QUANTUM THEORY for PS3 Video Game .steemCreated with Sketch.

in quantum-theory •  2 years ago 

We are down it's not over yet next we still gotta get out in science quantum theory is all about how matter and energy behave on atomic and subatomic levels it takes into account all kinds


of abstract mathematical formulations voodoo it's pretty complicated stuff in videogames though quantum theory is a lot simpler in fact you can understand quantum theory simply by hearing its

layman's term gears of Bohr of course it's not entirely fair to just write off Technos quantum theory in such harsh terms but it's not entirely unfair either from its gameplay

mechanics to its controls to its Gravel throated protagonist it's abundantly clear that quantum theory wants to be Gears of War only it isn't Gears of War and it doesn't take an understanding of

quantum physics to see why I want to keep the more I can see for me the big problem with quantum theory is that it's like the Tin Man it's got no hot in working through a checklist of

things to copy from Gears of War the game just fails to make an impression of its own now not every game has to be built from groundbreaking originality but it'd be nice if quantum theory at

least gave the established its own spin its own flavor its own something instead Tecmo seems can tend to just recite a poem we've already heard like

a million times and what's worse they even screw up some of the stanzas any soldier affected by the diablos this goes nuts quantum theory is a third-person shooter based on stopping and

popping it's all about finding cover shooting from safe spots and working your way through increasing hordes of enemies skunk it's a template you should be familiar with because it's a

template that's been copied about once a week thanks to Gears of War only it's a lot less fun in quantum theory and that's because simply puts the battles are boring you see your enemies don't

exactly go out of their way to make things interesting in quantum theory they either run straight at you or they peek out from their cover and return fire and a predictable almost pattern

like fashion and because there are so few enemy types and actually starts to feel like you're just shooting clothes idiot clones two clones without much brain obviously the molecular structure

of their brain tissue has broken down from repeated cloning so may science heed the warnings that Mother Nature provides another big problem is control quantum theory handles about as well as

a car with a broken axle your beefy lead character is as clunky as he is uninteresting and even simple actions like leaving a place of cover or jumping over debris seem to require

three more steps than they should it's just awkward to play obviously there are plenty of problems with quantum theory but that's not to say the game is a total waste of time either as

derivative and soulless as it is popping head shots from the safety of cover will always be an inherently rewarding mechanic provided in this case you can deal with clunky movement

outdated graphics generic art and a terrible story now is that harsh maybe but there are a lot of great games out there worthy of your $60 they're actually making statements of their own

quantum theory on the other hand is just copying answers from its classmates and even worse it's filling in the wrong bubbles.

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