Is Your Idea (or Product) Any GOOD if You Have to Lie About it to Get it Sold?

in quality •  8 years ago 

Call me "real" or call me an "elitist snot" but it feels like this world is filled with stuff that has no business existing in the first place.

The door is open...

Now you might be pondering "and who are YOU, to be the judge and arbiter of what should-- and should not-- be available in the world?"

Well, actually, I am nobody at all... aside from someone who's generally sick and tired of the endless song and dance routines used by marketers to convince people that absolute garbage is somehow "worthwhile." And "desirable," even.

I'm somebody who just plain doesn't like things I find to be "purposeless junk" that appears to have been created for no purpose besides enabling someone to "make a sale," and barely, at that. 

I say "barely" because-- absent a super pushy silver-tongued salesperson to force these things down people's throat-- these products and ideas would be automatically destined for the "10 for 99c bin" at your nearest Big Lots or thrift store. 

I'm somebody who might listen to a telemarketer go on and on about the merits of their "glorious" timeshare condo in some "resort" I've never heard of... which was actually a lovely patch of beach laid to waste by some desperate developer who erected shoddy quality buildings that should never have been built, but is now being marketed to deeply indebted people who have no business buying them, for prices nobody has any business charging.

Apple in our garden...

Step right up!

I'm also someone who has watched dozens of such ventures go bankrupt (no surprise!), only to leave their semi-desperate owners-- having originally paid $10,000-- to market them on eBay for 99 cents, solely to get their names off the paperwork so they no longer bleed cash to the (previously hidden) "monthly maintenance fees."

I'm somebody who watches investment schemes and "cutting edge" products so dodgy a 5-year old should be able to see the folly of them... prey on people who sincerely believe the sales pitch and promptly send part of their kids' college fund down the toilet.

I'm someone who looks in magazines and sees these ads for a million different ostensibly "collectible" items-- from limited edition dolls to platinum-plated "collector coins"-- and watch people who can't afford them snap them up. 

Yes, of course, "shit happens." That's not my issue... the best laid plans can go wrong.

Flowering shrub on the hillside

The problem is how many in-no-way "best" plans are even given the time of the day. So we end up with all this schlock that takes people's money, causes frustration, ends up in your next garage sale and ultimately clogs landfills... literally, and figuratively.


I realize this post is a bit of a rant... it is an "unexpected" prelude to a longer piece I am working on, questioning our relative inability-- as a society-- to understand what the word "enough" means. 

It reeks of "consumption for consumption's sake" and I don't get it.

Some will-- of course-- argue that it is simply the nature of a capitalist society. Be that as it may, why not make something good and worthwhile, and come by your profits as a result of adding authentic VALUE to the world?

Others will argue that if I don't like it, just don't buy it. "Tune it out; use the mute button." That's a nice idea, too... but using the "mute" button on people who are drilling holes in the hull of a ship YOU are also standing is also a form of insanity. Personally, I think we should POINT at the insanity, and expose it for what it is.

What do YOU think? Does it seem like there is a lot of "needless junk" in the world? Do you see a lot of new ideas as being ill-conceived, in terms of functional implementation? This can be products, ideas, investments, personal development programs, whatever. Does someone needing to "hard sell" you something trigger you to the possibility that what is being sold might actually be junk, or even a SCAM? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- start the conversation!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Published 20170627 15:33 PDT

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Upvoted and followed. I agree, I am a truth seeker and it is difficult to do in a world full of liars. Not impossible, though; or, at least, I currently believe. :)

I really liked your analogy of drilling holes in the hull of a ship you're standing on -- it definitely increases the urgency!

Thanks! I always end up back at the same root question: Why run whatever you're into on a basis of lies and deception when you could just as easily run something honestly and with integrity?

And that's how I ended up with the "meat" of this little rant... the answer being "because none of this stuff would ever be CREATED if it were based on honesty-- as nobody would WANT it, in it's true light."

Ha! This is so true. I laugh because my boyfriend and I discuss this whenever we watch shark tank (which is more often than I care to admit). It's maddening though....the junk that comes out and makes millionaires of snakes. 99% of Internet Marketing products - god, a friend of mine fell for some scheme recently - MOBE - and since I've dabbled in internet/affiliate marketing on and off over the years I know the red flags -

Well our friendship ended because she took my warnings as personal insults. She assured me they sold 'high end' affiliate products only - I just didn't want to see her lose money she couldn't afford to...

anyway - point of my tangent is I AGREE WITH YOU lol. But lies and BS seem to be more lucrative than truth and honesty :-/

Upvoted and followed, I have often felt like Cassandra -- knowing the future, but unable to get people to believe what I see.

Good luck with that bun in the oven! We're working on our own, wish us luck! :)

Yay! Congrats - that itsy bitsy little bun burns a lot of energy phew lol. Yup....people believe what they want to believe despite all evidence - or even fine print - to the contrary.

Yeah I definitely agree. Those who are able to sell something using lies -- well, they've proven that they can lie, and nefarious agencies then start the hiring process. Would that we could bring those nefarious agencies to justice; alas, better to avoid lies and liars as much as possible, because evil will always exist in this world. When it gets too close, do something about it. Otherwise, it's somewhat tempting fate. Not to put too fine a point on it, those nefarious agencies will continue to spring up, so, knowing them and avoiding them is probably the prudent course of action.

Striking them in their heart is the best course of action. Difficult, though, for those with families...

Your perspertive is quite impressive

World is nowadays driven by get rich fast scheme. People don't realise that they are becoming slaves of paper and things. By my humble opinion you can't push sale, you can but for very short term. Ideas and quality are rare, they still exist but young people don't have means to realise them. Give me, give me, give me, idea will give up eventually.

The whole lot of it is summed up pretty well in these four little words!

Man oh man... if I had a dollar for every time this thought had crossed my mind I would have joined Steemit as a Whale! :-)

The consumption for consumption's sake that is implied to be a "western world" creation is sadly spreading around the world. I often wonder how we possibly mine/manufacture the amount of materials needed to make all this stuff "we just have to have", and how much more the good Earth can keep giving at this rate.

I think this is why we are starting to see a new return to nature movement building behind the veil of society, downsizing, tiny homes, off grid living, etc. I am happy to see that movement taking shape. It gives me hope for a good future for my son.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with us.

Ugh! Yes. And that needless junk comes with needless packaging, which is a whole other level of wastefulness.

I just had a baby and wow to the amount of useless things geared to new moms...

Nothing wrong with having high standards, my friend. If you appreciate quality, check out my latest post.