The AdrenoChrome Virus - from Aztec to Abortion

in qanon •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is AdrenoChrome

Kinda looks like a human body splayed out with no head. But then you will think I'm twisted. So this is probably where we should part ways. I have been through the gauntlet on my legal positions on abortion starting with saying, "a woman has a right to choose" all the way this article. The thing is, I've know some women who have had an abortion and I have to tell you. They didn't have a choice at all. Despite what they say. I need to explain to you how this is not a choice and how I and all of us are responsible and complicit in the torture of a mother and her child and the village around it.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.

Satanists extract adrenochrome through torture and blood-letting. The psychological torture produces the chemical in the victim's bloodstream and can be ingested just like anything else. It is said to produce a feeling of intense euphoria and power. It becomes highly addictive and bonds the user's brain to a new high threshold impossible to match in any other form or activity. This knowledge was the piece I needed to finally understand what the Aztec were really doing. In school they said it was prevent the world from ending or to grow crops. They were actually doing it to get high. Not all were sacrificed. Blood-letting produced the same results and the victim remains among the living. Children participated also. No one was spared.

These are Drug Addicts


This sacred blood was collected and baked into bread. The heart was always the best part. The adrenochrome was strongest when the heart was still alive. Deers, chickens, snakes, and even butterflies were farmed for adrenochrome. It comes from tears too. The entire body excretes adrenalin. Tlaloc, the god of rain, would ask for the tears of children and they were sacrificed. It was as prevalent then as abortion is now. But before we get to abortion I need to mention another form of adrenochrome extraction. This comes from burning a witch on the stake. The smoke is vaporized adrenochrome and before you tell me that's impossible, explain why South Korea found thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh.

These Guys are Drug Addicts, too!


Once a town burned it's first witch, it was off to the races. The fires reached their peaks by the mid 16th century. Historians ignoring adrenochrome will tell you the witch hunter was doing this for profit, and he was. But the town was getting something out of it too. They were getting high off the smoke. Whether they knew it or not, this was their new apex feeling. Their entire lives were heightened by moments like this.

The Psychological Addiction

In 1555, Near the town of Derneburg, Germany, Gareth Longsack (made up guy) was tending the fields. He was thinking of the most pleasurable moment of his life. It had happened 10 years prior. Gareth made hay with his new wife, Lillian Agathyx. He felt her naughty bits against the prickly wall of a swine cart. The euphoria cursed through Gareth's bloodstream and set a new high in his brain receptors. That was Gareth's pinnacle moment and it felt good. The sounds of her giggle touched his ears like no sound ever could. The milky twists draped behind her ears and the luminescence of filtered sunlight through the skin painted a masterpiece of wetness on his optic canvas. The electricity of every pore in her skin had risen to a fidelity Gareth never knew possible. This moment, mixed in the moral pleasure of sharing with another. Double-bounced on a trampoline by the harmony she felt for him too.

This was Gareth's apex moment. His consciousness was the most awaken it had ever been. This became Gareth's north star and for the next 10 years, every other experience was filed in a library after it was measured against that moment with her. His entire mind was structured around this rating. His north star was moral goodness. It was his highest ideal. When he thought about it, natural chemicals inside him, still to this today, secrete a bit of juice as if to tell Gareth, "yeah, i remember that."

Keep that fire going. We've got a lot of people here tonight


In was only three months later, when Gareth witnessed his first witch burning. The fumes were intoxicating. Three women were cooked while the town watched and chanted. The ceremony was bleached with the psyop of justice. The bindings used on the victims could burn off so men would remain ready to push them back into the fire. The entire experience moved Gareth and his wife. He had a new apex moment now. But he didn't know it was coated in a veneer of toxic shame. Gareth had entered the ceremony of the checkerboard. He stood by, freely watching, committing murder without thinking. Veiled in a ceremony of justice, with a township of accessories to murder.

His days in the field no longer went to Lillian. He kept hearing the rumble from the fires. He remembers how vivid the moon was that afternoon. He could see every bump on its face. The town was shouting in approval over the cries of the victims melting skin. He recalled every word in detail. He can relive every moment anywhere he goes. He never knew watching justice could feel so good. Gareth was now under the power of the checker. His black was white. His white was black. The poles of morality had been severed from their stand and they were free to drift like a gyro spinning from a string. He didn't know right from wrong anymore because the chemicals had rewarded him for the experience.

A town-sized smoking hookah of adrenochrome whafted into the villagers lungs. It mixed with their own adrenaline from the bodies' natural somatic sympathies. Everyone was high that day. Everyone was a participant. Everyone was rewarded. Burnings continued for another 50 years across northern europe. They became an affair and it's no wonder. Satanists, pretending to kill satanists. Sound familiar?

What do you think would happen to a villager who later questioned if what they did was right? Do you think that opinion would be considered? These conspirators protecting the conspiracy were locked in a prison of their mind. A Simple black-and-white checkerboard. Wrong is right. And right feels good.

This dude is their Drug Dealer

Take a look at this etching of Matthew Hopkins, the famous "witchhunter." Take a look at his blouse and cape. See the checkerboard?


The Abortion Checkerboard

Abortion was first legalized in the United States nationally on January 22 of 1973. New York and California were the first states to allow it in their laws. Since then a nationwide cult has told everyone that the way to honor a woman is to convince her she's not carrying a real baby. Society has turned her womb into an inconvenient incubator and told her it's a violation of her personal liberty. Do you see the checkerboard forming around her? Her gifts are called burdens. Her child is dehumanized to a fetus.

Enter the ceremony

First, they call it a procedure (You will endure as we proceed). The blade is cast inside her chalice. A fetus secretes adrenaline and blood into the womb. A mother responds to the trauma with her own adrenalin spike. In a moment, she has passed the threshold where this can no longer be debated. If she looks back now, she must face herself as a murderer. And no one wants to stop her.

This is the release of her gyro from its stand. Her body rewards her in a rush of adrenochrome as two souls are sacrificed voluntarily. The mind split is forever cemented. She is locked forever in the checkerboard of reward for torture. She remains loyal to the cult who convinced her its righteous. Their statements match her chemical reaction. And from this moment on, every moment, is compared to this one on the same chemical scale. She has lost contact with the glory of her own power. Her intuition is forever tainted in the "justice" she has endured. The clarity of the moment cements itself in adrenochrome. She drinks her kill as she lays back and stares through the ceiling.

When the truth of #PizzaGate fell on me, I had to try and make it go away. My failed attempts of days and days of research led me to AdrenoChrome. I had been researching a new theory i've dubbed "the Panda Virus" and stumbled upon the witchcraft part quite by mistake. The moment i saw it, the true meaning of Aztec sacrifice fell into place. Now you know what it means when you read Podesta talking about sacrificing a chicken to Moloch. They're all drug addicts.

But we are too

When our men are born, one of the first things to happen to most of them is an instant shot of their own adrenalin. This happens during circumcision. I don't know what happens to the pieces that remain, but when I was writing this article it dawned on me. There are hundreds of millions of tiny #AdrenoChrome potato chips made everyday in baby factories across the nation.This, of course, takes us to abortion. What remains of those "pieces?" They are charged with the adrenalin of both the fetus and the mother. I would imagine this sick market exists, and I would also imagine, those pieces are even more special. Whether it's for the ritual, the money, the psychotic pleasure, or a true sacrificial orgy. It's hard to hear them insist it's all about the mother.

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You have hit on the most key topic of our time. By understanding the adrenochrome issues you will understand this crazy world much better. This is a deep root that needs an ax to it. Thanks for exposing this for all to see.

People are sending me great data and i can't edit the article so here it goes...
Leviticus 17:14 KJV
[14] For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel,Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof:whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.

How did all those people put so much effort into the pyramids without being slaves? By Adrenochrome, that's how. Pharaoh heart was baked into bread. Incidentally, what was in the ark? "This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant." (Hebrews 9:4b).

According to Brien Foerster, the pyramids and other Megalithic architecture may have been the product of another race of aliens, who possessed ancient lost technology. If you examine for example Peru, where in Cusco there is Megalithic next to Inca architecture, you can see clearly that the earlier construction was not done with bronze tools, but very precise machines. In fact some of the basalt mega-ton stones may have been melted which would have required temperatures of 2000 degrees Celsius.

BTW, the Surya Siddhanta, an ancient Hindu scripture, describing the astronomy of the Universe is 2 million years old. The math in that text is within .1% accuracy of present day mathematical values.

Excellent article.

Hunter S. Thompson wrote about adrenochrome in fear and loathing in las vegas. I always through it was a I understand why he shot himself.

Did he shoot himself?

Yes, its reported so.

And people think vampires don't exist.

Amazing Work!!

TU! Orion is my next work. Here's my piece which explains more about the Panda Virus...

This is very good, and follows a symbolic thread I also have been on the trail of. The 'Malleus Malificarium' is considered the most famous witchunting work. This translates to the 'hammer of the witches'. The hammer is their sign. Think soviet union and also Nazi Germany. But beware all, this rabbit hole is like gazing on the face of Hell itself. Im 99% sure these guys are in on it, or know and are LARPing as people who are

Nice to find more people on steemit! I follow you on twitter. This subject has been the at my focus for a while also. I’d like to add that this premises of adrenochrome extraction would be the basis for real vampires. Which conveniently drink at the neck where the glands that produce the most will be functioning during a horrific moment.

#pizzagate is real and everyone should be carrying protection and starting honest communities. That’s how we get rid of the these power addicts, not claiming that their fictional story of jesus and Satan will have a stake in reality.

Hi James. Wow. I just linked this article into the book I am writing "Q ANON: The Reluctant Warrior" (Part 3)
this addiction explains the desperate behavior of the left (the Demons)

Thank you -- this is so useful and so not easy to find information about.