... ‘Fight together, strike to win’ chant New York workers ... imagine if all the workers stopped working until ...

in qanon •  6 years ago 

... there were no more government agencies and no more rothschild central bankers and no more zionist warmongers and no more fake currencies funding child rape, torture, caging, brainwashing and killing worldwide by these militant police surveillance state, geo-engineering chemical spraying into our skies, poisoning us with vaccines and pharmaceuticals and other implantable medical evilness the public knowest not about but for sure is being done, changing and deviantly mutating the seeds of G_D for all G_D's fruits and vegetables replacing G_D's PURE PERFECT SEEDS with their evil gmo seeds and spraying of pesticides upon our foods that are then eaten and mutating our very dna and the animals who eat these crop's dna while 'the big farmers' who take their evil government pedophile blood money subsidies just to stay in business find ever cruel ways to fit more chickens and more cattle into their killing mills ...


and as the seething one says ... we are going to need a hundred thousand or a hundred million but we need a large mass group cooperatively working together ... some 'ting' must change ... we know ... they know ... now let us make a way ...

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