Who is Willing To Stand? Is this a battle of Good vs. Evil? Should we Cave under Pressure just to appease the Loudest Voices?

in qanon •  6 years ago  (edited)

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I shared an article out with information regarding a very thought provoking question I have been asked many times.

I was disheartened that a group who appears to understand the goal of Qanon and his alignment with God and His Word, had Mods delete my post even after people were engaging. I felt these people had asked a pertinent question and didn't understand why it was deleted. Now the mods were nice and did respond to me after this response I sent. I did appreciate that.

First I received this even though people were engaging, Now in the interest of Full Disclosure I had received some positive responses with their ideas, then a couple of people not liking the post. So I figured they had tattled and whined enough to cause the removal. I understand, the squeaky wheel get's the oil and all, but why must we Cave so Easily?

So here are the comments I did receive so you can see those who weren't happy along with some thought provoking comments and angles which I love even if someone disagrees because that makes us All think!

First, here is the link to the article that was submitted if you didn't see it. This is what people were commenting on both positively and negatively.


First Commenter,

He didn't. He wanted to test his loyalty.

My Response,

Exactly! Obedience without question, the same as we try to teach our kids to keep them out of danger.

Second Commenter,

Sent me this from an image hosting site,

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My Response,

One is being controlled and is obedient to Satan, thus her son died!

The other was obedient to God and God spared the son and provided the sacrifice.

Big difference.

Don't worry, those on the side of evil got this post removed just by whining and complaining to the compromised mods.

What those mods don't understand. . .these people see them as weak! They are looking for Strength if they're going to turn tide. . .it's not strong to cave in to a few sjw's and those silencing the truth!

Third Commenter,

He wanted to know what kind of man he was dealing with and Abraham needed to know what kind of man he really was. Yahovah built his family on Abraham’s back so it was of the utmost importance this man was worthy. Isaac did not die as Yahovah provided a substitute—a foreshadowing of the Lamb of Elohim In the future. Yashua (Jesus) was your substitution if you allow Him to be. Yahovah told of the end from the beginning.

My Response,

Truth! Well said and thank you!

Fourth Commenter,

They drop me this image from a hosting site,

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My Response,

I agree with you! I know what You meant, but I see it the other way around.
We don't need a priest or someone to stand in between as an intercessor or way of communication with our God, our Father, our Creator. That is not needed as Jesus is Now our intercessor. We can talk directly to God.
What can people do if they can't talk to their creator repent of their sins and be forgiven. Yes, it is like a do-over, but one cannot forget there are consequences to sin. God's grace is not a free ticket to sin and if people continue in it just because it will be forgiven, they and those around them will live an unfulfilled life of slavery filled with anguish and pit holes.
A priest cannot grant forgiveness nor request it for you. That is between you and God alone. God does want people to repent and He makes it clear He does Not want us to continue in sin.

The whole priest thing is a trick of the devil and a construct. I'm not saying all priests are bad people, I'm sure many are trying to do good things, but some miss the message of grace and are simply deceived.

Church is just meant to be a place for believes to gather, encourage one another and worship. Won't save you or make you right with your Maker!

Fifth Commenter,

God made a covenant with Abraham, promising to make nations of his seed. That covenant was binding on both Abraham and God Himself and required Abraham's obedience, and in return for that obedience God would perform His word.

Previous to this episode Abraham had been promised that through Isaac his seed would be multiplied. I am convinced that as Abraham raised the dagger that he believed that God would be forced to raise Isaac from the dead in order to keep his promise.

As we know, God stopped the sacrifice, and as a result of Abraham's obedience God then became obligated to sacrifice His own son (a covenant is binding) and subsequently raise him from the dead for us. The mercy and grace of Almighty God knows no bounds. Indeed, God IS love!

My Response,

Absolutely and well said! Thank you!

Sixth Comment,

In short he did it as an example for us to separate him as God is Love from all the other statues and sacrifices people were doing in that day and still today moloch and Baal ... God saw Abraham’s faith gave him a ram to sacrifice and NOT ISSAC.

then later on God continued his love sending his only son to pay all of our ways by dying on the cross for us. He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us. That is LOVE. God Is Love!

You can also see what God says about the children you’d be better off hanging a millstone around you neck and drown then to harm one of his children. God is LOVE

My Response,

Agreed! Well said and God hates and despises that these little ones are being abused. Trick of satan and those who follow his deceit are giving themselves over to the most heinous of debauchery and vile evil known to man.

Thank You!

Seventh Commenter

As I've said before and clearly can be seen here, I am not popular. . .I am used to that!

He didn't, it was a test, its clear in your bible what the deal was.

Also this board isn't intended to be your personal blog.

You obviously want to preach at everybody, but this isn't the proper venue.

My Response,

This wasn't preaching. . .it was in response to a viable question someone was asking and it encompasses a very pertinent question many have been asking and getting frustrated about for years.

As far as the verses which are possibly perceived as preaching. . .God's Words are better and sharper than my own. If I'm told or shown verses where God is directly speaking to us, and if I'm given words from God. . .I'm going to write them and not second guess Him.

Does Q believe the fight between Good and Evil is his personal blog? I assure he or the group grasps the fact this Is a Spiritual Battle and luciferians are at the bottom of it!

Personal blog, pertinent info, Q's diary of thoughts and compilation of observations. . .call it what you want, but I assure you he or the group Sees the Big Picture and I know he won't stop trying whether people grasp it or not. Many will, others will Choose Not to Know! Their choice, just as satan and the luciferians are in All out Rebellion against our Maker. Their choice, but it won't End nicely for them.

Q has pointed at this time and time again.

You do have a right to your personal opinion as I feel I do. Godspeed!

Eighth Commenter,

Excellent and very well thought out opinion.
Thank you

My Response,

Thank you, can't take credit for it as God is the one with the words and Good News.

Truthfully I am researching more on pedogate and was going to try to finish that first thing this morning, but God's ways and priorities are far greater than my own. I always tell Him, that is why He is God and I am his child.

Ninth Commenter,

Boy, did you miss the point of the story.

My Response,

What do you feel was the point of the story? I do understand this story demonstrating a type of Christ, but trying to meet people on the level they are at.

Again, Ninth Commenter,

In Abraham's day, human sacrifice was universally practiced ,baal, in his many manifestations, required it. Abraham would have expected a god to require such a thing, it was normal for gods to want a sacrifice of your best. The story of Abraham is simply God telling him that WE don't do that here, which was quite a revolutionary idea at the time. That's it. You can add whatever metaphysical exegesis you like after that but the hub of the story is God does not require human sacrifice.

My response today After this sub deleted my post (which I still find Odd after all the engagement activity), but I suppose it has nothing to do with that.

Not sure if this will show as some people complained and got the mods to remove it. I realize the mods had their reasons so not upset, was just shocked especially since people were engaging and I feel that is important.

​Your point is valid. I believe many things were shown to us in this and it truly was Abraham's obedience also.

​I can't read that story without going through the roller coaster of emotions a parent would go through. Here you have a God whom you are told to put Above all others. You wait for years for a son. How old was Sara again? I mean he literally waited years (yes, He had the other son through disobedience which caused a multitude of issues) but this son was the promised son.

​There is No Way the decision was easy for him, clearly he knew God's power and understood he should obey no matter the cost. I don't think we as modern believers always fully comprehend this.

I believe you are correct about it being a revolutionary idea as God did require sacrifice of the Best from both Cain and Abel. These were not human and I agree with you, only those worshipping the gods of satan were involved in human sacrifice.

​I also believe God reveals the take away He intends for people to see. . .as long as the take away doesn't conflict with God and His ultimate message. . .just as Abraham submitted to God in obedience of sacrificing his only son, we are expected to submit and obey God when He commands.

​If you study Types of Christ, Abraham instructed to sacrifice his son definitely depicts God's sacrifice of His beloved Son.

Tenth Commenter

We all know the Bible has been cherry picked over the years... I was told a theory that the old testament's God is actually lucifer. No idea if that holds any water but I don't know which way is up anymore in regards to the church. It's been taken over by luciferianism so who's to say they couldn't have turned the Bible upside down too! It never made sense to me... God is and has always been Love. LOVE doesn't test, doesn't judge... God loves us like we love our own children. Only a monster would ask such a heinous thing of man. I can't believe my God could ever have asked such a thing of us. I think it's been a ruse to keep us in fear... To remind us what COULD still happen if you lost faith.

My Response, between you and me, could have spent All day on this one, but I had to keep it simple for time's sake.

I have heard that theory.

The confusion is of course intentional to keep people away from God.

God is about having a relationship with Him, talking to Him and He gives us the understanding we need, but we have to ask Him and rely on Him for that understanding and strength.

So after we're genuinely having useful discussion I get this from a mod and as I said, was shocked!

Your post from greatawakening was removed because of: 'No off-topic'

Hi u/ArtistiqueJewelry, Removed content. Rule 6, off-topic. Off topic, no Q connection in post. ThankQ.
Original post: /r/greatawakening/comments/9aggl7/why_in_the_world_would_a_loving_god_require/

Now I realize this is likely their automated response After the mod looked into it.

So this was just one of my Responses!

I stated clearly Why it was On topic.
It amazes me that Q has spoken Directly on this subject, yet "the powers that be" pretending to be about Good. . .Always silence the good.

Very Telling! Sad, but Telling. As Q says. . .all involved, even those complicit are Sick because they Attempt to keep the truth out of the very hands of the people who Need the truth.

First Mod's Response,
Hi Patriot,

I'm sorry you feel that way. If you'd like to appeal this removal or believe another moderator should take a second look, I can ask someone to do so. Please note that we are volunteers who use their own judgement, knowledge, and expertise to moderate the sub. I did read the link you posted prior to removal. The link, nor the title, did not directly relate to Q (in my humble opinion). While Christianity and pedophilia are Q topics, we ask that submissions make an attempt to correlate their context directly to Q, as this is a Q-discussion subreddit.

I am also compelled to tell you that there is a sister subreddit, r/BiblicalQ, where this piece might feel more at home.

So, thought it was nice he took the time to respond and clearly is hoping I will simmer down, with My Call for Justice and the Sword of Truth. I get what he is saying, but had to respond as I was still quite shocked.

Now while I was deep in the midst of responding and attempting to tie everything in, I get another message from a second mod, so perhaps the first mod appealed or at least asked another mod's opinion. I thought that was a nice try.

Here is the Second Mods Message,

Another mod here. This post is offtopic without question imo. Obedience to God - the focus of the post - is not mentioned by Q at any time and for good reason. Q is for all people and "obedience to God" is for specifically religious people. I can guarantee there will be complaints from the community too about a purely religion focused post that focuses on Bible elements that have nothing to do with Q except in as general a way as a poem or motivational piece of prose might. I think if you would apply a bit of perspective here, Patriot, you would agree this is clearly the case. BiblicalQ welcomes this content and we would be happy to read it there. ThankQ.

Okay, so finished tapping out a response and Here Goes,

I didn't mean any disrespect. I see the big picture, how all of this connects, some know where it ends. . .many don't. Many also don't know what their end will be even If they are on the side of Good, but still fall Prey to the Great Deception. It's everywhere right now.

Q knows just taking this country back is Not the end all. May save human bodies and spare more torture and anguish (I'm all for that being stopped of course). . .but that is Only for a short period in the scheme of Eternity.

As far as complaints from the community. . . they need to start acknowledging Q has Not only Quoted scripture. . .but understands This is Not Religion. . .This is Not a Game! The Creator Hates Religion. . .the secret the evil one doesn't want you to know. The Creator wants a relationship and Goodness for humanity, but that is Their choice, God Does Not and Will Not Force.

With all due respect. . .my perspective is about Saving humanity not shutting out the tie in's of Qanon with God's agenda, not trying to narrow it down or pick and choose but see the Big Picture rather than the Bird's Eye View. . .Save Humanity!

Do you not see His hand on Trump? Has President Trump been able to shake off every manner of accusation, hate and even death? That is Intentional and Q knows it's not the White Hats Alone.

There is an agenda afoot. It's a real mind bender and people are being led as sheep to a slaughter even after their country is put back together by the whole. . ."transcends," is their Big Draw! "Hey transcend Yourself, be better and one with the machine, be your own God, for crying out loud you can rise above God!" Same story like the Tower of Babel and hundreds of other rebellious instances in time on this plane of existence. . .sadly, the Same End as the father they will end up serving. . .satan! There is Nothing New Under the Sun. Same old Deceiver, Same old Tricks from back in ancient times!

Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

John 8:44-45 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Q has indeed talked about the luciferian ruling elite. The white hats know very well exactly Where this evil stems from. If you don't like it addressed That is indeed your business. If it is your calling to staunch the talk of this, then that is indeed Your Right.

Plenty of posts by Q cover these luciferians and the underlying belly of sheer wickedness. Sometimes it is shown in a far more enticing, New Age kind of way like "ooh the colors, we are all light, we just need to evolve!" Well, who wouldn't want to evolve? Evolve to what? To what lucifer became? Because God has told us his end. . .it is the same end for those who choose to follow him.

Revelation 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

All these tricks make people Want In, whether ultimately good for them or not.

You want it ignored, that Is Your Choice, this Is your platform and not mine.

There are literal souls at risk and people who do not human up and tell them the truth about this fight between Good and Evil and What's really at stake. Too many cave too quickly under pressure of haters and naysayers.

God never said it would be easy. As a matter of fact He let us know it would offend.
Hebrews 4:12 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Some did engage with the post, but I understand how we live in satan's domain so down votes and those causing the most noise and chaos win. ..at least for now. I'm clearly Not in it for the votes up as you can see I get plenty of hate many times from those Claiming to be on the side of Good. . .Q's ideal of unity doesn't play out well even in groups saying they are All About Q. All about Q, unless it's uncomfortable or something we want to pretend doesn't exist.

As you are well aware, already dropped it in BiblicalQ. There are people wanting to know how to answer these questions. . .and they are very apt questions. I thought we were here to Really help people.

That being said, I know this is your forum and I respect you have the final say.

Just as you have a job to do, there is a higher authority than Qanon, and the white hats are Well Aware of This.

There is a Pastor, you may or may not have heard of him, Rick Warren. Wrote The Purpose Driven Life. . .had a cross removed so as Not to Offend.

Fellow Patriot, I understand where you are coming from. . .but we keep worrying about stepping on people's toes. . .If Qanon worried about that, Where Would That Leave All of Us?

Either you have strength or you don't. There is No in between.

Revelation 3:15-16 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

People of Islam faith made it be known they were laughing at Rick Warren because they believe enough in their false god to slam into buildings and strap themselves down with explosives. . .but here's this mega "pastor" bowing to their will. Not really willing to die or even Stand for his faith.

I believe I see Why they were able to convert restless kids who felt they had no real purpose, no goals, no meaning to life. . .A cause where people demonstrate they are actually Willing to Die for their faith or a cause where people will succumb, surrender, acquiesce, Kneel.

There are times for peace and there are times to Stand.

Times a ticking. . .

I have to do what I am commanded to do, and I understand you do to.

I won't drop these in anymore, my intent is not to antagonize and cause you frustration. . .I truly was attending to a question that has been asked of me Over and Over on many platforms as we are trying to spread Q's message. My wish is for people to Know the truth and not the Deception.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I am grateful you give of your time on a volunteer basis and once again, I mean no disrespect, I wish you the best, and you absolutely Do have the right to both your opinion and decision whether I agree with it or not. I can respect that!

The post was filled with God's words, not mine and He gave us free will, so how could I be upset about your choice. I don't have to understand, I simply obeyed. I am passionate about people's souls and eternity, but not upset for your right to make a decision. I understand, only drop in Biblical Q if it has too many verses ;) Godspeed fellow patriot!

That was the end of my response. One mod was gracious enough to get back with me and was apt in his response. I do understand the pressure and attempt at meeting a balance for people.

Here was one mods second response,

Hey Patriot,

Original mod here - thank you for the kind response and for contributing quality writing for our movement and community. You have caused no frustration on our part - you are a blessing. I would wish that you not be discouraged from posting here; at the right time, someone will be seeking the message you would have for them.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. This is a fantastic verse, thankQ for sharing.

I thought we were here to Really help people. We are, friend. This is our mission set forth, however we can do so. We are a community of over a million eyes per day, and must present delicate balance to the community as best as we can. I think you appreciate the birds' eye view one must have in order to do so.

I understand, only drop in Biblical Q if it has too many verses I recommend, of course you're free to cast this aside, to tie in related Q drop, link, or topic to your writing in addition to the original piece so that it might remain in better focus for the sub.

I appreciated reading your perspective and agree with you on many things you've said here.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

I have not as yet responded back. Clearly he understands the Big Picture and perhaps does Not have the same freedom I try to live in as I am not a mod of the group (not this particular group anyways), so I do understand people have to work together.

And that Hebrews 11:1. . .really good verse!

God does keep bringing these verses to mind as it is God who goes before us and beside us.

Deuteronomy 31:8
And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

I know we are in the time period where we are running out of time. I realize people make the choice for themselves, but what if no one has told them the correct information? What if they don't have the Truth that can Save them and Spare them from eternal damnation? God Is Love, but He is also Just!

Galatians 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

And for those who are still searching and seeking. ..nothing makes sense, they still feel quite empty.

Jeremiah 29:13

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Today, I am trying to remember this, I know God is the one Who keeps bringing it to mind!

What are your thoughts on this? What is your way of maintaining a balance? Do you believe Qanon sees the Bigger Picture and understands what is Ultimately at stake?

Are you still searching for truth? What do you find missing? What are your frustrations with what appear to be confusing aspects of God?

Please let me know in the comments below. Godspeed Fine Patriots!

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