The Name Of The Q

in qanon •  6 years ago 

revious posts:

Deep Throat v, Q

Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon

The Gospel According To Q

A-Marketing We Will Q


In this ongoing series of articles, we have presented evidence that the Q Phenomenon is a sophisticated multi-layered psy-op that appeared fully conceived in late October 2017 on 4chan, later moving to 8chan.

We have shown that Q purports to impart covert information to followers in multiple dimensions, where it is not only the message, but the medium iteself that has meaning.

At its most basic level, Q functions as an "insider" source for information on Trump's promised effort to "drain the swamp." At this level, Q resembles Deep Throat during the Watergate era, except that Q places its entire audience in the role of reporters Woodward and Bernstein, thus subverting mainstream media filters.

We have proposed that Q is a sophisticated marketing/PR campaign that uses classic design, but in a weaponized form. The many layers of the campaign work on numerous levels to attract as diverse an audience as possible. Q uses standard Pavlovian Response methods to "establish and associate," a technique where engendered trust is extended to include other concepts, individuals and groups. This is the core of the psy-op aspect.

We theorize that Q operates by design with key religious elements that spread through the social media culture at amazing, if not alarming pace. Elements such as revealed truth, hierarchical structure, occult interpretation, and prophesy all play a significant role. Followers have developed a fanatical and even cult-like community around Q that demands strict adherence to a kind of "theology," or risk excommunication.

We have already and continue to develop tests and specific predictions to establish the validity of our working hypothesis. It stands to reason that if Q is operating on multiple levels of meaning, including symbolic, emotional, rational, and historical, then even the name "Q" should have significant meanings across various areas of interest, working in concert with the other proposed elements we have detailed.

With this in mind, we investigated various uses of the name "Q" in other areas of society. To be significant, the use of "Q" should have appeared well before the rise of the extant phenomenon, so as to be included as an aspect of the Q design, and not be a result of it. Previous uses of the name would ideally intersect with the various elements of our theory in a meaningful way, such that other meanings of "Q" would add insight into how the Q Phenomenon is designed, how it functions, and how the entity(ies) behind it think.

We were not disappointed. We found no less than six distinct, superficially unrelated uses of the name "Q" in widely disparate fields that conceptually and significantly intersect with our theory. These findings serve as a confirmation that we are looking in the right places, as well as enhance the view that Q is operating at multiple levels in a way that is sometimes referred to as "4-D thinking".

Note that we use the neutral pronoun "it" when referring to Q, because at this point, we are not sure who - or what - is behind it. We do not want to limit our view, or the reader's, until some evidence arises regarding the nature of Q.

Q itself told us in early "drops" that the name refers to Q-level security clearance within the US federal government. It is supposedly the highest level, allowing full knowledge of compartmentalized information, thus having access to the Big Picture when it comes to government secrets and intelligence. Q also claims to be a function of US military intelligence, and so has access to roughly the same data, systems and techniques available to the NSA, CIA and other high-level intelligence agencies.

A couple of easy clicks led us to Wikipedia, where Q-Clearance is indeed the highest level of security clearance, BUT only in the Department of Energy (DOE). According to the article, Q-Clearance is equivalent to Top Secret within the military, but a distinction is clearly drawn with Q-Clearance limited to the DOE. This is curious, as Q specifically claims to be military, but the claimed clearance only applies to the DOE.

It would be easy to dismiss Q at this point for not knowing or accurately establishing what it is talking about. If the entity(ies) behind it are really military and in the US government, they should be well aware of this distinction.

Too easy.

If our model is correct, Q would choose a name based on a number of dimensions, rather than just a literal one. The fact that Q-Clearance is equivalent to Top Secret (a.k.a. TS-SCI), it implies high-level access to information, while allowing for other dimensions of meaning. It also provides a single, distinctive character to embody a complex collection of ideas in the form of a well designed and marketed "logo".

As a prediction, we believe that "energy" will play a role in Q as we continue to investigate.

Given what follows, it stands to reason that Q chose the name based on multiple intersections of meaning, rather than a strict definition of the security clearance term.

Our next stop is somewhat less spectacular, but in keeping with the overall design we propose, as well as having cultural and symbolic significance.

As we have mentioned before, Q is a character on Star Trek that has god-like powers. Without rehearsing everything previously reported, suffice it to say this layer of reference would appeal to certain fan-type demographics, who would transfer their interest in sci-fi and humanist messages to the Q Phenomenon. The inference of being god-like is in keeping with out model of what Q is, and what it desires to be seen as by the general audience.

In the TV series, the name Q refers to both an individual and a "race," which is also interesting in this context. Being simultaneously one and many connotes a kind of symbolic Trinity.

Up next are two additional cultural references with varying levels of significance.

The first is the character Q in the James Bond series of novels and films. Q, standing for "quartermaster," is the character responsible for designing high-tech weapons and gadgets for the Double-Oh spies in British intelligence operations. This link is intriguing for the intersections with "British," "spy", "weapons" and "high-tech".

The "high-tech" and "weapons" aspects obviously connect with the sophisticated use of the internet and social media, and our proposed weaponization of that technology.

"British" and "spy" invoke the perceived close relationship of US and UK intelligence operations, especially GCHQ (!) and MI6, which are the UK equivalent of the NSA, CIA and other agencies.

"British" also invokes the 5-Eyes, an intelligence cooperative among the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. The 5-Eyes have been referenced by Q on numerous occasions, making this a significant intersection with the Q name.

Q has also specifically claimed that data from the 5-Eyes circumvents US law and allows elements within the federal government access to data on US citizens, bypassing restrictions on domestic agencies.

On an emotional level, the link with James Bond would serve to romanticize Q and give it an element of action, adventure and suspense. It serves to transfer all the emotional connotations of Bond's long history onto Q, providing a kind of instant history or background.

This, in turn, implies a battle against a sinister global network hell-bent on dominating the world, known as SPECTRE in the Bond universe. This, too, is in keeping with the nature and interpretation of Q's drops over the past nine months, as it purports to stand against various individuals and organizations in the real world with similar goals and ambitions.

Another cultural reference is an obscure 1982 film entitled, "Q". It would be easy to dismiss this reference, because it is rather obscure; however, it is interesting as the film deals with a group of New York City police investigating a series of mysterious murders using Aztec rituals that have apparently unleashed the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent associated with, among other things, learning.

The initial letter "Q" in the god's name, yet another god reference, and the association with learning are all significant intersections with our model of the Q Phenomenon. Q often states that followers must "learn our comms." The snake image, of course, has all sorts of religious connotations.

The link with Mexico is also curious, given Trump's signature focus on the US border with that nation. We also have in mind the Lady of Guadalupe, whose common depiction has her stepping on a snake - yet more religious symbolism.

At this point, it really starts to get interesting.

Thanks to a prompt from Joseph P. Farrell, we were led to the area of Biblical scholarship called, appropriately enough, the Q-Gospel.

Yes, the Q-Gospel!

In the early 20th century, Biblical scholars proposed a quelle (Germ., "source") for certain common elements in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. This "source" was theorized to stem from early Christian oral traditions composed primarily of Jesus' sayings. The theory has fallen out of favor in recent years, but it nevertheless exists as a significant part of Biblical research and still attracts serious inquiry in the field.

We believe this reference should be obvious to the reader who saw our previous article called, "The Gospel According To Q." That "Q" should randomly refer to an area of theological research stretches credulity, given the demonstrated multi-layered nature of the Q Phenomenon and its religious elements.

The final Q reference is the clincher, in our opinion.

In the field of mathematics, there is an area called Set Theory that examines the construction, content and relationships between sets. Within this area, there is a sub-category called Q-Analysis.

Developed in the 1970s, Q-Analysis examines the alignments and intersections of sets in multiple dimensions. It is used to examine "large-scale system structure, social networks and decision making," among other things. It's function is to define how "sets" or "entities" relate and interact with each other, and how those relationships affect the internal content of the sets.

It should be immediately apparent to the reader that Q-Analysis describes almost exactly what we propose the Q Phenomenon is doing. It is inserting itself into decision making, using and manipulating social networks, and can easily be used to measure and manipulate large-scale system structures, such as demographics and internet architecture.

Using Q-Analysis, someone could easily track the Q Phenomenon across the internet to map and quantify how information spreads and what effect it has on audiences down to fine detail.

Other than the definition and history of the actual letter "q", these are the only significant references for the "Q". It was not necessary to make a value judgement for inclusion or exclusion of data.

That all these references should have internal elements directly related to our hypothesis, as well as conceptual relationships with each other through multiple, intersecting meanings and connotations is beyond random.

Six primary references to the letter "Q" can be found on the internet. All six relate significantly to aspects of the Q Phenomenon. All six have intersecting vertices in one or more dimensions. All six match elements of our theory of Q. And all six serve to increase and focus our understanding of the Q Phenomenon.

Since we propose that Q is messaging its audience on multiple levels in a 4-D system, it stands to reason that the name Q would also have multiple significant meanings. That all six references have some degree of correlation with each other and with our theory of Q, it stands to reason that this serves as a confirmation of the theory, especially since they enhance and clarify aspects of our a priori speculations.

We therefore conclude that our theory withstands a major test, and that our operating assumptions about the Q Phenomenon are at least partially correct and worth pursuing. This is by no means final and conclusive, but it is significant and instinctual, given our existing propositions.

It seems that we can now perceive some part of this real-life Matrix. If what we have found so far is any indication, the ride is about to get a lot more interesting.

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