Quality Over Quantity : How to Show Your Human Side

in quality-posts •  9 years ago 

Why do humans beat weak AI bots?

There are two main types of artificial intelligence: strong AI, the type that has not yet fully emerged that is able to make decisions on the level of humans, and weak AI which works off of a pre-designed algorithm using often using various statistical methods to feign intelligence.


The bots that are seen on Steemit are weak artificial intelligence, they do not have the capacity (yet) to think on their own or write original intelligent post content that makes sense. Furthermore, these bots are programmed with a goal in mind, for example given a list of users upvote every post in the #steemit category might be a weak AI bot strategy. There is really no intelligence involved besides waiting for an event to occur and completing a pre-defined set of instructions.

Humans beat out weak AI bots for a number of reasons. One is that each one of us has the ability to respond and give feedback on certain topics in ways that a weak AI bot cannot. Humans react to the content that they comprehend in articles. Many are intelligent in terms of art or creative writing, in short humans are far more multifaceted than bots are.

Show your uniqueness by having quality posts over quantity

Anyone, even a bot, can post 100 times a day, it is truly a human thing to ponder for some time regarding a topic and write in regards to it, in a single well written post. Unique fiction, writing a thoughtful comment on someone's writing, these are the things that differentiate us, are some of the many ways of showing your humanity.


Support the creation of more intelligent bots

As technology becomes even more advanced. Through research and development in various fields such as quantum computing and computer science, it is becoming ever more possible that we will see a day in which strong artificial intelligent bots are a possibility. As @dantheman posted earlier, a decentralized autonomous curator could definitely become a possibility in the near future.

Rise of the singularity

Humans are already using computers as an extension of their brains. When we are writing posts we often need to look up small facts on Wikipedia, or look up a word in an online dictionary. One day it could be a possibility that we will be able to transfer even our consciousness into a computer (like in the movie Transcendence). This occurrence has been termed by computer scientist, and thinker Ray Kurzweil as the singularity.



Quality posts could be used as a data set for machine learning, and could help in the rise of truly intelligent bots which one day could aid us in reaching the technological singularity. Therefore it is in our best interest as steemit users to write and promote good content.

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A friend of mine recommended the book The Singularity is Near by ray kurzweil and it has been a very enjoyable popular science read.

I must admit, I do far too little reading of actual books these days, but that is one book that I keep going back to.

I think I might be being too pedantic, but you say that strong AI makes decisions on the level humans do. Where as weak ai does not.
This seems overly generalised because it isn't even clear what kind of decisions you're talking about.

Some decisions made by AI can be even better informed than a Human. For instance, the computer which beat the GO grand master would have made consistently better decisions all along the way than the human counter-part.

But when it involves making decisions on complex and abstract concepts which cannot be easily modelled by current formal logics, yes, I think humans still are clearly ahead.

At the very core however, humans also behave based on algorithms too. Eventually we'll be able to solve these algorithms and simulate human consciousness completely. I suspect that' will probably coincide with when people figure out how to build and program Quantum Computers effectively.

Strong AI definitely has the capability of being on the level of humans and surpassing them as well. The thing people doubt is whether we will ever be able to create a truly strong AI, @federicopiston also referred to this in his chapter regarding robots replacing humans in the work place, he referenced the Chinese Room Argument, which is often used to refute the notion that strong AI will one day become a reality. Personally, I think it's definitely possible, people used to come up with arguments against why humans could never be able to fly but we got around that with the airplane. Our imaginations are infinite, and I do truly believe that we have the capacity to build things that could take us out of this world (literally and figuratively).
Thanks for the insightful comment!
~ Np

Bots are not sophisticated enough , yet . WE " Humanas " ARE ! ( at least some of us )

Quality means doing it right when no-one is looking by Henry Ford

I question if quality is an objective or subjective matter because artistic quality is very subjective !
Some will think your post is great and the other ones might not get it .

I can confirm, I was singularity. Jokes on you that I'm passing the Turing test with flying colors.

Quality over quantity - I agree. Unfortunately, too many consumers, whether of goods or of digital content, don't recognize or don't care for it.