"Qanon" has changed hands multiple times and is currently influenced or controlled by #BadSelfEater crew

in qanon •  6 years ago 


Hello all. I am working on an extensive, thesis-length article explaining why QAnon is a LARP based on various slipups and lies that have happened along the way. It is unfortunate that we are forced to create scholarly works to debunk something in the tier of flat earth theory, but to exist is to suffer.

I will be dumping various evidence and images on twatter: @QPredictedThis

I do not want followers or retweets. It's just a place where I can upload images and links without worrying about them being deleted, and make them centrally available to everyone. Plus there's always the chance someone with a lot of e-penis I mean followers will "retwat" me.

I am focusing on the fact that no matter what, Q is operated by humans and by using human behavior and psychology we can figure out what's been going on. This obviously doesn't work if you believe that AIs can post on the internet in any manner other than a twitter bot. AIs are never anything more than extremely complex and pretty IF/THEN statement machines, and if you believe otherwise you need to go back to /x/ and stay on /x/.

I will cite my research so far. Without going too deeply into BadSelfEater for those who do or don't remember it (it failed to go completely viral), I will post one selection:


Does that sound familiar? Very well then, to get there we must first begin by examining this 'leak' by a 'former insider' in the qult bakery. I'd like to state in advance that they may have incomplete information even if they are telling the truth, and are putting together some pieces from conjecture- ie, who is directly involved and knows that it is a scam or LARP. However, as someone with an extensive understanding of how servers, web security, and imageboards work under the hood, the explanations the QLarp gives for the tripcode changes, board changes, and especially the spurious and intellectually insulting claim that they could observe progress being made towards cracking a 'tripcode' don't work, and the reasons given in this pastebin ring much, much more true. I also have experience with small, mischievous online groups and the power shifts and control struggles that present themselves.

For that reason, I assign a high ranking of credibility towards this pastebin and suspect that it may be authored by someone who was more involved than they claim. I will address that theory of mine directly.



Related to the above:


Imagine that you were part of the scenario described above. You had a hand on the wheel of the most successful LARP in the last decade (I will get to NESARA and currency reset / dinar scams later) and probably more power, even if limited in the ways you can apply it. Perhaps you made youtube videos 'analyzing' Qdrops, or were a notable presence in the online chatrooms and livestreams related to Qanon. You had an adoring internet family, a community, and quite likely found a way to monetize some of it. And then you have it stripped away. Sure, you can still participate, if they haven't labeled you a 'bad actor', but your influence to the QLarp is cut off, and you know everything else will fade out as well.

And you can't do a single thing about it. You could expose the whole thing, but that would mean exposing yourself as a fraud. There might even be legal consequences. People have done things like drive an armored van onto a dam because of Q. You could be held responsible. Everyone will blame you. There's an entire army of people who will experience massive cognitive dissonance, with unpredictable reactions. It's a guarantee that your real information will be posted everywhere and people will accuse you of being a satan worshipping cannibalistic pedophile. A deranged boomer with nothing left to live for might consider killing you before their own suicide.

Perhaps you write an anonymous document to try to sabotage the others who still have control. You'd certainly seethe over them and their patreon accounts and monetized youtube superchat donations.

Other than that, there isn't much you can rationally do. And so I expect that pastebin to be as far as that person goes with leaking or exposing things. There may be a few more leaks like it down the road, but they will all be very careful to not expose the person behind them. At least they will if they have any sense of self-preservation. There is one other maneuver of logic that can be acrobatically performed in an attempt to preserve one's safety and reputation while also tanking the remaining operators of the Qult, and fortunately we have an example of someone carrying it out: the board operator for /cbts/ on 8ch.net


He continues on like this for several threads and posts. Examine them with the model we have established above, and it makes quite a bit more sense.

Everyone is a LARP after me

The REAL Q posted on my board

I verified that his IP was a government IP

I backtraced a Rothschild's IP and told her to stop posting here

Operating a board on 8ch does not require any more technical knowledge or skill than registering a twitter account. Anyone who has spent time on the internet since the old days knows that IP tracing is an important part of anyone's fake hacker madlibs vocabulary.

There is an important piece of evidence that /cbts/BO presents, which is extremely suspect.


Once we accept the premise that he is an unreliable narrator and apply the pastebin model, it makes sense that he would outright falsify evidence. (I am referring to the january 1st qdrop, which used the tripcode that had #Matlock as a password. The Q is bold, the tripcode is not bold, but there is no space between the Q and the tripcode. This makes no sense, as a 'fake' tripcode takes place entirely in the username area but has the entire thing bolded. A real tripcode bolds the username (if present) but leaves the tripcode unaffected, but if there is a username, there is a space between it and the tripcode. The timeline of Q tripcode changes and reasons/alleged reasons for their changes is EXTREMELY murky and is the only part of this that has been tricky to research)

Qanon is more than just a symbol, it is essentially a manifestation of power. But who is managing to cling to it currently? And have they learned enough from the past year to be able to hold on to it indefinitely? If someone has done their homework and aren't sloppy amateurs who got extremely lucky (like most of the Qlarp in the early and middle days) there is effectively no way to take it over.

Here is Tracybeanz telling Trump that she is Q:


He ignores her as if he were interviewing with Ali G again. (A classic:


Tracybeanz really needs your money, guys.


Of course, she hides the dollar amount on her Patreon.


I'm not saying that she is the only one behind this. She's the only one with a significant patreon that I have found so far. There is an incredible amount of boomer money flowing into this community. It's even worse than Screwy Lewis Arthur with his Baby Skulls and Rape Trees (definitely inspired by QLARP).

The other bit of evidence I want to bring up is Pamphletanon fucking up and posting as Q on a livestream. This fits very well with the evidence above, but it is mostly only being analyzed by 0hour (some guy trying to trade on what used to be considered Anonymous-tier coolness, lots of overlays in his videos with black background ascii hackerman shit- I've heard the guy talk, he knows less than the guy I know with a fucking Guy Fawkes mask tattoo who tried to claim he was a high ranking member of anonymous. Cargo cult anonymous larping behavior would have made for an interesting article as well but the time has really passed on that. Suffice it to say that if someone is considered by even a small minority of people to be 'cool', and it also gets some media attention, people will never stop trying to dress up in the trappings of whatever that is) and Unirock, who does everything in his power to make his videos look like a Geocities website. If I can get ahold of the original video files capped of those streams, I can probably make an analysis video that doesn't make people want to commit suicide by swallowing their own tongue before their brain gnaws it's way out of their skull.

"Ghost" from some Capitalist Radio something has jumped on the bandwagon and claims to have identified Q. However, this person has, according to my brief research, minimal credibility and doesn't really post very much evidence other than they thought it might be someone, they called their phone, and the person got extremely flustered (according to "Ghost") and threatened to call the police. Plausible? Maybe. In fact, if I were behind Q, I'd try to get the LEAST credible people possible to finger me as a suspect, so everyone would ignore it going forward and always associate it with them. But overall, I don't trust "Ghost" even if they are right about Q being a larp, and their findings have NOTHING to do with my research and post.

Now, BadSelfEater. A moderately popular but failed LARP which never got much further than /x/, /pol/, godlikeproductions, and ar15.com.


I would like to do an analysis of how the BSE operators mishmashed every recent conspiracy theory of 2016 together, how and why their LARP failed to gain much traction, what was interesting and what worked, and how people reacted at the end, but for the purpose of this article it doesn't really matter. I did find it very amusing that everyone who was fooled insisted that it could only have been a deep state psyop to demoralize them, because they are Very Smart and no one could have put together all of those elements just to rickroll people with dead babies. Also, I really liked the artwork on the bills.

BadSelfEater was adopted if not controlled by elements on AR15.com. One prominent poster in the 275 page thread there was linked to the anti-abortion preacher and artist behind BSE. I have, unfortunately, forgotten who it was. I suspect it was Narphenal but there was another person involved as well. He has changed his names / identities several times on other boards, so he is probably using a different name in the Q threads on ar15.com as Narphenal does not appear there now.

Behold my glorious OC:


Here is a link to the main discussion for BadSelfEater on ar15.com:


Some people have claimed that BadSelfEater was a higher quality LARP.

BSE was not higher quality. It had some very interesting artwork, it hit the top 50 conspiracy memes from /x/, and it had a few clever IRL 'drops', proto-Q drops if you will, like the skeleton on a parkbench with a briefcase full of bills.

That doesn't make it high quality. It makes it like that one shitty B-movie you like because it had a few nuggets of gold.

BSE was Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, and Qanon is The Matrix, cobbling together the few cool elements from it's predecessor along with many other scavenged themes and concepts into a new whole. No single part is original, the whole thing is rather well done with a few poorly paced moments, and as it goes on into the sequels, it's going to get very very shit, but the fanboys will defend it to their last breath.

It is NO COINCIDENCE that the crew who pushed Bad Self Eater (with the exception of the Anti-abortion pastor) were all on ar15.com, and it is NO COINCIDENCE that one of the largest qanon discussions, with the same people 'moderating', are on the same site.


Of course, I could also be using the Q / cold read technique of pointing out two things that are coincidental and questioning the idea of coincidences.

There are, fortunately, many skeptics on ar15.com.


Most of them are confined to that thread, even though it was started by a skeptic in an effort to put out a forum poll on that site showing that "everyone believes in Q!"

Some of them suspect that Q is a Frank/Anon5 production.


I don't know about that. I don't see Frank/Anon5 being able to mesh very well with the group of people behind Qanon. Perhaps he was one of the original Qposters. Perhaps Frank is actually a genius shitposter and has infiltrated them from the beginning and that's why this drop sounds like the one thing it's missing is a reference to spine beetles:


It's gonna git gud, guys. The current people behind Q are scraping the bottom of the barrel for fresh things to expose. They have three main options:

Post more cryptic shit, announce that something "big" is coming

Post outright random numbers and hope they can connect them to something in the following weeks

Go down the Frank/Anon5 space vampire spine beetle rabbithole

I've seen this phase hit during gamergate. Eventually, there's only so many connections between people in the games industry and games journalism. Once you've found all the ones that can be dug up using google and facebook, what do you do when you have an audience clamoring for another hit of the addictive "BREAKING NEWS" drug?

You make shit up. Like Cameralady did. And it sank the whole thing (just in time as it had been chanology 2.0 for weeks).

The only difference is, this LARP has so much momentum and fans, that they'll actually roll with anything that's made up. So we're probably going to see a few more desperate bursts of random gibberish, some vague predictions, something "BIG" is coming, posts about MSM coverage and shills and how that means the enemy is scared… and then, it's all going to tip over the batshit insane cliff.

Get your popcorn ready!!

The president has been informed that acknowledging this LARP will be the same thing as Oprah talking about 9000 penises and exploding yellow vans. It is an automatic victory condition if you get your LARP acknowledged by the goddamn POTUSDeep-State-Scheck-Stone-Cold-Truth.jpg

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