help of their high-level employees in profit and nonprofit institutions, are able to dominate the federal government in Washington.

The rich, and corporate leaders, nonetheless claim to be relatively powerless.
Working people have less power than in many other democratic countries.

So to sum all of this up, the same people who firmly believe they are superior in intelligence and financial success; therefore, they view themselves as being better equipped to oversee the general population. Be the Rulers if you will!

Sounds like the same covert criminal activities were going on in JFK's day as they are continuing right now.

Here is what has been observed as We the People have been researching,

  • Intelligence agencies cloaking their deeds in secrecy they attempted to justify

  • Globalists who orchestrated their deeds and calls to warfare to pad pockets and unleash yet more Controls

  • Politicians bribed, blackmailed and enticed to follow orders in weakening various countries who would not comply or submit to organizations like the UN, EU, European Parliament

  • The Federal Reserve and International Central Banking industry dedicated to controlling finances across the world

What Could happen,

  • Possibly a mass firing of those leaders within the DOJ blocking the release of information the American public deserves to have released.

  • the mainstream media will attempt to cover up the information as it Will Expose not only the overwhelming treason on the part of leadership backed by the DNC, but also the fact that MSM was complicit by Not reporting the truth.

  • Possibly people who pose as journalists, but have conducted themselves as activists will also be arrested. For example, think of Podesta who works for the Washington Post. Also CNN contributors who used to be employed by the FBI. There are other various examples one could name.

This is because they have been complicit in attempting to carry out the Deep State coup.

Examples of them aiding and abetting.

They were and are aware. ..

  • Russian Collusion was a hoax meant to smear the side who had knowledge that Hillary Clinton, Obama and Their cohorts were colluding with the Russians to sell Uranium and pocket big dividends while selling out America.

This is carrying out Acts of Treason in a time of war as we are in a State of National Emergency

So when people ask, why is this a big deal. . .being a traitor means they Stand Against those in their country they were either elected or hired to serve.

In a State of Emergency this calls for arrests of traitors and the trying in a military court.

People calling for mass arrests will be called for conservative and independent media.

There will be a public knowledge of the need for crimes and criminals requiring accountability.

No matter the political standing of citizens, there will be no denying how malicious, abusive and self serving these traitors have been.

So when these documents are released, and we all start hearing public outcries and demands for arrests, those on the left in leadership connected to the DNC, who were instrumental in aiding the Globalists and NWO, will attempt to unleash more unstable people who have bought into their lies and propaganda which have been furthered through their news stations, social media and efforts to conceal their wicked agenda.

Think Antifa and Soros and NGO's, non-governmental organizations which have zero accountability so they can operate tax free with donations and orchestrate chaos.

Here are some examples with links showing various organizations furthering their agenda to upset governments, economies and countries so they can Control.


Just as in Saul Alinsky's (BTW, hero to both Hillary and Obama) Rules for Radical, they accuse the Other side of What They are Doing and another rule is to Cause Mass Chaos.

They will continue employing these rules as you can see from Hillary's own thesis, this is their plan and goal.

Think of what has already been called for and has occurred,

  • Bombings

  • Shootings

  • Arson

  • Violence and Destruction of people and property




Those who used to be in places of power with communist beliefs like John Brennan will likely also attempt to wreak havoc in an effort to conceal from the public his and his cohorts vast criminal activities.

He was so abusive of his power, his security clearance was revoked.


They realize their gig is up, if law and order are followed.

They realize their agenda will be revealed and their working with a Globalist order to bring us and our country down.

They feel that if they orchestrate enough chaos, it will distract and confuse those who do not or Are not willing to seek the Truth. They just take these people's word for what is Really happening. People who are owned by 6 corporations with Deep State Connections.


They will resort to their same narrative of calling Trump a Hitler and Dictator in an effort to get those already brainwashed by the Mainstream Media and their "We hate trump agenda. . . remember it was Hitler's own Minister of Propaganda. . .they Told you who they were and what they were up to Just by titles, who stated,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

It is Up to We the People to see through their ruse. President Trump is attempting to Bring Power Back to We the People!

President Trump, the White Hats, Qanon and Patriots are attempting to bring these corruptors down with the least amount of damage to people and property.

This has taken patience and daily work.

What you can do

  • Defend and support local law enforcement

  • Defend and Protect the Republic and it's citizens

  • Help spread vital truth and information missing from mainstream media sources

Some examples include sharing out information concerning their latest ploy and deception meant to trick voters into voting them in to allow more illegal immigration from a caravan Leftists organizers have been Proven to have orchestrated.

Think about the fact there was No thought of the people's well being they were organizing for Their Own Gain, to take such a long arduous journey. Do those people care about them or are they preying upon them? Who gains?

We the people or the DNC and globalist of agenda of chaos and invasion?

  • Help maintain order and civility

  • Protect and clearly don't initiate violence, this is only about using our rights to defend and protect when needed.

See how this citizen aided in protecting others


  • help spread awareness of the false narrative and tactics used in an attempt to orchestrate chaos, disorder and violence.

See this short clip where Vice President Pence is giving info from talks with leaders in Central America. Honduras president states it was organized by Leftist Political Organizations and even received money from Venezuela. Remember when Soros said he considers himself as a god?

These videos and stories are bits of information that may be shared out across different media platforms whether you enjoy engaging or not. Many of us have turned social into educational attempting to keep the information at a factual level while not resorting to the tactics people sent from Soros or Media Matters organizations attempt to employ.

They try to incite, overwhelm while using tactics such as degrading and name calling in an attempt to get you to engage; thereby, getting Off focus from what is Really important and at stake!

It is up to you as a Protector of We the People to Not engage in their same style tactics. This will harm your reach and effectiveness.

Many are already doing this and it is Appreciated and Needed. Please consider helping if you are not doing so already.

This truly Is a We the People Movement! We must be Responsible for our information. For vetting it, seeking Truth through discernment.

Do Not only rely on mainstream sources, All sources and information Should be vetted and verified through searching.

  • Support a national voter ID so that these globalists attempting to bring in more illegals for votes and furthering their agenda of creating more chaos, can be stopped. Think sanctuary cities and those as traitors in cities like governors and their media allowing illegals to break laws to the extent they put citizens in danger and cause deaths.


So clearly, our MSM has demonstrated this over and over. They repeat the same drum beat, doesn't matter to Them whether it is true or not, Truth is not their aim. . .painting the pictures for those who are brainwashed and will continue to engage in their hypnotic message they convey on the Tell a Vision Box, is their aim.

Our job as Patriots and Protectors is to continue exposing this corruption and right now. ..

Remember to #VoteRedToSaveAmerica while encouraging All you can to do the same.

Great chance right now to share it #WalkAway

To share Brandon Straka's video, you can find it here

He is a former democrat who says he has watched the Democrat Party become

But for years now he has watched as the left has evolved into

ill informed
un American
narrow minded and at times
blatantly fascistic behavior and rhetoric

He noted that,

Liberalism has been coopted and absorbed by the very characteristics they claim they fight against.

Many have and Are Still joining him and so many others in the Fight For Freedom to #WalkAway and #VoteRedToSaveAmerica

Find his information here or share out this article which includes much of the transcript of the video in an easy to read format with key points highlighted.


You can also share it the inspiring clip of Candace Owens speaking on Black Lives and Who they Really matter to. Not the DNC, who pander for their votes year after year, then do Nothing for the inner cities or to help those in the black population that have been led into a predatory style system which keeps them from being independent and self-reliant.


These are two excellent videos that portray all I have been trying to say for almost two years.

They make Great shares for those who don't already know or want to know more. All summed up in a fairly short, very informative manner.

Very well done from a channel called Storm is Upon Us

Q - We Are The Plan

Q - The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles)

Let me know what your thoughts are and how you are helping Save our Country from the globalists. Godspeed!

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Another Source,


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