Update Qtum Wallet for Raspberry Pi 3

in qtum •  7 years ago  (edited)

Qtum has released their qtum version 1.0.3 wallet

This post will guide you on the wallet update.

Qtum Wallet Update History

  • v1.0.3: Fix staker bug that reported false messages; slightly increases staking performance; optimize staker parameters; fix white send button in GUI

You have follow the setup tuitor by @ cryptominder or did similar setup

Procedure of update below

Stop qtum service
sudo systemctl stop qtumd.service

Ensure qtum service is no longer running
pgrep -a qtumd
it should not return any info

Rename old qtum folder
mv /home/pi/qtum-wallet /home/pi/qtum-wallet-0.14.3

Download QTUM
wget "https://github.com/qtumproject/qtum/releases/download/mainnet-ignition-v1.0.3/qtum-0.14.4-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz"

Make qtum folder and uncompressed files
mkdir ~/qtum-wallet
tar --strip 1 -C ~/qtum-wallet -xf ~/qtum-0.14.4-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz

Check wallet version
You should see version v0.14.4.0
~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtumd -version

Start Qtum service
sudo systemctl start qtumd.service
$ pgrep -a qtumd
This should output something like this:
506 /home/pi/qtum-wallet/bin/qtumd -daemon=1 -par=2 -onlynet=ipv4 -noonio

To check the status of the wallet/node, run:
~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli getinfo

Unlock wallet for staking
To unlock your wallet for staking, run the following command:
~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli -stdin walletpassphrase
This once again (silently) prompts you for input. Type your secure passphrase, and press <Enter/Return>, then type the number of seconds that you'd like to keep your wallet unlocked, then <Enter/Return>, then 'true' (without the quotes), then <Enter/Return>, and finally CTRL-D. It will look like this:
red dog blue cat

After unlocking your wallet, run the following command:
$ ~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli getwalletinfo
Ensure unlocked_until not equal to zero
"unlocked_until": 1514916409

Check staking enable
~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli getstakinginfo


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