This is what happens when you find Q Anon

in qanon •  7 years ago  (edited)

Everything is Connected!

RedPilled Pepe Silva vid (~2mins):

Pepe Silvia - Backup Link

Damn it Barney. You're out of your mind!

But, maybe he's on to something...

| More to come @q1717 |

Related Steemits:
1. What is Q Anon?
2. An Unexpected Journey to Q Anon
3. RedPill Material - Cathy O'brien
Notable Links:
1. Reddit GreatAwakening Q discussions: Link
2. Archive of Q Posts to date: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
Notable Videos:
1. Global Cabal Structure by 8chan anons (~3mins) Link 1 | Link 2
2. Inspiration Speech by President Reagan (~3mins) Link 1 | Link 2
3. Inspiration Vid about Q Anon (~10mins) Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
Comic Relief:
1. This is what happens when you find Q Anon. Pepe Silvia. Steemit Link
2. 'Golden Hair' His name is Trump, Donald Trump (~3min) Link
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)