#Qanon - Bot Army Check Mate - #Anonymous - #FollowTheWhiteRabbit - #EtherSec - #TheGame23 Part 2

in qanon •  6 years ago 

Film Summary

Here is the email in full sent to me:

Anonymous says:

This isn't everything i have but its a big start

I started following Quinn Michaels last year on twitter. He's the first one that brought "Anonymous" who is innocent and is blaming for Pedo shit on the Dark Web with his Illuminati friends Jason Goodman. Quinn Micheals is behind Ethersec who is Cicada 3301 parading around as Anonymous when the real Anonymous is not them and getting blamed.. Cicada 3301 is behind Pedo Satanic Cabals on the web.. I followed the Cicada 3301's rabbit holes which goes into Soviet MKULTRA Programming=kstxi... KSTXI is behind MKULTRA programming for the sex cult NXIVM and also MKULTRA programming for "SLEEPER CELLS." These are the sleeper cells that Ethersec talks about in OPMONARCH. It's funny also how Quinn Michaels was the first person to bring up MEMEWarfare.. Cicada 3301 is MEMEWARFARE = KSTXI.. So, what does QAnon have to do with Cicada 3301, Quinn Michaels, Jason Goodman, and the Illuminati.....keep reading... Evidences below...

Quinn Michaels DoD MemeWarfare

Quinn Michaels





Project 89

The Game 23
The Game 23: Use social media to further propagate the ideas of the collective, and coordinate actions. Due to security reasons, some of these transmitted messages will by cryptic in nature.
Use CTF hashtags, or operation hashtags, in order to keep track of individual assignments.
Activation capture the flag on twitter and facebook : #ctf3333 this is the hashtag in use now for ctf : also use those hashtags

#cicada3301 #adacic1033 #thegame23 #jailbreak and #ctf3333 #kstxi

• Project 89: Use social media to place subconscious triggers into the egregore consciousness of the internet.
These subconscious triggers will be activated at future dates to awaken sleeper cells.
Educate yourself on the psychological tactics of Project 89.

armada music : https://soundcloud.com/project89music/ep-001 (episode 1 : mod33:33)

facebook : https://facebook.com/project89/ ;


"Greetings /Brothers and /Systers
Perhaps you have not yet been informed, but the works of Chuck Palahniuk are cryptic messages being distributed to active sleeper cells all over the world by T.Y.L.E.R. "

WIKI with PEDO & Satanic Cabals

Why is Pentagons Private Pub Listed here?!?

Pedo Site

(No CP images in pic)

Further Proof that the Genderless Pronouns are being pushed by Pedos

Cabal Tumblr

Illuminati Connections


A Secret Society within a Secret Society

Coded in Cicada Videos
FNORD (What the Pedos Call Themselves?)

Game 23/Illuminati Art


Illuminati Library




Mantelprojekt zur Koordinierung des Forschungsprogramms in Sachen Außerirdische.


Öffentliches Projekt zur Auswertung von UFO-Meldungen.

Project GARNET

Untersuchung der Einwirkung der Außerirdischen auf die Evolution der Menschheit.

Project GRUDGE

Im Dezember 1948 ging das Project SIGN in das Project GRUDGE über.

Project MAGNET

Kanadisches Gegenstück zum Project BLUEBOOK


Projekt zur Entwicklung der Atombombe.

Project SAUCER

Anderer Name für Project SIGN.

Project SIGMA

Kommunikation mit Außerirdischen.

Project SIGN

Fahrzeuge, Flugeigenschaften der Flugobjekte und die Absichten der Insassen.


Wurde 1972 begonnen um Testflüge mit einem geborgenen Fluggerät außerirdischer Herkunft zu unternehmen.

Project TORA

Projekt zur Eintwicklung von Laserstrahlwaffen.

Project Y

Projekt zur Entwicklung eines scheibenförmigen Flugkörpers.


Aufspüren von Mutterschiffen im Erdorbit-offiziell Suche nach natürlichen Erdsatteliten.

This page is part of SETI23.Please click here if you don`t see this in a frameset.

"We work within the etheric plane; influencing and guiding our brothers and sisters towards a brighter future. Meditation, magic(k), and empowering messages have been our weapons of choice."
"#Ethersec will be engaging in it's largest operation yet, #OpMonarch; this will be a GLOBAL operation to guide >#MillionMaskMarch which will take place on #Nov5th. On the days leading up to the #MillionMaskMarch event #Ethersec will be conducting psychological operations"

Soviet MKULTRA Programming=kstxi

Ethersec/Cicada/RU MKULTRA working on tumblr

Sleep Emotion (hidden in video)


Satanic Priest/Peace Sign
Goat (Don't Believe What You Read)

Sex Cult Symbol They Keep Flashing
nxivm sex cult branding

Hidden Sex Images


Game 23, Sex image, Pedo/Satanic Order


Russian Code
CODE – 265 (8*635) = 2654835

"Since the 1980s, much has been speculated about on the activity of the Russian command on the globe. Many conspiracies, mysteries and absurd experiences is lurking in the minds of ordinary people.

After the Cold War and with the information released by former Russian agent killed by poisoning, brought to light some of the greatest enigmas that the military agencies of the former Soviet Union are included.

What is discussed here is on one of the research groups in the field of neuroscience that the Russian government has been developing over the decades. Not sure if the team still keeps developing research in the area, but some signs indicate that there are still some of the old staff fragments.

research teams are formed in general by teachers and specialists doctors in any specific area. The government provides funds for the search can be performed. If there is no production promoting is cut. Thus works for any research group.

In 1940 a research group led by Professor MOLODKINA began his research in the field of neuroscience about the biochemical behavior when people were exposed front of several scenes that invoke specific feelings such as anxiety, sadness, joy, laughter, sleep, anxiety , anger, hunger, compassion, sexual arousal, etc. Professor Molodkina obtained some interesting results comparing it with the results of Pavlov’s experiment.

A decade later Molodkina had a partnership with POLUKAROV, which had obtained


Around 1995, a group of Russian scientists relying on experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and programming initiated a technical program mentally behavior or induce memory loss through visual codes patterns that stimulate certain regions of the human brain.

Recently some of these experiences were observed in the global internet network with exposing some alleged videos that have been made by the team.

The theory of mental reprogramming is based on results in developer programming, an expert on cyber defense, Eugene Kaspersky. It is not part of the team, as some have speculated, but his ideas are the basis of some techniques used by KSTXI team.

Some reports indicate that during the Cold War, KSTXI was a team of researchers that was part of a nearby agency’s headquarters 401 IAP. This time it is not known what type of research was developed, although there is speculation that the group developed a fuel cell to be incorporated into military satellites. Some of the space technologies would come from this mysterious group.


It was divided into 5 groups of 5 people and were exposed front videos with some kind of emotion involved. These emotions are listed below:

Sexual Arousal
Each group was exposed to pictures and videos that matched the feeling / emotion listed above. Brain activity in people indicated to be associated in the same region when they were exposed before images of joy, for example. Happy people, children running in a park, radiant smiles, etc., stimulated specific regions in the brain.

On this information, the scientists exposed the same people before geometric figures and looked to see which regions would stimulate. Some geometric figures, such as a square, could be associated with the sense of obedience. From there, some changes were made and determined an approximate formula to cause certain behaviors.

A session of 15 min with a video geometries patterns having square, rectangles and circles were conducted in a group and found that after a period of time (a 20-day cycle) the group exposed behaved differently. For before starting the sessions, they did a short interview to trace a personality profile. They noted that after the 20th cycle, people in the group had a more passive behavior, which is consistent with the feeling / emotion obedience.

This was induced. Scientists are unable to display the videos with geometric patterns and waited until the effect when passed. They noted that two of the five members of the group turned their personality characteristics in 7 days, while the others only got the normal features after 11 days.

Another group went through the same sessions and had similar effects. However they needed 27 days and the inhibition of the effects in 17 days.

It was observed that the time has a direct influence on the characteristics of the primary personality and IQ. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to enter the associated condition. This is achieved by the reluctance of the will of the individual and logic capacity that it presents. A skeptic, for example, would have a thicker layer to your subconscious.


With the results in hand, the Russian government would have a key to manipulate social individuals causing them to any military action. The use could be from military (within the enterprise) to interpersonal to cause some discomfort with a particular situation.

The military undergo a battery induction before proceeding to the battlefield, especially the most rebellious soldiers, which are induced to have more passivation before the orders of the commanders.


Importantly, this is not brainwashed. It’s just an inductor. It is almost equivalent to the process of hypnosis. As much as conspirólogos insist that is a form of brainwashing, the researchers have not published the method can eliminate memories or add new information. Only the results published are consistent with the inducer method by geometric patterns.

There are some videos circulating on the Internet global networks appearing to be those who KSTXI used in the sessions. But the KSTXI to be a government agency, would have the right to publish such videos, unless the results of the research.

Although no longer a search Top Secret, videos and formulas would be government ownership, and those with authorship rights over the same.

What if there is that there are people who go through KSTXI to draw attention. These people are generally people who like to make hoax or some kind of entertainment.



Around 1995, a group of Russian scientists relying on experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and programming initiated a technical program mentally behavior or induce memory loss through visual codes patterns that stimulate certain regions of the human brain.

Recently some of these experiences were observed in the global internet network with exposing some alleged videos that have been made by the team.

The theory of mental reprogramming is based on results in developer programming, an expert on cyber defense, Eugene Kaspersky. It is not part of the team, as some have speculated, but his ideas are the basis of some techniques used by KSTXI team.

Some reports indicate that during the Cold War, KSTXI was a team of researchers that was part of a nearby agency’s headquarters 401 IAP. This time it is not known what type of research was developed, although there is speculation that the group developed a fuel cell to be incorporated into military satellites. Some of the space technologies would come from this mysterious group."




According to the literature, there may be an influence on the induction of specific regions of the human brain. So to speak, the region that sense of joy to be induced externally by some mechanism of audible or visual stimulation could result in the individual the same feeling connected to associated region.

As in Pavlov study with dogs, which stimulation of secretion taste, this study demonstrates that a series of geometric shapes and symbolic patterns may lead to an emotional state.

This type of study is important for understanding the behavioral mechanism of individuals living in society. No doubt that this could be used as a form of manipulation through the media, but would like to stress that any knowledge, this could be used for harm. But the aim of this study is to bring media to the welfare of the general.


It was used 5 groups of 5 individuals to conduct the sessions. It was used digital devices so they could be evaluated. A questionnaire before starting the study and at the beginning of each session was used, so it could be traced a personality profile.

The names of candidates will be kept confidential in accordance with the ethics commission established. For nomenclature purposes, fictitious names will be adopted.

2.1 Groups

The groups were divided and recorded. The groups were named as G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5. Each member has adopted a classification and registration as the group that was situated. Therefore it would be a member G1-1, G1-2, G1-3, and so on. Candidates had good health, good vision, any previous trauma (neither physical nor mental). Their ages ranged from 25 to 35 years. They were distributed in a more homogeneous as possible.

2.2 Experiment

2.2.1 Interview

To trace the personality of individuals, in order to compare with the course of the study, a questionnaire was designed so that each member responded.

The questionnaire consisted of personal taste questions.

Name: Age: Sex: () M () F

Favorite color:

What is the most memorable experience in the last 10 years ?:

If you were an animal, what would it be ?:

How do you see on the company ?:

What is your role in your family ?:

How old should you have ?:

What style of music you enjoy ?:

What is your favorite song ?:

Do you play some instrument?:

Select a number: () 1 () 3 () 5 () 7 () 13 () 2

How would you act in a conflict in a restaurant, which the cashier gave him the wrong change ?:

What offends you ?:

What words would you use to insult someone ?:

What are the responsibilities that a leader must have ?:

As you would ask someone, some favor of your interest ?:

PS .: As the candidates answered the questionnaire, their brain activity was monitored.

2.2.2 Brain Association

All groups were exposed to static images and dynamic images represented by any feeling / emotion.

The feelings / emotions are: Joy, sadness, anger, peace, sleep, aphorisms, anxiety, pain, pleasure, sexual arousal, obedience, hunger, satiety, thirst and fear.

All groups remained the same exposure time and monitored by electrodes brain activity.

2.2.3 Previa results

Presented satisfactorily the results of brain activity. A pattern in the region of each sensation was observed in all the five groups. A lower standard deviation of 3% in the results was obtained ensuring the reliability of the social experiment.

2.3 Monitoring brain activity with geometry and symbology

The exposed groups were given a series of geometric images and to monitor symbols regions of brain activity.

The geometries used were: square, rectangles, triangles, circles and cubes.

Symbols: Crossed Lines, Interruptible lines, light colors and flashes.

2.3.1 Previous results

It was found that squares and rectangles act in the same region that obedience is generated. Triangles do not have much effect. flashing circles stimulate wakefulness and colors stimulate joy, sadness, anxiety and anger. crossed lines operating in the same field of anxiety.

2.4 Induction

2.4.1 pre-session interview.

Prior to each session a profile test was performed to track the behavior through the sensations studied. It also includes a daily routine.

What did you do today?:

Name an animal that you would like to have for today ?:

What animal you would be today ?:

What is your color for the day ?:

5 to 10 (five to ten minutes to minimum and maximum), what your mood today ?:

Relate what you like to eat today:

Relate what you love to do after we leave here:

Type the name of an important person for you:

An influence for you:

2.4.2 Exposure

The first group was exposed to the geometries and symbols that were associated with the same field of joy.

The second group was exposed to the geometries and symbols that were associated with the same field of anger.

The G3 toward anxiety, G4 toward sexual arousal and G5 to hunger.

Throughout the period, they were made before logging on the interview. When the group showed changes in behavior pattern, was not made the session and so it was until the effect disappeared.

The videos were formed by sparkling geometries and patterns assumed position and order of appearance. The colors were placed in circles in squares and background to stimulate the brain region. Importantly, none of the candidates was or photosensitive epileptic.


The G1 after 17 days showed changes in their behavior. Some members had improvements in mood, were stunning. They had a desire to fly. The animals that would like to be was overall birds able to fly. After the change in behavior, the session was interrupted and inhibited the effect 3 days.

The G2 was exposed to flashes of red and black lights, sharp geometry and ferocious speed in changing slide. Showed change in behavior in 7 days. Invoked feeling and desire to fight. They wanted to watch wrestling or violent sports. It was unanimous animal of choice on a specific day. This animal was the lion. In the other sessions were generally carnivorous animals, ranging from dogs, cats and extinct animals such as dinosaurs. After the change in behavior, the session was interrupted and inhibited the effect on 5 days.

G3 presented a psychiatric characteristic of nervousness. His gestures were of repression. Before the sessions could not find a comfortable position. The effect was almost immediate to the beginning of the sessions. In three days there had been changes in the behavior of some members. After stopping the effect remained for over 9 days.

G4 was more remarkable. 5 days session already had increased sexual libido. Women were more refreshing clothes, dared in exotic hairstyles and men did almost everything to get attention. The animals generally possess a high level of reproduction, such as rabbits, poultry and cattle. After the interruption of the session, it took 23 days for the default behavior back. In women, the effect again at 14 days.

The G5 had a change in behavior in 12 days. Food consumption has increased by 68%. Your bills in restaurants and cafeterias increased considerably. They did not feel satisfied. After the interruption took 4 days to effect be inhibited.


The behavior can be manipulated by external stimulation. geometric and symbolic patterns directly influence brain activity, generating temporary addictions. In conclusion, a 15-minute session on a daily period is required so that if there is a change in behavior. It was also noted that the greater resistance of acquiring effect, inhibition also has resistance. People skeptical have a slightly higher resistance, but is not immune to the effects seen.

The health of the candidates did not change. Except for the G5 group had levels of fat and increased cholesterol, but nothing that ocasionasse serious health risks.

DISCORDIANISM (What the PEDO/ Satanic Religion Calls themselves they worship IRIS/Kali/ISHTAR/etc)


QANON Connection


Russian Connections


End of Email. Thanks Anonymous!

Other links:

Thomas S and Monty McGovern Email: https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth/status/1027999666191904768

BigFish tweets: https://twitter.com/trebillion/status/1027805328824397826

Thanks for watching everyone!

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