I want to talk about QAnon

in qanon •  7 years ago 

I'm getting very tired of conspiracy theorists telling me that Trump is gonna drain the swamp. It clearly isn't gonna happen as he surrounds himself with all the usual suspects and continues the inevitable lurch toward a Greater Israel and a One World Government.

And every time he appoints another NWO stooge (John Bolton, the hawkish Ziocon being the latest), I get the same response. Trump's playing the long game, he wouldn't have brought this person in if they weren't on board, the Deep State's days are numbered.

I asked, how long is the long game? 7 years was the response...

7 years? Are you kidding me? Trump's got 4 if he's lucky.

I asked about the latest Executive Order which essentially gives the go ahead for Marshall Law. I was told - it's fine... Trump knows what he's doing.

These are the same conspiracy theorists who have been screaming about the impending Police State and fretting about Marshall Law and FEMA Camps since 9/11.

So what's the deal...? Well, the QAnon thing has got them all in a spin. His ramblings are obscure enough to be interpreted however you want and there's just enough breadcrumbs of "truth" to pull in your average conspiracy theorist. But, it's a NWO master stroke.

Trump is the Divide and Rule President (Bush was the War President, Obama the Peace President - which actually meant more war). Trump will divide the people and, with the aid of QAnon, divide the truth community. And it's infuriating. No-one seems to see it.

Trump is just another cog in the Presidential continuum machine.

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