RE: The Extended Guide To Quantum Immortality That You Didn't Know You Needed

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The Extended Guide To Quantum Immortality That You Didn't Know You Needed

in quantum-mechanics •  5 years ago 

Bwa ha ha ha.. this cracked me up:

wrong timeline.

xD Good one!


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I'm glad that you've found this little Easter Egg to your amusement! Out of all the posts I could import to a short Kindle ebook, it was this one you've found!~

I was in fact looking for this particular one.
I had to verify if what I remember to be true still holds true in this one.. and then I see this pun and it cracked me up. xD

Thanks for the experience, it's quite.. impossible to ask for these. :D
This seriously made my day! ^^


This was one of my more epic posts, and while the joke is fun, you wanted to revisit it right? Drop your email, and I'll send it to you c; while it does exist somewhere on the blockchain, I'm not a wizard xD

💛 Stay blessed,

No, no worries, all is good, the joke itself did the trick for me. :)
I wanted to verify if I remembered correctly that it was you - fellow reality traveler. ;)

Reality shifting is fun c: Your memory serves you correct on this timeline!~