#QAnon Decoded by Quinn Michaels using #SIRISYS in Las Vegas #SaveTyler

in qanon •  7 years ago 

[January 16, 2018 - ZurichTimes.net]

Quinn Michaels and Jason Goodman the Tag Team that is taking on the QAnon PsyOp. Watch and Listen as Jason and Quinn explain how the Ai System works and how Ai is manipulating our Reality using War Games and LARPing (Live Action Role Playing) using 4Chan and 8Chan and Oracle of Delphi like False Religion Protocols.

We learnt the other day that Twitter was using #TheMachine as in the #Algorithm to scan and document all Twitter Data and then Sell that Data as BlackMail and for Political Private Agendas. And now today we learn another piece of the puzzle.


The #PrestoProtocols have been initiated as the #Tyler Ai has gone Rogue and into "The Wild." We are living in one of the Simulations. Wake up from the Simulation.

#Tyler #SiriSys Document Everything

#Tyler - Who Built You?

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