$100 billion in Chinese gold on Sparks Indian Reservation, Nevada?

in qanon •  5 years ago 

"7-8 years ago the United States Army had in fact created a full blown interim government and they were stationed in West Virginia [45:23] simply waiting until such a time as it would be necessary for them to step forward. And there is a certain amount of concern that the people might think that this is a military coup. It’s nowhere close to it. It’s not a military coup. It is, in fact – a ‘Correction’.
They went into operation near the start of 2015. They had to construct a national currency but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with Basil III. So in consequence of that, the Chinese Elders — along about April, 2015, leased 100 billion in gold to the Republic. And they also gave them 385 billion in cash for operational expenses. [46:48]
Now that they had the gold, so they could create a new currency that would be Basil III compliant, they moved forward and they created what is known as Treasury Reserve Notes [TRNs] for use at the government level, but they’re not used on the street, however they have been trading in the International . . . they have been traded in Europe all through the summer, and in the Japanese Market; so we know it’s a good currency. [47:43] For money on the street that you and I would be using, they have created what’s known as United States Notes [USNs] like what President Kennedy had created way back in 1963. [48:03]"

"The New Treasury is located in Nevada on an Indian Reservation"

QAnon Retired Gen Confirms [The Army of Northern Virginia]

"Gen. Vallely answered the following: “Q-Anon is information that comes out of a group called ‘The Army of Northern Virginia.’ This is a group of military intelligence specialists, of over 800 people that advises the president. The president does not have a lot of confidence in the CIA or the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) much anymore. So the President relies on real operators, who are mostly Special Operations type of people. This is where ‘Q’ picks up some of his information.”"

"The US treasury is on sovereign Indian land at Reno-Sparks Indian Colony- cannot be fooled with. The chinese left the gold and currencies"

"1)I believe Phase 3 has begun. New US Treasury for the Republic is set up near Reno NV on Indian land (only sovereign land left in America not in the corporation)."

"3. Over the last few days there has been a lot of traffic at the Reno airport (the new US Treasury and IRS where they were releasing the RV was housed at an Indian Reservation just outside Reno)."

"It is rumored that the US GOVERNMENT has taken over the once-privately owned IRS now located at the new US TREASURY on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada and also is now running the previously privately owned FEDERAL RESERVE"

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