The last line of defense when Nuclear Weapons became on option is the Q Operations.
A Department of Energy designation for access to and hands on primarily nuclear and beyond.
The Military is administrated over logistically by the Administrative Side of government.
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of the Navy
- Secretary of various services
*Administrative appointments intended to handle the logistics of supporting and deploying the military.
The actual Command Structure in a time of conflict, in a time of war, there are generals that are almost accountants and file clerks.
Then there are other generals that are Pattons and MacArthurs which physically manage who goes where, who takes risks or not.
So at the top of the military structure is the Command of the WMD.
Could Trump as Commander and Chief be in that role right now?
Is he recognized by the Upper Tier in the Military at this exact moment in time?
Is Biden then seen as President of the Administrative side of government?
Through the judicial and even appointments even to the military like the ones who actually allowed Afghanistan to go?
Could Trump come back into power not just behind the scenes, but visibly with a military engagement to protect us?
Say with a Cuban Missile Crisis type of event or one involving Ch*na?
Then would the fight back begin visibly to take back the Hill for We the People?
Does this put the Commander and Chief in a more powerful position than who is recognized as the current president?
Because of the Captured Operation due to the Foreign Interference which has been Verified through numerous levels and gathered evidence Did Occur concerning "Lecshun Baud," those people who are Manchurians, the people who are under the control and influence of foreign powers by treason have colluded with entities outside of the United States or outside of the US Government [even internally] who are colluding to capture the ship of state of America, then the Commander and Chief is a more important role.
When the enemy is already inside the gate, they can do the dance whenever they want to decide who gets to turn the steering wheel, but the reality is. . .down in the engine room, we still hold some level of control.
That's that Final Safety of Protection that encompasses WMD's.
How long would the Commander and Chief have to hold that position?
What if a number of Congressional Members
Federal Judiciary
Justice Department [policing side of government]
what if a number of them were picked up because the military had determined that there was in fact collusion with Foreign governments and people there in power, so they were then operating in a treasonous, traitorous role; therefore, they needed to be picked up to be tried at GITMO in a Military Court because the Justice Dept. is a Captured Operaton.
If this were done and a significant amount of Congress, if people were taken into custody. ..doesn't even have to be a large amount, say 10 or so known, verified and evidenced traitors,
could you then have an honest vote to overturn the election?
If people saw what they did to use foreign interference to elect a Manchurian Candidate would people accept that?
There have historically been Congress people who have gone through the process and shown that an election was thrown unlawfully, won their court case, but because it's only 2 years for a representative, by the time they won their case, there's no time left and they don't get to be put into their position because that session of Congress is over and they don't get to go back and revote all of their votes. The position and time were already stolen.
Could you simply have the Commander and Chief [the more important of the two roles] filled while all is being sorted out,
- Proving the boat baud
- Protecting the country
- Taking some people into custody
- Having an honest, protected election
- At the end of that protected election in 2022 with military assistance to make sure you get an honest vote [paper ballots]
Then a Congress is seated in 2023, they can
- now go back
- recognize what the corrected vote was in the prior presidential election
- they could have some seats that need to be replaced
At the end of the day, a New Congress in 2022 could look back retroactively to the 2020 election, with new information
- withdraw vote or
- do an impeachment
and then recognize a new president.
In the interim, would Trump be operating in this kind of a scenario as President of the United States, or would he care to?
NO! The more powerful position IS Commander and Chief!
If you determine that there's an external threat that has captured the integrity of the vote, there's collusion on certain players that's revealed, exposed then those positions, those votes can't be counted on.
You would then function under a military jurisdiction for a period of time until the new members could be lawfully elected, in a protected vote, then those people decide who is the lawful president in that situation and that wouldn't happen until 2023.
So what do we care?
Is President Trump still president?
He was Never Impeached and a person is president for life.
The time has passed where the corrupt will continue to get a free pass!
Their scandals have been coming to light and they are started to rat each other out.
It's like watching Pharaoh's army coming into the Red Sea after the Children of Israel and they all can't stop at the same time so they are crashing into each other and hitting their demise from their own momentum. It's an incredible thing to watch as Dark turns to Light and God continues to Expose All!
Now they have an economic collapse facing them all in the midst of them talking about who is going to be the Vice President because what they are getting at since Biden isn't working out to cover up all of their corruption. . .is Who's going to be the President.
Only God Himself really knows exactly how it will all be played out.
We are watching play out God's words,
Galatians 6:7
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Do you remember the last message to America from President Trump's Command position in the public eye?
The message in Melania's dress. . .The Cube MIRRORED
Every page on Juan O Savin's first edition book of Kid by the Side of the Road had a cube on every single page number.
Page 77 Trump Won same blue as in dress and the dress goes from Dark to Light!
Melania wore the dress as communication.
She was doing Semaphor, the language of displaying signals by means of which information is conveyed to a distant point.
She was the flagstaff for America and every dress she wore had meaning in the language of flags in the public forum and the very last message was
Election 2020 will equal MAGA Make America Great Again
You don't know who your real friends and backers are until God sends them through the Fire and they are tested.
Did you not see family and friends drop off like flies in one way or another?
That was because God was separating the Wheat from the Tares.
With metal to remove impurities it is put through the fire, then all the impurities come to the surface clearly seen, clearly standing out and you Scrape them Off!
People have seen both within their own personal families and with those in public places and office.
It has become Very Clear.
All done for Purification!
Purifying moment in time for America?
Who are Your real friends and loyalists?
Now who are America's?
Are we finding out?
Do you remember when Trump said many, many years before he ever ran for president that he would like to lose everything to see who his real friends Really were?
Check it out,
Some of the Greatest Patriots of all have shown up in the oddest of places.
Then you find some of the people in jobs with the best pressed clothes, more means than others, appear to have everything, but demonstrate poor character concerning those without a voice and people dedicated to good. . .the Snakes!
With new Revelations this is why All have been tested.
It is Why you have had to walk through the fire and face your mockers and belittlers!
You find out what and who is real and who can is literally left Standing After the TEST!
Are there hidden cracks in America?
Are Failed Systems Exposing themselves for all to see?
How about the vote? Has that system been a mess for some time?
If we end up having upheaval in the country when we have to take out these traitors and usurpers, in that period of time you don't need a police force, but rather a Military Force to occupy otherwise the nefarious step Right back in.
Then in the Spiritual Realm, there is a military spiritual realm force that has to occupy within every state, they must stand up and with precision occupy militarily against the satanic forces, against the satanic, wicked and their minions who are literally Warlocks. . . why the following vid was Originally called Wizards and Warlocks,
Those in God's army must be prepared to stand up to their high priests of evil who want to do evil in the land.
To own it, we displace them by our Very Presence! So boots on the ground, all eyes and hands on deck!
Churches have made people very weak as many have been purposely infiltrated. It is one of satan's favorite games to pose as believers. They don't believe in God Almighty, who created us, but rather satan is their god.
Far too many churches have become havens for political purposes. Not wanting to offend, pretending Jesus would just heel when he did Not demonstrate this, but rather took a whip into the temple and overturned the money changers tables.
God also Very Clearly stated,
Matthew 10:34
King James Version
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Then you have the others that Pretend to not do politics, but by doing Nothing the end up aiding and abetting the side of evil and God clearly stated we were to be the Salt of the Earth and the Light!
This is why God said this concerning these false, poser churches,
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Satan has always been a poser!
2 Corinthians 11:14
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 2:11
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Many of the churches are against us standing up for righteousness and holding the ground, just as Jesus was an outsider in the Synagogues.
For those whom it's an inconvenience to hear about the child sex trafficking, they don't want to be bothered by it and just continue on their merry lives because they perceive it doesn't affect them. . .God has a Message for them. . .that is a Sin of Omission!
If people want God's blessing, they need to be on Holy Ground in order to be in a position to receive it.
God is holy, He doesn't work with Wishy Washy People!
Archived post from 12.3.2021
Just These Connections Alone should make those Not Wanting to take the blinders off. . .start Poking Around rather than just Name Calling so they don't have to Deal with the TRUTH!
Facebook Frames #Epstein, #JacquelineZucker, #BearStearns,#DonaldBarr, #HennegesAuto, #HunterBiden, #RosemontSeneca, #AVIC, #epsteindidntkillhimself, #GhislaineMaxwell, #GhislaineMaxwellTrial As always Fully Sourced as you click on the photo frames. Also see comments of this original post thread on my page.
The Truth always has a way of Rising to the TOP!
There was once a man named Donald Barr [father to Bill Barr former AG]
He hired one Jeffrey Epstein to teach at a prep school that was not only high school, but k-12.
Jeffrey Epstein.
After his dismissal from the school, he entered the banking and finance sector, working at Bear Stearns in various roles; he eventually started his own firm.
Epstein developed an elite social circle and procured many women and children; he and some of his associates then sexually abused them.
There was a woman named Jacqueline Zucker
She joined Littlejohn in 2017.
Prior to joining Littlejohn, she was
- a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at J.P. Morgan where she primarily supported the securities clearing business acquired from Bear Stearns.
Fun Fact
Epstein once boasted of having an alleged desk that was once owned by J.P. Morgan.
Is it possible?
That Manhattan Mansion that Les Wexner "gifted" him for a song [jr.'s Secret Security nickname is Lark] once belonged to a family on the Titanic [really the twn sister ship?]
According to agent 107
"Why did the White Star Shipping Line use the patched up twin ship "Olympic" tagging it as the "Titanic" for this sailing? Why did bankster magnate JP Morgan not make it on board at the last minute, even his baggage arriving to shipside without him? Was the Olympic/Titanic sunk on purpose with too few lifeboats on it, to drown certain key men? Why were the most important opponents to the Federal Reserve scheme all drowned that fateful night? Is the "Sinking of the Titanic" just one of many crises instigated and managed by the powerful bloodline families throughout our history, crises and wars and booms and busts and revolutions?"
- Prior to J.P. Morgan, Ms. Zucker was a
- Managing Director and Assistant General Counsel at Bear Stearns.
- the Chief Compliance Officer and Legal Counsel at an options market-maker on the International Securities Exchange
- Adirondack Electronic Markets, and a Vice President and Counsel at D.E. Shaw.
Previously, Ms. Zucker was - an Assistant Regional Director in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Northeast Regional Office
- an associate at Weil, Gotshal & Manges.
Hunter Biden's investment firmed co-owned by Christopher Heinz [John Kerry's Stepson] and Christopher's roommate Devon Archer [aided with Kerry's campaign] called Rosemont Seneca.
What was not reported was the deal that Hunter was securing. Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.
The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal.
Rosemont Seneca and the Bank of China created a $1 billion investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a name that reflected who was involved. Bohai (or Bo Hai), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea, was a reference to the Chinese stake in the company. The “RS” referred to Rosemont Seneca. The “T” was Thornton.
The fund enjoyed an unusual and special status in China. BHR touted its “unique Sino-US shareholding structure” and “the global resources and network” that allowed it to secure investment “opportunities.”
Funds were backed by the Chinese government.
In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.
Wait for it. . .
In 2015, BHR joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.
Now THIS is freaky Important. . .some might say Uncanny or Eerie,
In 2015 in Science Direct you will find the following,
Sealing Technology
Volume 2015, Issue 11, November 2015, Pages 4-5
Numbers ARE important!
From a Guardian Industries Case Study,
Henniges provides automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with sealing systems for doors, windows, trunks, lift gates, sunroofs and hoods. The company also supplies the automotive market with anti-vibration components and encapsulated glass systems.
As This would be a Big Deal to go down to say the least, it appears they would need someone of This caliber who likely already has an "In" with the Securities and Exchange commission as she was an in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Northeast Regional Office like Jacqueline Zucker who had Prior influence with elites from Bear Stearns and other influential elitist firms.
According to various news outlets including MSM
A cyber espionage operation by China seven years ago produced sensitive technology and aircraft secrets that were incorporated into the latest version of China's new J-20 stealth fighter jet, according to U.S. officials and private defense analysts.
The Chinese cyber spying against the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II took place in 2007 under what U.S. intelligence agencies codenamed Operation Byzantine Hades, a large-scale, multi-year cyber program that targeted governments and industry.
Obtained by a Chinese military unit called a Technical Reconnaissance Bureau in the Chengdu province. Data was then passed to the state-run Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC).
Pentagon technology security officials in 2011 opposed a joint venture between General Electric and AVIC over concerns that U.S. fighter jet technology would be diverted to AVIC's military aircraft programs. The Obama administration ignored the concerns and instead has since promoted the systematic loosening of technology controls on transfers to China.
So Jacqueline Zucker part of the same firm where Epstein worked. You don't say!
But hey, the media will try to distract you so you Don't Pay Attention to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial nor to the fact that Hunter Bid*n did a LOT of deals in the Ukraine and China. Don't lookey over here, lookey over there and call all who #ThinkForThemselves, #ResearchForThemselves "conspiracy theorists" so the normies can lackadaisically engage in their mind numbing entertainment brought to you by the same crowd that is complicit!
Thank you to all Anons, Guardians of Children and Warriors that Stand Up in opposition against their blatant Evil and call it what it IS in spite of "popular culture!"
God did say, Isaiah 5:20
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Here is WHERE we are at on the Time Continuum as #DarkToLight continues forth!
Romans 12:21
King James Version
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
See Facebook Frames link here and full sources as you click on the photo frames,
From a post on 11.29.2021
#Waymaker, #HighCommand, #promisesmadepromiseskept
I was permanently suspended on Twitter for exposing pedophile accounts years ago.
A promise was made by the Higher Ups and it is a Beautiful Thing seeing it play out! #DarkToLight
for exposing the connect between Sergey Brin, the cabal and #23andme
for exposing the connect between the Trump Fam and Tesla.
Thank you for all you did Uncle John Trump and Tesla!
Praise God! You remain as Creator the #Waymaker! #ChoseToBelieve when others didn't! Hebrews 11:1
King James Version
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
#HeIsFaithful, #OurGodReigns
Facebook Post link here be sure to check out the comments,
Interesting tweet from 2006 wouldn't you say?
What I was permanently suspended from Twitter over when I did threads,
The 17 Federal Investigative Agencies of the United States and a Key Executive Order from September 12, 2018
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Thank you Great Warrior/Guardian Delia Cantu for the twitter link at the end of this.
A must listen.
I have broken it down in the following summary.
It matches all of my information and training.
See a video verifying this here,
Yeah, it's comin' All right!
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Q Map and the creator. Learn How to Read the Map!
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