Who is #Qanon?

in qanon •  6 years ago  (edited)

Who is #Qanon?

Film Summary

This is just my take on the entire Q Anon situation. I attempt to break down what Q Anon is, who created and who took it over.

Links for your own research:

  1. What Happened to Ian Murdock?: Video

  2. Is Cicada 3301 the new Nostradamus?: Video

  3. Is Cicada 3301 the New Nostradamus, older video about Vault 7: Video

  4. @Defango on the breakdown of the 3301 Prophecy: Video

  5. Jerome Corsi "The Poland Connection": https://hiddentaxonhumanity.com/hidden-tax-on-humanity/chapter-5-the-poland-connection/

Need more then use that crazy thing called a search bar and verify what I said for yourself. The answers are out there NEO, find them for yourself. Hint: use the search bar lolz.

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Q~Anon is not your friend, thats about as much as we can safely say about them. If you consider those closest to Trump, Adelson, Kushner and others who work in the interests of Goldman Sachs and Chabad lubavitch, Trump is certainly aligned with some very familiar faces. Trumps political campaign so far has been nothing more than a continuation of the Bush Policy. A Zionist inspired war on terror that can take place at any given time and at any given place.

Q-Anon is clearly a L.A.R.P troll, or an intelligence asset, in my opinion. This person has clearly lied numerous times and they have also been used as a tool to shape conservative narrative. Its pro establishment propaganda, aimed at giving the Trump administration justifications for some of the horrible decisions being made by the Government of the united states, although now these "bad decisions" - whether instigated by trump or not - are now blamed on what is called "the deep state". When Q-anon has already failed so many times now, it renders their opinion fictional and irrelevant. How many times have they mentioned the JQ? Sorry to tell you readers, but the "NWO" is not being run by Hillary and Soros, they are insignificant to the ones actually pulling any strings. What a joke Q-anon is, honestly.

I tend to agree with your take in some partial manner. I do see alot of bad actors around Trump himself, but this is not a continuation of the Bush era policies. A lot of the things Trump has done are in direct opposition to those polices. However the looming war in Syria and a worse war with Iran is on the Horizon. If we end up engaging in those conflicts then yes, this was a continuation of the Zionist war policy.

How many times have they mentioned the JQ?

The Jewish Question is a stupid thing to even mention. Zionists are not all Jewish (see Joe Biden), so to even bring up the racist and ignorant "Jewish Question" makes me question you. The Zionists mainly are not Jewish, they are Eastern European and Luciferian at heart not "Jewish". Furthermore the "Jews" everyone points at are not even the top of the pyramid. The Rothschild's and others are "Court Jews", to the actual ruling elite at the Vatican (Rothschild's are the banksters for the Vatican). So yes the ZIONISTS are the enemy and above politicians, however there is a force above them and above the Vatican it is fallen angels that in my opinion actually rule the planet.

So yes, the new Q Anon posts since late November are total bullshit. However they mix truth with lies to keep people engaged and believing. Then they pay off people who seem independent to push the bs like Beanz. So what Q Anon has done is expose who the shills are because they kept running with this Q thing long after it has been exposed.

"The Jewish Question is a stupid thing to even mention". If you dont know what you are talking about thats fine. Zionism as a political movement is only about 100 years old. Jewish power and tyranny has been around for around 1,000 years. To give you an example, George Soros is not a zionist, neither are chabbad lubavitch - but they are pushing for a talmudic end game. 50 million europeans dead from the "black plague", 100 million dead from communism, 60 million europeans dead from the world wars and now the immigration agenda. this is a Jewish agenda, not a Zionist one. The first Jesuits and freemasons were also Jews, who use the kabbalah and talmud as their capstone doctrine. Zionism is meerly one tiny aspect of Jewish power and if you dont understand that, thats not my issue. learn the difference between the jewish agenda and the zionist agenda - they are not the same thing.

If you are talking about QAnon, nobody knows who he really is. However he has gained notoriety on Internet Forums over the last couple of months for his fairly accurate predictions about Political events in the US. He often writes in codes and users who crack the code usually find themselves with a prediction of a future or current event related to US politicians, specially those involved in an effort to bring down Trumps administration.

Some believe he is a very privileged insider who is leaking information that wouldnt make through media bias in an effort to counter act a shadow government. Those, of course, are mere speculations as he hasnt presented himself and most likely won`t.

Actually that is wrong, we know who created Q anon. Watch the video.

He is also a tool thats being used by trotskyite neocon zionist conservatives, who dont actually care about nationalism or America. It fictitious Larping shitposting garbage that has no credibility at all. Designed simply to promote Trump and his Jewish policy.

q anon - The storm.jpg

This is the same disinformation that AIM 4 TRUTH dribbles out. Douglas Gabriel is clearly not ex-NSA and never provides any substantial evidence instead relying on "anonymous sources" (Remind you of CNN). Douglas Gabriel on one hand claims to have written code for the NSA and then in the next breath says he cant operate his PC properly and hasnt even been on the Chan boards.

As for Defango, how solving etheral puzzles helps anything is beyond me. Check out the symbology in Cicada, clearly occult. Even the puppet who made this video is spouting on about Q with no research.

Controlled opposition is the teqhnique used to emulate opposition, purposefully twisting the narrative away from the true purpose.

I have researched Q extensively(check out my steemit blog) and find the information very interesting. The information from Q is clearly intelligence from sources very close to President Trump.

Q's main purpose is to teach people to critically think instead of blindly believing the crap mainstream media spits out.

We knew nearly 2 months ago North Korea was going to peacefully de-nuclearize.

My advise is do not belive what I or anyone else says on this matter, go and do your own research.

Finally if this ignoramous did his research he would know that Monsanto is currently being bought out by Bayer.


thank yo friends for sharing i watch this video.

You are very welcome, thanks for leaving a comment.

I appreciate that Q is bringing certain topics to the foreground and waking up the average person, but I don't trust everything Q says, especially about trusting Sessions.

great post....