Science is more of Religion - THen COncrete- We Are Quantum Super Beings!

in quantum •  6 years ago  (edited)

eh lot of ur science is more a religion then many of u yet realise..... i dont need 2 go 2 a school 2 learn outdated shit..... most earth schools are moreso brainwashing intutitions anyways fuck those degreees.. even elon musk siad that i dont give a fuck about ur degree lmao!

quantum physics pepole know dis....

course we barely even tapping into the quantum realm. we literally shape and change our entire universe every moment by how we view it 100% explains how miracles are real
magic is 100 real%
anything u can imagine has always exist%
anything u can imagine u can create%
any universe or reality u can imagine u can shift or teleport to%

science has always been effected by whoever is doing the experiment alot of sciencists won't admit it but unless u agree a experiment will go a certain way. it literally won't
the double slit light photo experiment 100% proves this.

Thing is even matter is multi-dimensional and u can change the matter u experiance.
Sub-atomic particles aren't disappearing per say and repapparing there going back and forth between paralell realites.
it's how we experiance motion!
if things didn't change or we go 2 differen picture frames everything would literally never move and it'd be like well nothing could do anything i couldn't even write this.
time stopping is 100 real%
cause we all are in a our own bubble realities shared with the collective unvierse/multi-verse.
so 100% u can stop time around u for whatever duration you want.
like when those ppl did dmt and the outside world frooze well yea u can fucking do that anytime u want!
all fantasy /ficitional storis & realms are 100% real!
any video game world u can 100% experaince or create. as real as here if not even more real per say.
time travel is 100% real we time travel 100% of the time. i personally have already epxerianced a over 15 minute jump.
other parts of ourselves travel forward or backward in what we perceive 2 be time.
however from a higher perspectives all realities exist now all time exists now. so -20,000 bc earth is happeniing right now. year 1 million years from now earth is happeing right now.

is funny back when i watched this movie as a teenager i knew in my heart and soul this was 100% real it was one of the most amasing movies i had and still have ever seen on earth!
was also funny is the movie is a real reality! u can experaince cause ur that fucking dope!

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

LOL @ clock stoppers LOL that 2002 imac laptop omg LOL those old mopvie trailers just showing the whole freakin movie Lol Nickelodean lol

@emerald-serpent will like you lol

dude lol you are posts is funny, got you a @tytran upvote

yea i mean the movie is abit dated now 4 the reality spectrum we are in but i know u believed all things where possible when u where real little b4 u got brainwashed. lol but eh oh well thanks 4 the upvote