New G7 Memes Destroy MSM Narrative

in qanon •  7 years ago 

Want to know why the EU wants to ban memes? Look at this one.

trump key.jpg

It was created in hours and, crucially smashes the MSM narrative. And it does so effectively. Because lying cabal journalst scumbags are not as creative or funny as the free thinking. Here's the original, which the papers are trying desperately to spin

trump g7 2.jpg

And all the jokes about Russian collusion and Trump's demeanor won't make any difference to the truth...

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PS. You do known that vault is empty and full of nothing but debt, just like 45. The real suckers here are the American tax payers who will be saddled with the bill by more trillions of dollars of debt. In return Kim and Trump Inc will line their pockets building Trump properties all over NK.

If there is anyone more slippery and devious than Trump, it's Kim and unlike Trump he isn't held accountable to anyone. Trump knows this and he is just using Korea as a distraction while honest hard working Americans at home just grind away trying to pay for all this showmanship.

So are you saying that Europe is not cheating America in Trade?

It's hardly "cheating" if these things are between nations in the WTO which - because the US is a willing participant - has ultimate rule over international trade. Any nation that joins the WTO gives up a lot of sovereignty over such matters. And once you are in, kinda like the UK and the EU - getting out is much harder than you like to think.

I rather think that Trump didn't know much if anything of how the WTO and trade tarrifs work. He didn't want to settle these things the long and slow way with negotiations and meetings and compromise - which may not get the result he wanted - for the US always to be the winner, whatever that means since I rather think it is a zero-sum game here so the harder we win some things the harder we lose others). He just wanted to be the showy "You're fired!" Trump his base likes because that works on TV (although we have later heard it was actually the producers who told him who to fire anyway and they were the ones with the money - Trump always follows the money, well the short-term money anyway).

The G6 combined has almost as much GDP, and far more people than the US. They are also not so dependent on the US as we like to think. A good deal of oil is being traded in Euros too - Russia and China would probably not lose any sleep about selling to them before they get to the point of renewable energy independence.

Besides if you look into the who dairy thing that Trump brought up it's a drop in the ocean compared to all the other trade, and he conveniently forgot to mention that our own dairy industry is subsidized and always asking the Federal government for money, in 2016 it wanted the FDA to buy $150M worth of cheese they overproduced due to subsidies and protectionism. Somehow everyone bitches like crazy about subsidies of the USPS or Amtrak, but not the dairy industry - which is mostly run by big-ag companies making a fortune anyway.

I see this all as more populist chest beating that may help a relatively small number of people but does little for most Americans who need help the most. I'm pretty sure if you look closely, as with the coal deregulation, you'll find an actively highly funded industry lobby bugging Trump to do save them from the evil Canadians - mostly to benefit some large very profitable dairy product companies. That's allowed him to rant and rave (and tweet) about it with much gusto as he did with North Korea. The jury is still far from in on whether that does any good. I rather think Kim is going to end up winner in that game of juvenile hystrionics and button size bragging.

It's hardly "cheating" if these things are public and widely known and between nations in the WTO which - because the US is a willing participant - has ultimate rule over our international trade. Any nation that joins the WTO gives up a lot of sovereignty over such matters. And once you are in, kinda like the UK and the EU - getting out is much harder than you like to think. All the countermeasures the other countries are coming up with will be cleared by the WTO rules - and it very much gives them the right to do that.

I rather think that Trump didn't know much if anything of how the WTO and trade tarrifs work. He didn't want to settle these things the long and slow way with negotiations and meetings and compromise - which may not get the result he wanted - for the US always to be the winner, whatever that means since I rather think it is a zero-sum game here so the harder we win some things the harder we lose others). He just wanted to be the showy "You're fired!" Trump his base likes because that works on TV (although we have later heard it was actually the producers who told him who to fire anyway and they were the ones with the money - Trump always follows the money, well the short-term money anyway).

The G6 combined has almost as much GDP, and far more people than the US. They are also not so dependent on the US as we like to think. A good deal of oil is being traded in Euros too - Russia and China would probably not lose any sleep about selling to them before they get to the point of renewable energy independence.

Besides if you look into the who dairy thing that Trump brought up it's a drop in the ocean compared to all the other trade, and he conveniently forgot to mention that our own dairy industry is subsidized and always asking the Federal government for money, in 2016 it wanted the FDA to buy $150M worth of cheese they overproduced due to subsidies and protectionism. Somehow everyone bitches like crazy about subsidies of the USPS or Amtrak, but not the dairy industry - which is mostly run by big-ag companies making a fortune anyway.

I see this all as more populist chest beating that may help a relatively small number of people but does little for most Americans who need help the most. I'm pretty sure if you look closely, as with the coal deregulation, you'll find an actively highly funded industry lobby bugging Trump to do save them from the evil Canadians - mostly to benefit some large very profitable dairy product companies. That's allowed him to rant and rave (and tweet) about it with much gusto as he did with North Korea. The jury is still far from in on whether that does any good. I rather think Kim is going to end up winner in that game of juvenile hystrionics and button size bragging.

OK. Let us see how things shakes up in future.

Full of debt is a simplification. There's debt but there's also tremendous wealth generation. The US is still a powerhouse, it's just shackled by a corrupt banking system. All it takes is someone with balls to deal with the Fed. JFK was the last person who tried that...

Re cheating: it is cheating if US officials are willingly trying to get their country bad deals. It's also treason. That's what's been happening. Until you recognise there's a 'deep state' which is bigger than nation states and that these people worked for it, you're missing the full picture.

Re NK, read 'the art of the deal'. I know it's seductive to think that Trump is an idiot egoist but that's exactly NOT what's going on. Considering what he's achieved there already (both Korean leaders are now on friendly terms and NK is going to denuclearise) I'd expect good people to start turning on the corporate press for their juvenile histrionics.

If you want to understand Trump better, ignore what he says. He does all that on purpose. Look instead at what he does.

Oh and the WTO is fucked. Trump killed it with his tariffs. I seem to remember they admitted as much. I'm glad.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well we agree on something for sure - I've long said don't listen to what Trump says, only what he does. I'm waiting for him to stop ranting and raving and actually do something. Trump is being played by NK and China, they will profit bigly. KJU would never have attacked America, or Japan, or SK, he knew it would be the end of his country so he's just cashing in because he know he can wrap Trump Inc. around his fingers for the promise of a few billion in hotel and condo rights. Trump already signaled that, and he's laughing because he knows no one is paying attention. Just watch the magicians hand while the other one is putting on a show distracting us all.

Do you remember all those things 45 said about crooked Goldman Sachs? Do you notice what he did - filled his swam with their cronies and made the swam bigger. Deep State, Deep Swamp, it's all the same until someone will act to take billionaires out of the capital and give it back to we the people. Unless you're a billionaire you should be happy about that. Trump or his dynasty will never allow a constitutional convention to happen, it would take his power away. Then again maybe after all this they will just move to North Korea. Or China. Or Russia.

PS. Remember our ability to generate wealth is propped up on the ability of the government to raise taxes. Trump is eroding that fast. Without taxes we can't pay our debts and we'll soon be a third-rate country more fitting of South America than North. Our unprecedented run of economic growth is about due to end, just in time for Democrats to clean the mess up. AGAIN.

Hmmm. Korea seems like a success story to me. Both Koreas are delighted with Trump's work. I can't see how that's a bad thing for anyone. And NK will need trade and foreign investment. There's no need to be so negative about a slight normalisation.

Yes Goldman Sachs appointments bother me too. But remember this; to reign something so complicated and powerful in you'd need
experts in how it functions. In short: 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. The days of head on conflicts with ones ideological enemies died after WW2. All is game theory now.

Re taxes, you're working on the old (outdated) big government model. The US became hugely wealthy long before income tax was levied. Government has become a slush fund for those with the stickiest fingers. Trump's changing that.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Glad to see we have some common ground, I just wish more people would recognize the hypocrisy of lining the swamp with Sachs Bros. So far I have yet to see any evidence Trump is keeping those with sticky fingers out of government. As for NK, so far we have seen nothing more than a meeting and a cheesy oddball video that looked like a trailer for Trump North Korea condos - which is really why he is interested in this instead of blowing shit up like he is threatening with the perfectly good deal we had in Iran that he just destroyed. Meanwhile he rolled back Cuban reforms because they wouldn't do humanitarian deals but turns a blind eye to KJU who has had had over 100 people assassinated and presides over mass guilds investing hundreds of thousands and killing man more every year.

You know he's a smart guy, if he would just talk honestly about what he does instead of the constant bullshit and hypocrisy he might actual win more (okay any) hearts and minds on the left. Assuming of course that he recanted for his rampantly misogyny and racism. But I don't see that happening any day soon.

FTR just so you know where I'm coming from every time I take one of those tests about political leanings I come out firmly as a social libertarian. I've yet to hear from any ardent libertarians who express a live for Trump. He's in bed and in the pockets of way too many of the wing people who are far too anti liberty.

But you have to admire him for being a master manipulator. 10 years ago this just would not have been possible and he picked his time, played his cards and dealt himself a winning hand.

PS. How does the US government pay for anything other than via taxes? Last I checked Trump is following in the tried and tested path of growing the government and his party are letting him get away with it because it meant huge tax breaks for those who least need it. There has never ever been a peer reviewed study that demonstrated "trickle down" works but he is still peddling it like a snake oil salesman. This is why the middle and lower class are seeing their standard of living decline since the late 70s and billionaires are making out like bandits. This is simply not sustainable

God bless president Trump for standing up to those scumbags.

Please do share "the truth" and who told it to you. I can't seem to get it anywhere.

Bourdain and Spade killed themselves because of their connections to the criminal cabal. Trump is enforcing the law just like we PAY HIM to do. Oh ... wait a minute ... he isn't collecting on that $400k salary ... why not?

The truth is that Trump is slowly dismantling a criminal cabal which has its own people in the top spots in most countries; hence the media and leftist histrionics.

Word to the herd... we will collectively be shifting directions soon.

And do you see any evidence that the Deep Swamp is any less self-serving than the "Deep State". It's all a big distraction as the bums in the seats change but the game is the same. The only thing that will change is more and more debt which as soon as Republicans are out again they will scream bloody murder and claim is the worst thing ever. Neither party will do anything about corporate control of America by the wealthy elite, it serves them too well. Donald could give a flying fuck about Americans beyond their ability to keep him in power long enough to pump a few more billion of debt-financed wealth into Trump Inc.

We were already at almost full employment before Trump arrived, we have $1.5T more debt obligations now, real wages of the majority continue to decline against costs of living, our privacy rights have been rapped by bills passed with Donald's gleeful scrawl on them, most of the AC Carrier employees got laid off anyway and he did fuck all to stop that in the end, and far from being united America is more divided than ever. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure most of his base couldn't find North Korea on a map if they tried and from his early comments it was pretty clear 45 had little idea where it was when he started.
