Most Informative Personal Experience Report You’ve Ever Found on Qualia, the 'Limitless' Formulation.steemCreated with Sketch.

in qualia •  8 years ago 


The aim of this review is to be the most helpful and densely-informative review of Qualia on the Internet. Qualia is the without question the most subtly powerful nootropic/empathogen formulation on the planet. Composed of 42 substances, all but one of which are plant-derived, I have experienced more breakthroughs mentally and spiritually with Qualia over the last few months than I have with any other supplement I’ve ever taken! And I’ve tested many different formulations over the years such as Nitrovit (, Excelerol (, and Mind Lab Pro (, as well as various other nootropics individually like the racetams just to name a few over the years.

This review will be helpful especially to those who have interest in psychedelics and their possible combination with nootropics. Personally, as a semi-regular user of psilocybin mushrooms I can attest to the extreme synergy that occurs when one combines perhaps the most powerful nootropic formulation on the planet with the most safe, effective, and time-tested practice of consuming magic mushrooms which consequently catalyzes the emergence and refinement of introspective thought.


Just kidding lol, almost!

I believe so much in upgrading our bioware that I see it almost as a moral imperative to disseminate the best quality information regarding the transformative synergistic power of Qualia and psilocybin mushrooms to the masses as possible! I say that playfully but I’m also kind of serious because as Terence McKenna once said, "the world is dying from an absence of consciousness", absence of new ideas. If we value the survival of our prodigy at all then any way by which we can lift the collective intelligence of humanity to a degree sufficient enough to save ourselves from certain doom is an invaluable means.

The minds behind the creation of Qualia, which can be found over here at the Neurohacker Collective (, are incredibly bright. The aesthetic appeal of the website, to the podcasts on which I've heard Daniel Smachtenburger speak, to the quality and depth of the information put out on their website, to the months of experience I have now having taken Qualia and directly experiencing the effects on my subjective inner experience, I can say in full confidence that Qualia is unparalleled to anything else out there. And I keep track of these things very carefully. I'm always looking for ways to make myself smarter because a smarter brain must always lead to a more joyous life.

Qualia is a term used in Philosophy of Mind to denote the subjective quality of inner experience.

The team behind the creation of Qualia is probably the finest expression of the potential of the mind to be expanded through the intelligent use of different evidence-backed and well-researched substances. Now obviously it is never the case that by taking a pill merely you can reach and grab for incredible insights about things that you never noticed before, although it may be helpful in some cases. There is a Chinese saying that when the wrong man uses the right means, the right means work in the wrong way! So, make sure you get into this with the right mindset.

There is no magical solution to developing your intelligence save for practice, experience, experimentation. It could be a spiritual practice in the form of meditation or yoga, or it could be a physical practice in the form of endurance exercise, or it may be a mental practice to develop your cognitive abilities like memory, reasoning, and verbal intelligence through the use of brain training games like the ones that can be found at Cambridge Brain Sciences. I am also a subscribed member of Cambridge Brain Sciences which can be found here (, and I've had the privilege of time to test out their games for a couple of months. I can say it's quite astonishing the impact of Qualia as well as psilocybin mushrooms on my performance with these tests. There is no ambiguity. The effect is obvious. Terence Mckenna would be proud.

I have never tried anything in my life such as Qualia that has had such a powerfully transformative impact on the way I feel myself in the world and the relation of myself to the whole, save the use of 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms in darkness with Alan Watts talking like an ancient old soul. I have touched eternity and realized I am eternity. I am inseparable and indistinguishable from your own inner light and source. We are all one! The synergy between psilocybin mushrooms and Qualia is utterly profound let me tell you.

Now let me say a little bit about the combination of cannabis and Qualia. Amazing. Need i say more?


As a person who totally and thoroughly enjoys being high because of the creative insights that pour into my mind when I'm loaded, I can tell you that Qualia is a godsend to enhance the experience of not only psychedelics but cannabis as well. With cannabis obviously it is well known that it can have deleterious effects on working memory and the consolidation of short-term memory into long-term storage because of the plant's impact on our REM cycles. So the idea is what if we take something that is known to dynamically enhance memory in all its aspects at the same time we take cannabis? Well, what happens jokingly is you become a creative genius. With you out of your own way you seamlessly enter into what we might call flow, which is indistinguishable from the Eternal Now.


Many users of Qualia and reviews that I’ve watched on YouTube have attested to the efficacy of Qualia to diminish their egocentric thinking. What is being referred to as egocentric thinking is when you are trying to concentrate and cannot concentrate because you’re constantly wondering if you are in fact concentrating. So if you’re an artist of some kind or musician or writer Qualia will be invaluable to you. Because often times the basic blockage we experience as artists is traceable to the fact that we can’t get out of our own minds. That constantly discriminating, judgmental mind evaluating this and that, comparing this and that, especially yourself to others, which is the source of death to our creativity.

We want to be let out of ourselves so that we can be the creators we are beneath the facades of our artificial personalities. If we do that we become healthy, helpful, and loving to others. The vast majority of your intelligence as a human being is located in your intuition. Qualia in my experience puts you into touch with your intuition and distances you as far as you are able to allow it from the discriminating mind. I love Qualia so much I could rave forever about it! As a user of practically everything, and as a studious student of psychopharmacology, I am telling you that Qualia just may change your life like it has changed mine.

Follow the instructions as prescribed. Take step one with a full glass of water when you wake up and a half hour to an hour later take step two in combination with a meal that contains lots of healthy fats. The reason you do this is because step one is full of ingredients that are all water-soluble. Step two is full of ingredients that are all fat-soluble. I won’t go into the specific pharmacological details of each compound in the formulation for that information can be found in a highly organized manner over at the website at Neurohacker Collective. However, for the sake of this review's aim to be as thorough and informative as possible without being too ridiculous you may find a brief summary of each of the substances and their action on the body below.

If you decide to purchase Qualia and use the subscription feature you'll get 10% off.
For an additional 15% off use the code BEN15 from Ben Greenfield's podcast found here:



After all the discounts have been applied you'll pay about $120 per month.
Not expensive at all when you realize what is possible with Qualia as I have.

Some final thoughts on my personal experience with Qualia over the last 4 months:

As a meditator I have found Qualia extremely helpful in allowing me to allow my mind to quiet down. Qualia has impacted my relationships in a very positive way as well which may have something to do with the empathogens included in the formulation of Qualia like PEA and Hordenine. If there is anything close in approximation to the status of the limitless pill I would nominate Qualia as an outstanding winner. On it, I truly feel the sky IS the limit and that any limitations I may have are in fact not real for they were invented by me and are therefore real only to the extent I believe them to be true. The truth is we are creators backed by boundless potential and there is nothing we cannot do. "An iron will and an intelligent brain and the whole world falls at your feet", said Swami Vivekananda.


We know how we can build an intelligent brain. The question then left is only whether you have the will, the drive, the motivation to achieve your goals. Realize that the source of your innermost desire to create can never be external to you. The source of authentic action can only come from within so it always comes back to you. No pill or substance or mushroom that you take can ever change who you are. These things, these tools can only help you achieve the clarity to see what it is. The decision to follow through on the lessons distilled from these temporary super states of consciousness can never be forced on you from the outside, but must begin from the internal reality of the heart.


Action which issues forward from the wisdom of the intuitive heart is authentic action. Qualia as I said in my experience really puts me into total touch with my intuition and I have found a greater intelligence there than I could ever have previously imagined. I have found my own mind is my best friend, my greatest teacher. Qualia seems to have permanently upgraded the neural hardware underlying my mind. The unity between the mind and the body is perfect. You can begin from either direction, or both simultaneously, for there is a perfect reciprocal feedback loop that exists between the mind and the body. Ascension is within your power. Everything is within your power.

Anyway that is enough of this review!

If anyone has any questions about how it might be effective for them personally then please feel free to ask.

Also, if you found this review thoroughly helpful to you and leads to your own purchasing of Qualia then please don't forget to UPVOTE and RESTEEM.

Very few people people know about Qualia at all, but the people who find out about it and try it out for themselves never never regret it. This stuff is changing lives. Try it for yourself.

A smarter world is a better world. A conscious world is a free world.

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Helpful Concise Reviews on Qualia:

Transformative Information being Delivered at Events or Through Podcasts:

Below are summaries of the ingredients of Qualia as taken from Neurohacker Collective website:

--- Nootropic Compounds (10 of 42) ---

"Potent psychoactive and neuroactive chemicals that play key roles in modulating receptor sites, synaptic enzymes, membrane structures, cerebral perfusion, biogenic processes, neuroendocrine regulation and more."


Overview: Noopept is a potent receptor site modulator and nootropic. Studies indicate its ability to increase memory and attention span, reduce anxiety and depressive symptoms, and exhibit neuroprotective qualities.

Scientific Name: N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester

• Racetam like properties (NMDA receptor modulator) and Ampakine like properties (AMPA glutamate receptor modulator)
• In the vicinity of 1,000 times the potency of piracetam
• Upregulates neurotrophin factors NGF and BDNF involved in neurogenesis and long term memory
• Acetylcholine and glutamate sensitizing effect
• Modulates EEG patterns in ways considered positive for calm alertness
• Neuroprotective effects from oxidative stress and glutamate excitotoxicity
• Anxiolytic effect – may be due to hippocampal regulation
• Cycloprolylglycine precursor – an endogenous anxiolytic neuropeptide


Overview: PEA is an endogenous neurotransmitter and neuroregulator that plays a key role in mood and cognition, popularly known as the “love drug”. It is Associated with states of heightened arousal, euphoria, and excitation, as well as increased attention and concentration.

Scientific Name: Phenylethylamine, (PEA)

• Stimulates dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine levels
• Modulates receptor sensitivity and reuptake processes
• Synthesized in the body from the amino acid phenylalanine
• Psychoactive ingredient in chocolate and blue green algae
• Synergistic with MAO-B inhibitors like Hordenine
• Phenylethylamines are a category of empathogens and entheogens derived from PEA and that act largely on its receptor sites


Overview: Hordenine is a natural MAO-B inhibitor found in barley grass. It is a potentiator of PEA and all neurotransmitters that are degraded by MAO-B. It is often taken for increased energy, alertness, concentration, and metabolism.

Scientific Name: N,N-dimethyltyramine extracted from Hordeum vulgar

• Natural and relatively selective MAO-B inhibitor
• Synergistic with PEA, Catecholamines, and Caffeine
• Amine with adrenergic properties
• Analogue of the endogenous neurotransmitter tyramine


Uridine is a nucleotide base found in high levels in beer which is used for increasing synthesis of cellular membranes and for other neurological properties. It appears to have potentially cognitive enhancing properties, and is synergistic with fish oil.
See more here:


Overview: PS is a naturally occurring aminophospholipid found in high concentrations in the brain. Studies indicate its ability to reduce stress, fatigue, attention deficit and forgetfulness, and to increase mental processing speed and accuracy, attention and working memory.

Scientific Name: Phosphatidylserine, (PS)

• Essential component in cell lipid membranes
• Signaling agent for apoptosis
• Increases aerobic capacity, possibly through hormone regulation
• Can be converted to other phospholipids including phosphatidylcholine
• Involved in neurotransmitter modulation and intercellular communication
• Enhances brain glucose metabolism
• Global enhancement of mental function shown on EEG
• Increases NGF activity


Overview: Vinpocetine is a vasoactive alkaloid derived from Periwinkle with neuroprotective and nootropic actions. Studies indicate that vinpocetine can benefit attention and memory, decrease fatigue and increase alertness.

Scientific Name: Ethyl apovincaminate

• Neuroprotective against a wide array of neurotoxic chemicals – through inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels and reduction of calcium-influx into neuronal cells
• Anti-inflammatory activity – reduces TNFα-induced expression of pro-inflammatory molecules
• Cerebral vasodilation through phosphodiesterase (PDE) type-1 inhibition – increased blood flow in the brain
• Improved brain metabolism due to increased glucose availability – leading to increased neuronal ATP
• Upregulates acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine receptors
• Cerebral antioxidant


Overview: Huperzine A is a potent natural synaptic enzyme modulator. Studies indicate its ability to support learning, memory, neuroplasticity, and executive function.

Scientific Name: Huperzine A extracted from Huperzia serrata.

• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
• NMDA receptor antagonist
• Neuroprotective against hydrogen peroxide damage, glutamate excitotoxicity, and beta amyloid pigmentation
• Neurogenic through increased proliferation of hippocampal neural stem cells and NGF stimulation
• Upregulates REM sleep (many report increased lucid dreaming)
• Supports memory consolidation and neuroplasticity
• Synergistic with cholinomimetics and cholinosensitizers


Overview: Theobromine is a methylxanthine related to caffeine extracted from cocoa (Theobroma Cacao) beans. Studies show that theobromine increases alertness, attention, and executive function.

Scientific Name: 3,7-dimethylxanthine extracted from Theobroma Cacao

• A xanthine related to and synergistic with caffeine as a CNS stimulant, with slower onset and longer duration than caffeine[1]
• Adenosine receptor antagonist (lower affinity than caffeine)
• Affects neurotransmitters modulated by Adenosine – Noradrenaline, Dopamine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, Glutamate, and GABA
• PDE inhibitor, increases intracellular cAMP
• Increases motor activity
• Increases information processing rate
• Increases cerebral metabolism and vasodilation
• The natural stimulant found in Chocolate (Theobroma) contributing to Cacao’s effect on mood (along with phenylethylamine)

• DHEA (9)

Overview: DHEA is a key endogenous adrenal hormone involved in numerous systemic regulatory processes. Studies indicate that DHEA can enhance memory and motivation and decrease fatigue.

Scientific Name: Dehydroepiandrosterone

• Fundamental androgenic hormone – can be converted to androstenedione and testosterone
• Elevates endogenous IGF-1 and HGH production
• Decreases neuronal death – neuroprotective
• Increases cerebral blood flow by promoting the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) in blood vessels through endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activation
• Anti-inflammatory
• Depleted by chronic stress through preferential shunting of pregnenolone into cortisol
• DHEA decreases steadily with aging – supplementation is a well researched longevity supporting strategy

• PURE ENERGY (Pterostilbene bound to Caffeine) (10)

PURE ENERGY Overview: PureEnergy is a patented compound binding caffeine with the potent antioxidant pterostilbene. Binding caffeine with pterostilbene significantly slows the absorption rate of caffeine lengthening its half life and delivering up to 30% more total effect while reducing typical caffeine crash symptoms.

CAFFEINE Overview: Caffeine is a methylxanthine found in coffee beans, cocoa beans and in tea. Research shows that caffeine is a brain stimulant that increases alertness, wakefulness, attention, working memory, and motor activity.

Scientific Name: 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine

Adenosine receptor antagonist
Affects neurotransmitters modulated by Adenosine: Noradrenaline, Dopamine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, Glutamate, and GABA
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Increases motor activity through inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
Increases cortical activation in the brain
Increases information processing rate and concentration
Increases cerebral metabolism


Overview: Pterostilbene is a powerful cerebral antioxidant and neuroprotectant found naturally in blueberries. Research indicates that pterostilbene may reduce age-related cognitive decline, improving memory, concentration, and learning.

Scientific Name: 3′,5′-Dimethoxy-4-stilbenol

• Powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound
• Higher bioavailability, half-life and potency than resveratrol – crosses the blood brain barrier efficiently to act as a cerebral antioxidant
• Inhibits the synthesis of pro-inflammatory molecules such as PGE2
• Decreases neuroinflammation by inhibiting IkBα
• Decreases age-related cognitive decline – possibly through protecting dopamine levels
• Modifies AMPK levels and activates SIRT1 genes associated with caloric restriction and life extension
• Anxiolytic effects through regulation of ERK phosphorylation
• Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels

--- Neuro-Vitamins (11-17) ---

"Key limiting factor vitamins in specific activated forms required for major neuroregulatory and neurodevelopmental processes."


Overview: Benfotiamine is a synthetic S-acyl derivative of vitamin B1 (thiamine) with neuroprotective effects. By increasing vitamin B1 levels, benfotiamine can increase energy, mood and alertness.

Scientific Name: S-Benzoylthiamine O-monophosphate

• After ingestion, benfotiamine is converted into vitamin B1 (thiamine)
• This synthetic S-acyl derivative of thiamine has a 5-fold higher bioavailability
• Thiamine increases the production of ATP by enhancing carbohydrate metabolism
• Thiamine increases mood, energy, and alertness
• Useful for the treatment of neuropathies and chronic pain
• Can increase the activity of transketolase – reduces vascular damage associated with neuropathy and retinopathy
• Antioxidant action via NADPH oxidase
• Decreases the levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) – substances that contribute to neurodegeneration


Overview: Nicotinamide is the amide form of vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid / niacin) that is naturally synthesized in the body with neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. Experimental evidence indicates that nicotinamide can decrease age-associated cognitive impairment.

Scientific Name: Pyridine-3-carboxamide

• Nicotinamide is part of two essential coenzymes for energy production and DNA repair – nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and NAD phosphate (NADP)
• Anti-inflammatory activity
• Can prevent the death of cortical neurons exposed to oxidative agents
• Can have anxiolytic effects
• Inhibits the activity of sirtuins – proteins that play important roles in aging, cell death and inflammation – can decrease neurodegenerative and age-associated memory impairment


Overview: Calcium Pantothenate is a synthetic form and a source of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) with nootropic actions. Vitamin B5 can improve concentration and benefit memory and learning.

Scientific Name: Calcium 3-[(2R)-2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutanamido]propanoate

• Vitamin B5 is used in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA), having a key role in energy metabolism
• Vitamin B5 is necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine – increases neuroplasticity, and improves concentration and comprehension and reduces brain fog
• Synergistic with cholinergic compounds


Overview: P-5-P is the most active form of vitamin B6, having significant nootropic effects. P-5-P plays an essential part in mood, memory formation, and executive functions.

Scientific Name: (4-formyl-5-hydroxy-6-methylpyridin-3-yl)methyl phosphate

Essential for cellular energy metabolism
Increases mental and physical energy, improves neuronal communication
Prevents age-associated neuronal damage
Involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline and melatonin
Important role in executive functions, memory formation, mood regulation, focus, motivation, and sleep regulation


Overview: Methylcobalamin is a methylated and active form of vitamin b12 (cobalamin) with strong neuroprotective and anti-aging effects. Methylcobalamin’s effects include improved memory and executive function, as well as enhanced focus.

Scientific Name: Methylcobalamin

• Acts as a cofactor for a number of enzymes and provides functional support for neurons
• Improves neuronal regenerative capacity and reduces neurotoxicity
• Can decrease neuropathy and neuropathic pain
• Removes excessive homocysteine in the brain – main cause of vascular degeneration
• Upregulates S-adenosylmethionine production – antidepressant effect
• Improves memory, concentration, executive function, and motor control
• Prevents age-associated cognitive decline
• Anxiolytic effect


Overview: Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring essential vitamin with strong neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. Ascorbic acid is able to decrease fatigue and improve mood.

Scientific Name: (5R)-[(1S)-1,2-Dihydroxyethyl]-3,4-dihydroxyfuran-2(5H)-one

• Crosses the blood brain barrier and accumulates most significantly in the hippocampus cerebellum and in the frontal and parietal cortices
• Is a cofactor for dopamine-β-hydroxylase – optimizes the production of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline
• Is a cofactor in the production of the hormones oxytocin, vasopressin and α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
• NMDA glutamate receptor inhibition – neuroprotection against excitotoxicity
• Potent antioxidant activity by binding free radicals and increasing antioxidant enzymes’ production
• Increases blood flow by reducing NO oxidation
• Can have antidepressant effects – synergistic with potassium channel blockers


Overview: Cholecalciferol is a form of vitamin D (vitamin D3) with antioxidant and neuroprotective effects. Research indicates that it may contribute to delaying neurodegenerative and age-associated cognitive decline.

Scientific Name: (3β,5Z,7E)-9,10-secocholesta-5,7,10(19)-trien-3-ol

• Cholecalciferol is an inactive form that is converted by the liver and kidneys to the active form calcitriol
• The effects of calcitriol are mediated via the vitamin D receptor (VDR)
• VDR is found in the substantia nigra, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and hippocampus
• Regulates NGF, and GDNF synthesis – neuronal survival and growth
• Upregulation of NT-3 – enhanced neuronal communication and synaptic plasticity
• Antioxidant properties – inhibits inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and increases glutathione
• Facilitates calcium absorption

--- Neuro-Anti Inflammatories and Antioxidants (18-23) ---

"Potent psychoactive and neuroactive chemicals that play key roles in modulating receptor sites, synaptic enzymes, membrane structures, cerebral perfusion, biogenic processes, neuroendocrine regulation and more."

• Bio-PQQ (18)

Overview: PQQ is a quinone molecule with a potent anti-oxidant and neuroprotective effect. Studies indicate that PQQ can help prevent cognitive decline.

Scientific Name: Pyrroloquinoline quinone

• PQQ reduces oxidants and is continuously recycled into its active form by glutathione
• Increases the production of mitochondria and improves their efficiency – can act as a growth factor after prolonged intake
• Decreases the production of some anti-inflammatory molecules such as IL-6
• Regulates NMDA glutamate receptor activity – reduces excitoxicity and increases neuroprotection
• Increases NGF synthesis – promotes neuronal growth and survival
• Neuroprotective role in aged individuals – attenuates neurodegenerative and age-related cognitive decline
• Can improve sleep and decrease fatigue and stress


Overview: Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, particularly in apples. Quercetin has antioxidant and neuroprotective effects contributing to a delayed cognitive decline.

Scientific Name: 3, 4, 5, 7-pentahydroxylflavone

• Adenosine receptor antagonist – although more potent than caffeine, its lower bioavailability leads to a lower magnitude of effects
• Protects neurons from toxins, reactive oxygen species, and peroxides
• Decreases NO release by increasing heme-oxygenase-1 expression
• Anti-inflammatory action in the brain – decreases the production of some proinflammatory molecules, namely TNF-α and IL-1 α
• Can reguLate estrogen and androgen levels


Overview: Curcumin is a polyphenolic compound extracted from turmeric (Curcuma long), with potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. There are indications that curcumin may improve memory and delay aging.

Scientific Name: Diferuloylmethane

• Curcumin’s bioavailability is enhanced by piperine
• Reduces COX-2 production induced by inflammatory cytokines – potent anti-inflammatory effect
• Anti-aging properties – diminishes oxidative stress, upregulates antioxidant genes and downregulates age-related genes
• Reduces the production of iNOS, Lysiyl oxidase (LOX), and Phospholipase A2
• Can act on TrkB receptors and protects neurons from glutamate excitotoxicity
• Interacts with dopamine receptors and increases dopamine levels – antidepressant activity
• Can increase BDNF levels
• Can significantly reduce chronic pain

• ALGAL DHA (21)

Overview: DHA is a structural omega-3 fatty acid with neuroprotective and nootropic effects. DHA has been shown to improve executive function, memory and learning.

Scientific Name: Docosahexaenoic acid extracted from algae

• DHA is the most abundant omega-3 fatty acid in the brain – main structural component of the neuronal cell membrane
• Modulates the levels of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline in the brain and downregulates the HPA axis – antidepressant effect
• DHA modulates the transport of choline, glycine, and taurine, the function of some potassium channels, and the function of rhodopsin in synaptic vesicles
• Decreases neuronal susceptibility to oxidative stress
• Decreases the production of proinflammatory molecules and increases the levels of anti-inflammatory molecules and neuroprotectins
• Slows the rate of telomere shortening – chromosomic marker of aging
• Increased protection from neurodegeneration and decreased age-related memory loss


Overview: Green tea extract is rich in polyphenols with neuroprotective and nootropic effects. Green tea extract can enhance memory and learning abilities and delay aging.

Scientific Name: EGCG – Epigallocatechin-3-gallate from Camellia Sinensis

• Polyphenols in green tea include catechins, theaflavins, tannins, and flavonoids, all with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties – anti-aging effect
• Synergistic with quercetin – increased bioavailability of catechins
• Synergistic with L-Theanine in inhibiting acetylcholinesterase and enhancing cognitive effects
• The catechin EGCG is the most abundant and potent polyphenol in green tea
• EGCG can improve cognitive function by increasing the production of neural progenitor cells
• Increases blood flow
• May reduce anxiety and fatigue


Overview: Piperine is an alkaloid found in black pepper (Piper nigrum) with anti-inflmmatory and nootropic effects. Piperine can boost memory and focus and improve executive function.

Scientific Name: Pentadienoyl-2-piperidine from Piper nigrum

• Increases the absorption and bioavailability of a number of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6 and EGCG
• Highly synergistic with curcumin – enhances its bioavailability and its anti-inflammatory effects
• Increases serotonin and dopamine levels – antidepressant effects
• Analgesic properties – activates TRPV1 ion channels on nociceptive (pain-sensing) neurons
• Increases motivation, attention and reasoning skills – productivity enhancer

--- Adaptogen Extracts (24-31) ---

"Herbal adaptogens concentrating active compounds while maintaining complex synergistic co-factors – supporting Adrenal/ HPA regulation, Long Term Potentiation, AMPK activation, neurogenesis, catecholamine production, tissue regeneration, and many regulatory functions."


Overview: Studies indicate that Bacopa monnieri has neuroprotective, nootropic and adaptogenic effects. Research shows that it can improve memory formation and recall.

Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri

• Bacosides are the active ingredients in Bacopa monnieri
• Inhibits acetylcholinesterase, activates choline acetyltransferase – increased levels of acetylcholine
• Increases neurite branching and proliferation – improves synaptic communication and memory
• Modulates the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems – mood enhancer
• Modulates the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and oxidative damage from metals in the brain – protective against neurodegeneration
• Anxiolytic and analgesic effects
• Reduce the levels of the stress marker HSP70 in the brain – adaptogenic effect
• Synergistic with curcumin and EGCG


Overview: Mucuna pruriens is a bean with neuroprotective and adaptogenic effects. Mucuna pruriens is a mood enhancer and increases focus and motivation.

Scientific Name: Mucuna pruriens, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine

• L-DOPA is its main active substance
• Regulates the levels of dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline and serotonin in the brain
• Synergistic with P5P in the production of dopamine
• Anxiolytic and antidepressant effects
• Reduces the production of cortisol in response to stress
• Decreases the levels of free radicals, reactive oxygen species, neurotoxins and heavy metal poisoning
• Increases the production of growth hormone and melanin


Overview: Ginkgo biloba is a plant with neuroprotective, nootropic and adaptogenic effects. Ginkgo biloba can delay aging, improving memory and attention.

Scientific Name: Ginkgo biloba

• Contains flavonoid glycosides such as quercetin, and terpene lactones such as ginkgolides and bilobalides – main bioactive substances
• Increases dopamine, acetylcholine and noradrenaline levels
• Modulates histaminergic neurotransmission improving learning and memory
• Increases BDNF levels and promotes neurogenesis and neuronal survival
• Improves cerebral blood flow by inhibiting the platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor
• Delays cognitive decline and improves short term memory and free recall
• Reduces stress and anxiety and decreases corticosterone levels – adaptogenic effect
• Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and preserves mitochondrial function – anti-aging effect


Overview: Forskolin is a labdane diterpene and the main bioactive compound in Coleus forskohlii, having nootropic and adaptogenic effects. Forskolin improves learning, memory and mental stamina.

Scientific Name: Forskolin from Coleus Forskohlii

• Forskolin increases intracellular levels of cAMP through adenylate cyclase activation – increased responsiveness to extracellular stimuli
• Improves stress response by improving cell communication in the HPA axis – adaptogenic effect
• Synergistic with artichoke extract in increasing cAMP levels
• Inhibits acetylcholinesterase – increased acetylcholine levels
• Decreases fatigue
• Anti-inflammatory effects


Overview: Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a plant that contains cynarin, having nootropic and effects. Cynarin can significantly improve memory and executive function.

Scientific Name: Cynara cardunculus

• Artichoke extract contains polyphenols with antioxidant action and cynarin, its main biologically active compound
• Increases long-term synaptic potentiation – improved memory
• Enhances working memory, short-term memory, memory consolidation, and memory recall
• Synergistic with forskolin in increasing cAMP levels – inhibits phosphodiesterase-4
• Enhances logic, mathematical, and practical reasoning


Overview: Rhodiola Rosea is a flowering plant with nootropic and adaptogenic effects. Its biologically active compounds can improve memory and focus.

Scientific Name: Rhodiola rosea

• Rosins and salidrosides are its main biologically active compounds
• Inhibits monoamine oxidase
• Increases the levels of dopamine, noradrenalin, adrenalin, serotonin, and melatonin
• Regulates the opioid β-endorphin – improves mood
• Decreases fatigue, improves motivation and concentration
• Promotes longevity – neuroprotective against toxins and oxidative stress; increases the production of antioxidant enzymes
• Modulates neuropeptide Y activity, increasing HSP72 levels – anti-stress effects
• Enhances neurogenesis and neuronal regeneration – memory enhancement

• LION'S MANE (30)

Overview: Lion’s Mane is a mushroom with neuroprotective and nootropic effects. Lion’s Mane can improve memory and reasoning.

Scientific Name: Hericium erinaceus

• Increases NGF levels in the brain – enhanced neuronal growth, regeneration and synaptic plasticity
• Improves myelination – enhanced neuronal communication and nerve regeneration
• Increases long-term synaptic potentiation – improved memory
• Decreases glutamatergic transmission – decreased neuronal excitability and excitotoxicity
• Protects neurons from endoplasmic reticulum stress
• Antidepressant and anxiolytic
• Anti-inflammatory effects


Overview: Gynostemma is an herb with neuroprotective and adaptogenic effects. Gynostemma can improve memory

Scientific Name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum

• Increases the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione and other anti-oxidants – neuroprotective effect
• Maintains optimal homeostasis and improves resistance to stress – adaptogenic effect
• Improves memory as a consequence of antioxidant mechanisms
• Anti-inflammatory effects through NF-kB inhibition
• Anti-aging effect

--- Amino Acids (32-36) ---

"Building blocks for key neurotransmitters and hormones, and agents that are part of the processes of cellular energy production, osmoregulation, signaling, antioxidation, neurogenesis, and neuroprotection."


Overview: Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an acetylated form of L-carnitine with anti-aging, neuroprotective and nootropic effects. It decreases fatigue and improves attention, memory, learning and executive function.

Scientific Name: (R)-3-Acetyloxy-4-trimethylammonio-butanoate

• The acetylated version of L-Carnitine can cross the blood brain barrier thereby providing better cognitive benefits
• In the brain, it originates Acetyl-CoA that can bind to choline to increase the production of Acetylcholine
• Synergistic with choline donors
• Can increase the release of Noradrenaline and Serotonin
• Increases synaptic plasticity
• Potent cerebral antioxidant activity – can prevent and repair oxidative damage to neurons
• Increases energy production by mitochondria
• Can decrease toxicity associated with excessive excitatory neurotransmitter release and cellular waste accumulation


Overview: Acetyl-L-Tyrosine is an acetylated form of the amino acid L-Tyrosine with nootropic effects. It increases attention, motivation and concentration, and improves memory and learning.

Scientific Name: (2S)-2-(acetylamino)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid

• Increases the bioavailability of Tyrosine
• Tyrosine is a Dopamine precursor – increases the synthesis of dopamine
• Increases the synthesis of noradrenaline from dopamine and balances the levels of Serotonin and GABA
• Antidepressant and anxiolytic activity
• Improves neuronal communication
• Melanin precursor – can reduce neurotoxicity by removing quinones and toxic metals


Overview: DLPA is a mixture of two forms of the essential amino acid phenylalanine, the naturally occurring L-phenylalanine and the synthetic D-phenylalanine with nootropic effects. DLPA enhances mood and can increases alertness and improve memory and learning.

Scientific Name: DL-Phenylalanine

• DL-Phenylalanine crosses the blood-brain barrier easily
• Increases the production of dopamine and noradrenalin – mood enhancer
• Decreases chronic pain by blocking the action of enkephalinase
• Binds to Glutamate AMPA receptors improving synaptic communication –memory and learning enhancement

• TAURINE (35)

Overview: Taurine is an organic amino sulfonic acid with nootropic and neuroprotective actions. It can improve memory and has anxiolytic effects.

Scientific Name: 2-aminoethanesulphonic acid

• Neuroprotective through antioxidant and toxin removal activity
• May improve memory by increasing long-term synaptic potentiation
• Activates GABA and Glycine receptors – anxiolytic effect
• Decreases the affinity of NMDA glutamate receptors to Glycine, needed for their activation
• Central nervous system depressant – has a sedative effects and promotes sleep and relaxation
• May have antidepressant effects by modulating GABA and BDNF signaling
• Cell membrane stabilizer


Overview: L-Theanine is an amino acid analog of glutamate and glutamine found in green tea from Camellia sinensis with neuroprotective effects. L-Theanine has anxiolytic activity and studies suggest that it may improve memory.

Scientific Name: L-gamma-glutamylethylamide

• Increases alpha brain waves – promotes attention and relaxation without sedation
• Synergistic with caffeine in promoting concentration, motivation and memory
• Can modulate the release of Dopamine, improving mood
• Weak antagonist of NMDA Glutamate receptors
• Antioxidant effects and protects neurons from damage and hypoxia
• May upregulate the production of proteins associated with neuronal growth

--- Choline Donors (37-39) ---

"Active forms of choline donors that work through different pathways in the peripheral and central nervous system to support acetylcholine levels, along with the other synergistically stacked cholinergics (e.g., acetyl donors, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, racetamic compounds)."


Overview: Centrophenoxine is a cholinergic compound with long-term neuroprotective and nootropic activity. Studies indicate that centrophenoxine can improve working memory and be a general memory enhancer.

Scientific Name: 2-Dimethylaminoethyl(4-chlorophenoxy)acetate

• Increases the levels of Acetylcholine in the brain
• Anti-aging effects
• Decreases the accumulation of cellular waste and toxins in the brain
• Antioxidant effect – decreases lipid peroxidation
• Increases RNA and protein synthesis in the brain
• Increases glucose uptake in neurons and glia
• Decreases cognitive decline by reducing cellular dehydration
• Increases synaptic connections – improved neuronal communication


Overview: CDP Choline is a compound made up of choline and cytidine with neuroprotective and nootropic activity. CDP Choline decreases age-related memory impairment and cognitive decline, and enhances attention, learning and memory.

Scientific Name: Cytidine diphosphocholine

• After ingestion, CDP Choline originates choline and cytidine, the latter then being converted into uridine
• Both choline and uridine are neuroprotective
• Choline is a nicotinic Acetylcholine receptor agonist
• Increases the production of acetylcholine, adrenalin and noradrenalin
• Increases the release of Dopamine by acting on dopamine transporters
• Increases phosphatidylcholine production in the brain – an important component of cell membranes
• Maintains neuronal membrane integrity and reduces neuronal death

• ALPHA GPC (39)

Overview: Alpha-GPC is a compound made up of choline and glycerophosphate with neuroprotective activity. Alpha-GPC prevents cognitive decline, and increases attention and memory.

Scientific Name: Alpha-glycerophosphocholine

Dissociates into choline and the phospholipid glycerophosphate after ingestion
The most effective cholinergic in increasing choline levels in the brain
Choline is a nicotinic Acetylcholine receptor agonist
Increases the production of acetylcholine
Increases cell membrane phospholipid production, namely phosphatidylcholine
Maintains neuronal membrane integrity
Increases potassium-invoked calcium release and dopamine release
Can increase growth hormone production

--- Neuro-Minerals (40-42) ---

"Synergist compounds that support nutrient transport and utilization, cytokine and eicosanoid modulation, neurotrophin factors, redox reactions, cholesterol regulation, and much more..."


Overview: Lithium orotate is a salt of orotic acid and lithium with neuroprotective effects. Lithium orotate can improve mood and may help preserve cognitive function.

Scientific Name: Lithium 1,2,3,6-Tetrahydro-2,6-dioxo-4-pyrimidinecarboxylate

• Lithium orotate provides lithium to the body
• Lithium has antidepressant activity
• Neuroprotective effects through inhibition of neuronal damaging proteins
• Increases the elimination of harmful toxic metals from the brain
• May increase gray matter
• Analgesic effect – decreases migraines


Overview: Magnesium threonate is a salt of magnesium and L-Threonate with neuroprotective and nootropic effects. Magnesium threonate can significantly improve memory and learning.

Scientific Name: Magnesium (2R,3S)-2,3,4-Trihydroxybutanate

• L-Threonate significantly enhances the bioavailability of magnesium
• Magnesium inhibits the activation of NMDA receptors and blocks calcium channels, decreasing neuronal hyperexcitation and excititoxicity
• Magnesium can greatly improve both short and long-term memory and delay age-related memory impairment
• Can have anxiolytic and antidepressant effects and improve sleep quality
• Improves synaptic activity and plasticity
• Improves glucose metabolism and energy production
• May increase cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
• Decreases chronic neuropathic pain and reduces migraines


Overview: Zinc picolinate is an acid form of zinc with neuroprotective effects. Zinc picolinate helps improve memory and mood.

Scientific Name: Zinc pyridine-2-carboxylate

• Picolinate increases the absorption of the essential nutrient zinc
• Zinc is a potent antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and an immunity enhancer
• Is found in the cerebral cortex, pineal gland, and hippocampus and has a neuromodulatory function
• Zinc is as cofactor for many metalloproteins, namely the enzyme superoxide dismustase, an important endogenous antioxidant
• Activates neuronal potassium channels, inhibits NMDA glutamate receptors, and decreases glutamate release
• Increases serotonin uptake in some brain regions
• May increase the production of BDNF – neuronal growth and plasticity, improved spatial memory, and antidepressant effect
• Inhibits glycogen synthase kinase-3β – antidepressant effect

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