Does Biology have Quantum Attributes? What is going on with the Solar Flares of the sun? Does it's light affect biology?

in quantum •  2 years ago  (edited)

Does your biology have Quantum Attributes?
Does consciousness rule the energy of the body?
Full expectation activating the template?
Can cellular regeneration occur from within to clean out that which does not belong there?
Does this not happen in all molecular structures?
A renewal system along with a cleansing system? You decide by observing what you already know!
How do you suppose remission happens?
Placebo effect?
If you name it does it allow people to stop pondering it?
If it IS the Placebo effect. . .human consciousness through the Expectation of results?
So consciousness ruling the body?
Full and complete expectation ruling the template?
Is Quantum biology real then?
Does the molecule of DNA as well as other molecules have quantum attributes as well as 3D attributes?
Why is this controversial?
If Quantum belongs to physics, how does it not belong to biology when our chemistry depends on the spin of the electrons on around the atoms that come together to create the chemistry of life?

Why are scientists studying it and why have the discovered that
some Quantum Energy changes DNA in some interesting ways and they don't know why?
Do they not know WHAT?
When Quantum Energies are applied to chemistry there are many reactions?
Is it true they don't know why?
When exposed correctly does the Quantum start to show itself even in biological processes?

What is Innate?
Is it in total control of certain functions?
The smart body intelligence that has no source you can call a source?
Innate not a brain, but rather something else.
The rememberer is in the brain.
Do you have experiences that help you survive from moment to moment.
Do things which involve your imagination come from the pineal gland [third eye]?
Does whatever goes beyond that involve the triad that involves the heart?
Is it not true that some of the things scientists try to give the brain credit for, the heart is actually doing it?

Is the Hebrew for "to ride" Merkaba?
The multi dimensional field created by trillions and trillions of dna moclecules?
Are the dna molecules identical all through the body?
Unique to each individual and identical?
Do they create a field around the body that is multi dimensional?
Is this field always known be the spiritual ~the Merkaba the innate?
As dna cannot be taken apart as one thing or another is the Merkaba and innate what it is collectively?
Is it the field around you that will decide when you die and give up the ghost?
So not the brain, but rather the energy field around you?

Do those involved in the medical industry know that there is something else going on in the body akin to "death intelligence?"
Does it intune that there is only suffering up ahead when certain function give out, and rather go through the hopelessness, just decide to shut off to forgo the suffering? Would this then be the innate?

Is the imagination

Is there a suspicion in the medical industry that within certain molecules there are things which one should be able to see, but they are not able to see them?
Are not the results of them seen within Quantum Experiments, but one cannot see them through on electron microscope?
So in other words, they should exist to create the result of the experiment and they Don't?
Do they seem invisible to the human eyes people are used to viewing through?
Is this because they are Not Invisible, but rather multidimensional?
Have many not already suspected this?
Are you not after all more than a body?
Are you not a soul?
Where then does this soul exist?
Not only in 3D otherwise those you claim who left this realm before you would not go on to be in another realm many call heaven would they?
So is there a soul or not?
If so, what dimensions does it have access to?

Is the template in the human body which exists in many molecules including DNA is only visible, if it is exposed by a multidimensional force?

Is the suspected energy in certain molecules showing itself when you expose that molecule to other Quantum Energies?

When you start to see it does it have clustered patterns that you weren't able to see in 3D biology?

When certain experiments are done, does it show itself for a moment then stop?
Have some used magnetics to expose it?

Do you take the mixture, put certain magnetic fields with it
take a look at it the best you can in this 3D realm with electronic microscopes
look for what you suspected was there and perhaps see a piece of it?

How long have you known about magnetics?
Are there designer magnetics?
Are magnetic forces designed and purposely placed?
Is THAT when you see things happen ~ using these forces and not simply just with a magnet?

Does magnetism qualify as a multidimensional force?
Does it reveal these special attributes on the Quantum level?

Is this template in everything?
Now WHO created the template? You know who deep down, if you go within and connect.

Is then, spontaneous remission the template being activated in certain cases by the human being's consciousness either by their own survival, fear or divine intervention?

Who out there has actually seen it over and over before?
Who do you know that went into remission?

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One might ask does physics apply to Everything?

physics involves the study of everything in physical existence, from the smallest subatomic particles to the entire universe.

From the National Institutes of Health

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The phenomena of living cells do not violate the laws of physics, including the second law of thermodynamics.

From 2007 on OSTI [the primary search tool for Department of Energy science, technology, and engineering]

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Note where it states in this research docu from OSTI the following;

It is frequently said that any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable from magic. Modern
science stands at the beginning of what might seem by
today’s standards to be an almost magical leap forward
in our understanding and control of matter, energy, and
information at the molecular and atomic levels.
Atoms—and the molecules they form through the
sharing or exchanging of electrons—are the building
blocks of the biological and non-biological materials
that make up the world around us. In the 20th century,
scientists continually improved their ability to observe
and understand the interactions among atoms and
molecules that determine material properties and
processes. Now, scientists are positioned to begin directing those interactions and controlling the outcomes
on a molecule-by-molecule and atom-by-atom basis, or
even at the level of electrons. Long the staple of science-fiction novels and films, the ability to direct and
control matter at the quantum, atomic, and molecular
levels creates enormous opportunities across a wide
spectrum of critical technologies. This ability will help
us meet some of humanity’s greatest needs, including
the need for abundant, clean, and cheap energy. However, generating, storing, and distributing adequate and
sustainable energy to the nation and the world will require a sea change in our ability to control matter and

One of the most spectacular technological advances
in the 20th century took place in the field of information, as computers and microchips became ubiquitous
in our society. Vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors and, in accordance with Moore’s Law (named
for Intel co-founder Gordon Moore), the number of
transistors on a microchip has doubled approximately
every two years for the past two decades. However, if
the time comes when integrated circuits can be fabricated at the molecular or nanoscale level, the limits of
Moore’s Law will be far surpassed.

For the future, imagine a clean, cheap, and virtually
unlimited supply of electrical power from solar-energy
systems modeled on the photosynthetic processes utilized by green plants, and power lines that could transmit this electricity from the deserts of the Southwest
to the Eastern Seaboard at nearly 100-percent efficiency. Imagine information and communications systems based on light rather than electrons that could
predict when and where hurricanes make landfall,
along with self-repairing materials that could survive
those hurricanes. Imagine synthetic materials fully
compatible and able to communicate with biological
materials. This is speculative to be sure, but not so very
far beyond the scope of possibilities.

Acquiring the ability to direct and control matter all
the way down to molecular, atomic, and electronic levels will require fundamental new knowledge in several
critical areas. This report was commissioned to define
those knowledge areas and the opportunities that lie
beyond. Five interconnected Grand Challenges that
will pave the way to a science of control are identified
in the regime of science roughly defined by the Basic
Energy Science portfolio, and recommendations are
presented for what must be done to meet them.

• How do we control material processes at the level
of electrons?
Electrons are the negatively charged subatomic
particles whose dynamics determine materials
properties and direct chemical, electrical, magnetic, and physical processes. If we can learn to
direct and control material processes at the level
of electrons, where the strange laws of quantum
mechanics rule, it should pave the way for artificial photosynthesis and other highly efficient energy technologies, and could revolutionize
computer technologies.

See more in here,

From the Royal Institute

An Introduction to Quantum Biology - with Philip Ball

Is Quantum Biology actually quite old?
Beginning in our own time frame on the time construct in 1932 with Neils Bohr?
The Danish Physicists when he gave a talk at the International Congress on Light Therapy in Copenhagen where Bohr's title was Light and Life!

He had recently helped formulate the new theory on Quantum Mechanics.
In the audience was a young German theoretical physicist named Max Delbruch.

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Bohr had alluded to a kind of missing trait in his discussion.
Delbruch felt it could be found by studying the chemical and physical nature of genetics.

He felt that in study genetics, he might uncover a new principle of physics.

Nothing was known then of the origin of genetics.

In 1937 Delbruch went to America where he began to study the genetic makeup of bacterial viruses since they were a very simple form of life.

His work on how viruses replicate, eventually won him a Nobel Prize.

Delbruch established the idea of genetics as an Information Science.

What is a Flux Transfer Event?

Connections that occur between the sun and the earth?
Brief and bursting? [Boom, Boom, Boom?]

David Sibeck is the THEMIS project scientist and also serves as the mission scientist for the Living With a Star Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission. His research focuses on the outer boundary of the Earth's magnetic field, and its interaction with the solar wind.

David Sibeck an astrophysicist at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland and active in Heliophysics science outreach activities, supporting events at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in DC, the Mary land Science Center, the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival, and NASA's Explorer School program. He is the author or co-author of over 190 scientific articles on Sun-Solar System Connection Physics.

See more of Sibeck's bio here,

Prior to joining NASA in 2002, he worked at the nearby Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory from 1985-2002. He received the American Geophysical Union's Macelwane medal in 1992 and is a fellow of that organization. He is an associate editor for Geophysical Research Letters, an associate editor for Advances in Space Research, a corresponding editor for EOS, and Campaign Coordinator for the National Science Foundation's Global Interaction campaign. When time permits, he can be found in his garden, trimming and harvesting unusual fruit trees.

Sibeck has stated that, "physical symptoms due to solar activity. . ." He speaks about a physical interchange and experience.

Does this explains why those of us who are awake and aware humans and are sensitive to energy fluctuations experience headaches, anxiety, restlessness and increased inspiration during peak periods of solar activity?

Is this truly the physical interchange and experience?

Do we feel solar events when they happen on the sun even if the solar event is not directed at the earth?

Is this part of consciousness growth and an ascension path as the sun appears to be a master teacher and influencer of the light both within our physical and non-physical solar system [as you are first and foremost a Soul being]?

How about your own energy field spoken about earlier in this article?

Does the Soul [Sol] support and feed all with an energy field that is always evolving and generating light codes?

Were those not aware meant to know this or do the nefarious try to keep it hidden?
Why do they spray the skies?

If you are linked in with the sun, are you also constantly embodying and evolving a greater capacity to transmit and emit the light?

The right energies to absorb that particular light frequencies?

Does molecular biology depend upon Quantum Physics then?

Does Quantum Mechanics produce effects that defy every day intuition?

Cannot particles behave like waves?
Can they not be in two places and two states at the same time?

Do you not have an outward personna with a dialogue going on to others while there is an inward dialogue going on inside your head?

Attempts to alter tunneling rates by using isotopes which end up with a different mass perhaps?

Think hydrogen with one proton, then what happens to it's isotopes?

So they differ in the number of neutrons, but are chemically identical?

So once again all that is changed is the mass, and therefore; the tunneling rate?

Check out this EMP Ring seen over Italy bacon 3.27.2023
Rare Event?
Today is 4.13.2023

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Rare HUGE EMP ring detected above earth!

During the storms with Tornados mentioned in the above vid, I wrote a declaration this year and sent angel armies to keep people, homes and trees safe as we have encountered so much damage from past storms and tornadoes.
Thank God, we weathered the storm this year with no more damage to fruit trees and other trees!

More sources for the Red Ring,

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He reads an article that came out of Space Weather

But one person, nature photographer Valter Binotto(opens in new tab), managed to capture a shot of the luminous halo in the sky above the town of Possagno in northern Italy on March 27. However, the red ring was not actually located above the town. Instead, the massive circle, which was around 224 miles (360 kilometers) in diameter, blinked above central Italy and part of the Adriatic Sea. It was only a forced perspective that made the ring look as if it were hanging above the town.

The ring flash is known as an "emission of light and very low-frequency perturbations due to electromagnetic pulse sources," or ELVE for short, according to in new tab). ELVEs are a rare type of stratospheric/mesospheric perturbation resulting from intense thunderstorm electrification (SPRITE(opens in new tab)). The red rings are created when electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) given off by lightning hit Earth's ionosphere, the ionized part of the upper atmosphere that stretches between 50 and 400 miles (80 and 644 km) above the ground.

Due to their short-lived nature, ELVEs are normally visible only to satellites orbiting Earth and were discovered just in 1990 thanks to cameras onboard NASA's space shuttles. Binotto's new image is likely "the best ever picture of one from the ground," according to

Binotto believes that the ELVE was produced by an EMP generated from a large thunderstorm near Ancona, a city around 174 miles (280 km) southeast of Possagno. Normally, lightning bolts do not emit EMPs because they do not carry enough current. But during this storm, an unusually powerful bolt, at least 10 times more powerful than regular lightning bolts, likely generated the electrical shockwave, which then hit the ionosphere, according to When electrons from within the EMP hit the ionosphere, the charged particles excite nitrogen atoms which then give off the reddish glow.

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What was seen over New Zealand from the International Space Station?

Objects spotted in the day and night time sky?
Orbs out of #NewMexico

Fire in Panhandle of Texas?
Toxic smoke and evacuations in Indiana?

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Halos seen in the sky by people Looking Up? Lifting up their heads?

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From PowerOutage.US power outages in Texas and California neither appearing to be weather related?

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Close up view of seismograph in the middle of Yellowstone Lake [in the middle of the super volcano area]

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Check out the red lines which indicate earthquake activity.

Check out the balloons in southern Arizona.

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If you click on these balloons through flight radar. . .no info except registered to the U.S. and have been maintaining the same general location for the last few days.

From a screen shot you can see there was a plane circling underneath this balloon in the far eastern quadrant.

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The blue line is the path of an F-16.

As reported on CBS News,

The recycling plant that caught on fire and sending a giant plume of smoke filled from floor to ceiling with plastic?
Why wasn't it reported as a fire risk? What's going on?

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There was an access point situation in fire fighters having trouble being able to get in and extinguish this fire as stated by the Fire Marshall.

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Fire Marshall said he expects it to burn for a few more days.

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There's only one way into that site and the roads there leading to it were full of plastic storage making it impossible for the fire trucks to get access back into the property.

So is recycling and green really helping or is it hindering and damaging at times? You decide!

What needs to change in order to make "Green initiatives" safer?

They had to spend a day using bull dozers to push debris and all obstacles out of the way in order to give the fire fighters access to put the fire out.

They worked through the night and are still working.

The EPA and Health Dept. are currently doing air monitoring.

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According to Yahoo News,
Industrial fire in Indiana forces thousands of evacuations: Here's everything we know
A massive blaze at a recycling facility in Richmond, Ind., sent a giant plume of toxic smoke billowing into the air, sparking fears of toxic exposure.

The article states,

A massive industrial fire at a recycling facility in eastern Indiana sent a giant plume of toxic smoke billowing into the air on Tuesday, forcing evacuation orders for more than 2,000 people. Officials say they expect it to burn for days.

Fire crews responded to reports of black smoke rising from the former factory in Richmond, a city of about 35,000 located roughly 70 miles east of Indianapolis. When they arrived, they found a semitrailer behind one of the plant’s buildings filled with plastics and engulfed in flames.

The fire had spread to piles of plastics around the trailer and eventually to the other buildings, Richmond Mayor Dave Snow said at a news conference on Tuesday evening.

There were no reports of serious injuries or fatalities.

The cause of the fire wasn’t immediately known, but Indiana State Fire Marshal Steve Jones said that smoke rising from the site was “definitely toxic.”

“There [are] a host of different chemicals that plastics give off when they’re on fire, and it’s concerning,” Jones said at the press briefing.

A massive industrial fire at a recycling facility in eastern Indiana sent a giant plume of toxic smoke billowing into the air on Tuesday, forcing evacuation orders for more than 2,000 people. Officials say they expect it to burn for days.

Here’s what we know so far.

How it unfolded
Smoke billows from the site of an industrial fire in Richmond, Ind., on Wednesday
Smoke billows from the site of an industrial fire in Richmond, Ind., on Wednesday. (Michael Conroy/AP)
Fire crews responded to reports of black smoke rising from the former factory in Richmond, a city of about 35,000 located roughly 70 miles east of Indianapolis. When they arrived, they found a semitrailer behind one of the plant’s buildings filled with plastics and engulfed in flames.

The fire had spread to piles of plastics around the trailer and eventually to the other buildings, Richmond Mayor Dave Snow said at a news conference on Tuesday evening.

There were no reports of serious injuries or fatalities.

The cause of the fire wasn’t immediately known, but Indiana State Fire Marshal Steve Jones said that smoke rising from the site was “definitely toxic.”

“There [are] a host of different chemicals that plastics give off when they’re on fire, and it’s concerning,” Jones said at the press briefing.

Massive smoke plume
Thick black smoke rises from an industrial fire in Richmond, Ind.
An aerial view of the industrial fire in Richmond, Ind. (Kevin Shook Global Media Enterprise via Storyful)
Yahoo News partner USA Today reported that the clouds of black smoke were so high, they were visible on satellite radar.

“It is unknown what chemicals may or may not be in the debris,” the Wayne County Emergency Management Agency said in a statement.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Indiana Department of Environmental Management were also on-site “evaluating any potential hazards resulting from the fire,” Snow said.

“We know there are toxic entities when you burn plastics and other types of materials like this,” Snow said. “To what degree, that is what the EPA and IDEM are trying to evaluate now.”

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The fire occurred at a former factory site that was being used to store plastics and other materials for recycling or resale, according to the Associated Press.

And the mayor said that the owners of the property had been ordered to clean it up.

“They were under a city order to clean up and remediate that site,” Snow told AP. “We knew that was a fire hazard the way they were storing materials.”

Richmond Fire Chief Tim Brown said that the site owners had been cited multiple times and that six buildings on the property were full of plastic from “floor to ceiling, wall to wall.”

“It wasn’t if, it’s just when,” Brown said, according to WHIO-TV in nearby Dayton, Ohio.

At a press conference on Wednesday morning, Snow said that the owners will be responsible for any damages from the fire.

The towering smoke plume in another small Midwestern suburb quickly drew comparisons to the inferno sparked by the Feb. 3 derailment of a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio. The derailment — followed by a controlled burn by authorities to avoid an explosion — created a fiery explosion that burned for days and forced residents to evacuate their homes.

The burning of some chemicals in the aftermath of the disaster — a decision made by authorities to avoid an explosion — is also complicating an already fraught situation that has sparked fears of potential health impact beyond eastern Ohio.

Five toxic chemicals were later identified around the derailment site, including vinyl chloride, butyl acrylate and isobutylene, NBC News reported — raising major health concerns about long-term exposure and contamination.

And despite repeated assurances from state officials who said it was safe for residents to return to their homes, many locals continued to report rashes, headaches and difficulty breathing, as well as an odd smell in the air.

#Quantum, #SolarFlares, #Biology, #QuantumPhysics, #EMPRING, #RedRing, #Anomalies, #Tornadoes, #Storms, #UAP, #UnidentifiedArialPhenomena, #EMP

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