第一次到上海 The first time to Shanghai

in qldps •  4 years ago  (edited)


This Chinese New Year's holiday I went to Shanghai because we wanted to visit my wife's Shanghainese friend.

"Shanghai city skyline" by netalloy licensed under BY CC 2.0

上海人唔以香港人.上海男人睇嚟高過香港男人. 佢哋似兵馬俑.
Shangainese people are unlike Hong Kong people. Shanghainese men appear to be taller than Hong Kong men. They look like the Qin Dynasty Terracotta army.

Shanghainese women have roundish faces.

I visited Shanghai only for four days.

Shanghai cuisine is so sweet but their alcohol is so strong!

Shanghai food and drink is comparable to Shanghai men and women.

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